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{{IsPartOf|Central Asia|Eastern Europe|North Sea|Baltic|Black Sea}}
{{TOC block}}
{{infobox country
{| class="infobox bordered" style="width: 25em; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;"
| lat= 57.32652
| lon=92.46094
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size: large;" | '''Lithuania'''
| zoom= 3
| image=Russia-CIA_WFB_Map.png
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:Lithuaniamap.jpg|250px| ]]<br>Lithuania
| imagewidth=
| flag=rs-lgflag.gif
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:LithuaniaFlag.jpg|100px| ]]<br>Flag
| capital=Moscow
| language=Russian
! Capital:
| currency=Rouble (RUB)
| timezone=UTC+2 to UTC+12 (no DST observed)
| dsttimezone=
! Language:
| code= +7
|The language of Lithuania is, unsurprisingly, Lithuanian which is very closely related to Latvian. These two languages belong to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European language group. A third language belonging to the same group, Prussian, died out during the 18th century. Lithuanian, although sometimes mistaken for a Slavic language, is not part of that group of languages. Russian is widely (but not enthusiastically) spoken, particularly amongst those who grew up during the Soviet era. English is however now the favoured second language.
| notes=
| news=
! Currency:
|Legal tender in Lithuania is the Litas (abr. LTL). It is pegged at a fast rate of 3.4528  to the Euro. Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, open from 08:00 to 17:00, or 18:00 in some cases. ATM:s are available in Klaipeda but otherwise are not a common sight.
| colspan="2" style="font-size: 2" | More notes about the country
'''General Description of Lithuania'''
Lithuania is landlocked on three sides with only its western border formed by the Baltic Sea. This border, stretching only118km, gives access to Lithuania’s sole port and maritime border control station at Klaipèda. The most notable feature of Lithuania’s sandy coast line is the Curonian Spit, an 80 km long wooded sand spit which stretches northwards from the Russian town of Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad enclave. Within the sheltering arm of the Spit lies the Curonian Lagoon. Separated from the city of Klaipèda by only a narrow channel, which forms the entrance to the lagoon, the northern half of the Spit and lagoon is Lithuanian territory whilst the southern section belongs to Russia. The border is clearly delineated by a set of small yellow buoys stretching across the lagoon 200 metres north of the actual border and, on land, by a series of clearly marked stakes placed in a tree-free corridor. In 2000 the Curonian Spit was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site as an object of cultural landscape.
'''Russia''' has two Baltic coasts; one is the Kaliningrad enclave and the other is to be found at the head of the Gulf of Finland in the St. Petersburg area
The population of Lithuania is approximately 3,765,000 and the area of the country some 65,000 sq. km.
; The Russian Hydrographic Service produces excellent charts.
; British Admiralty charts covering the Russian Baltic coasts are listed below:
:; Kaliningrad area:
:: BA259 - The Baltic Sea
:: BA2278 - Baltiysk and Kaliningrad
:: BA2816 - The Baltic Sea, Southern Sheet
:: The Kalingrad enclave is covered by Admiralty Sailing Directions No. 19
{{hold horizontal}}
Lithuania, like its neighbouring Baltic countries, has been fought over for centuries. The struggle between Prussia, Russia and Sweden to exert control over the Baltic Sea area has resulted in many changes in the borders of the countries in that area.
:; St. Petersburg Area:
:: BA259 - The Baltic Sea
:: BA2241 - Entrance to the Gulf of Finland
:: BA2817 - The Baltic Sea, Northern Sheet and Gulf of Finland
:: BA2248 - Gulf of Finland, Western Part
:: BA2264 - Gulf of Finland, Eastern Part
: BA2395 - St. Petersburg and approaches
:: The Gulf of Finland is covered by Admiralty Sailing Directions No. 20
Following early Viking conquests, German influence over the area known as Lithuania Minor, i.e. the coastal areas of Prussia eastwards through Köningsburg (present day Kaliningrad) and the Curonian Spit and onwards to Riga was established.  In 1252 the Bishop of Kuršas signed an agreement with the Livonian order. Teutonic Knights initiated the building of Memelburg castle at the Danè river estuary. Soon thereafter, Klaipeda was admitted to the Hanseatic League, Europe’s most powerful trading association.
:; Black Sea area
:: ''See [[Black Sea#Charts|Black Sea]]''
In the following century the Curonian Spit and Klaipèda were transferred to the German Order of Prussia, later to be incorporated in the Prussian Duchy.  
* The Russian portal for the Integrated Ocean Surveillance System ([ ЕСИМО]) provides some [ marine forecasts] for the surrounding areas as well as the [ current seas state] (all insformation in Russian only).
The Middle Ages in Europe was the period of enlightenment and reformation. Lithuania did not avoid this and during the Reformation in Prussia, in 1525, the Lithuanian Protestant Church was established. .
===Baltic area===
Kaliningrad's climate reflects its geographical position and can be deemed to be between maritime and continental i.e. wettish, with  moderate winters and summers.
As Sweden, a powerful 17th Century state on the opposite side of the Baltic Sea expanded its European empire Lithuania Minor witnessed many of the struggles between Sweden and Prussia-Brandenburg. Fortunately, wars come to an end as did the warring between Sweden and Prussia-Brandenburg but Lithuania Minor’s troubles did not end there. The following, 18th century was a period of enlightenment but also of darkness as the bubonic plague, known as The Black Death, ravaged Europe between 1709 and 1711. Half the population of Klaipèda and its environs lost their lives to the plague. The King of Prussia, Frederich Wilhelm I, sought to revive the economy of his devastated lands and encouraged settlers from Salzburg to settle in the area. As a result, a language division arose between German speakers and Lithuanian speakers.
Ice in the Baltic can be a hinder to shipping although the southern Baltic has been ice free this past 15 or so winters.  
Still reeling from the ravages of the plague, other misfortunes assailed Lithuania Minor as the Prussians retreated from Klaipèda castle during the Seven Year War with Russia. Lithuania Minor found itself under Russian military rule.
Weather information for the Baltic is readily available from Danish, German, Finnish and Swedish meteorological offices.
* [ The Swedish Shipping Forecast is available here]
* [ The Danish Meteorological Institute has a good forecasting site]
The latter part of the 18th century was an enlightened period. Trade bloomed and the port of Klaipèda became increasingly important. Lithuania Minor even surpassed Lithuania Major in terms of education and published periodicals. Klaipèda’s importance grew as in 1807 it, once again under Prussian rule, became the royal residence of the King of Prussia, Fredrich Wilhelm III and Queen Luise due to Napoleon Bonaparte’s occupation of other parts of their kingdom.
Yachts navigating in the Baltic area will find fitting a receiver for weather forecasts via radioteletype (RTTY) from the German National Weather Agency (DWD) a great advantage.
After the defeat of Napoleon, the English way of life started exerting its influence upon the burgers of Klaipèda. English was widely spoken and the British way of life imitated. A considerable number of English and Scottish merchants settled in the port city of Klaipèda bringing increased prosperity to the area. This was enhanced by the Royal Navy’s need for timber during the period of the American War of Independence when large quantities were shipped from Klaipèda to Britain. Conditions in Klaipèda improved further during the Crimean War (1853-6) when, all Russian ports in the Baltic being subject to the Royal Navy’s blockade had been closed after the Battle of Copenhagen, all Russian exports and imports went through Klaipèda.  
{{Green|List popular passages/routes, timing, etc.}}
The map of Europe was again redrawn at the end of hostilities in 1918 and the following year the Klaipèda region was separated from Germany and placed under the control of the Entente States. Present day Lithuania became a homogeneous state following the 1923 uprising when, on 10th January; one and a half thousand Lithuanian soldiers marched into the Klaipèda region. Officially, as of 8th May 1924, with the signing of the Convention of the Klaipèda Region in Paris, French rule ended and Klaipèda joined the Republic of Lithuania which than became a coastal state.
{{Green|Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.}}
For 17 years Lithuania struggled to integrate the Klaipèda region into the Republic but efforts were hampered by language barriers as well as the political aims of Germany. Lithuania’s aims were completely thwarted on 23rd March 1939 when the tolling of church bells announced the cession of Klaipèda to the Third Reich in accordance with an agreement signed between Lithuania and Germany the previous evening. Adlof Hitler, certain of the outcome of the agreement had previously embarked on the ''Deutschland'', stepped ashore in Klaipèda the same morning to an enthusiastic welcome.
''Also see [[HF_Radio|Cruiser's Nets]]''
As the Second World War drew to a close and the outcome became increasingly apparent, Klaipèda felt the dangers of the approaching Soviet army and Germany began the evacuation of its citizens. Klaipèda fell to the Red Army on 28th January 1945 by which time the city was in complete ruin.  
{{GreenText|Any navigation notes here. If this section does not apply remove it.}}
Once overrun by the advancing Soviet Army, the city of Klaipèda as well as the rest of Lithuania remained fettered to the Soviet Union until 1990 when the then Soviet Republic of Lithuania regained its complete freedom. The Lithuanian Constitution was adopted in a referendum in 1992. Power in the country is shared between the President, who is elected with a mandate period of five years, Parliament (the Seimas) consisting of 141 members who are elected every fourth year, the government and the courts.
Today, Lithuania’s attentions are directed towards unification with Europe. Since independence from the Soviet Union in 1990 the Republic of Lithuania has become a full member in the European Union and NATO and is looking forward to being fully accepted in the group of Schengen States next year (Jan. 2008) when Lithuania’s borders to other Schengen countries will be completely opened.
==Customs and Immigration==
'''Other useful information'''
'''Date andTime''' 
====Fees and Charges====
Time zone GMT +2 hrs; summer time, GMT + 3 hrs. The form of writing dates in Lithuania follows the Scandinavian format, i.e. yyyy-mm-dd
'''Shopping hours'''
Shop opening hours vary, but in general stores are open between 10:00 and 19:00 weekdays and 10:00 to 15:00 Saturdays. Some stores open on Sundays and grocery outlets are generally open until 22:00
'''Electrical supply'''
===Health and Security===
The Lithuanian grid supplies electricity at 220v/50Hz. Plugs are of the standard western European type, i.e. those in use in Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands etc.
{{GreenText|Submit any health warnings/information. Remove any of these sections do not apply to this particular country.}}
Power in the country is generated at the nuclear power plant in Ignalina. This plant, equipped with the same type of reactor as the ill-fated Tjernobyl nuclear power plant, is to be closed down in 2009: this being one of the conditions of entry into the EU imposed upon Lithuania. The three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, have agreed to build a new nuclear power plant to meet their combined needs. This plant is also to be built in Lithuania and is due to be on-line in 2015. In the mean time, Ignalina is still merrily pumping out the power. In all fairness, it must be pointed out that western safety technology has been built into Ingalina resulting in claims that it is safer than Tjernobyl ever was.
{{dest legend |e|h|m|a|d}}
'''Public toilets'''
{| class="nicetable"
Public lavatories are thin on the ground in Lithuania but there are customer toilets in larger department stores, restaurants and cafés. Beware of the signage though! Ladies toilets are marked with the letter “M” or a “▲” symbol. Gentlemen’s lavatories are marked either with the letter “V” or a “▼” symbol. NB “M” does not mean MEN!
|- class="niceheader"
|  [[Baltic]]  || [[Black Sea]]
| id="Baltic"|
{{dest| P1  |label= {{Magenta|Baltic port1}} |d}}
{{dest| P2  |label= {{Magenta|Baltic port2}} |d}}
| id="Black Sea"|
The International Dialing Code for Lithuania is +370
{{dest| Rostov-on-Don |h|d}}
{{dest| Gelincik |h|a}}
{{dest| Novorossiysk |e|h}}
{{dest| Sochi |e|h|m}}
{{dest| Tuapse |e|h}}
Useful phone numbers are:
{{GreenText|List transportation to other countries, etc.}}
Emergency services 112
==Other Information==
Telephone information 118
====Date and Time==== 
* Timezone: Moscow Time (MSK) is UTC+3 (no DST)
Card operated public telephones are available. Cards can be bought at kiosks, post offices and supermarkets.
====Shopping Hours====
The Lithuanian mobile phone net permits roaming. Alternately, pre-paid cards can be purchased which is a cheaper alternative for making local calls.
====Electrical supply====
* The Russian grid supplies electricity at 240v/50Hz (albeit many sockets installed are still rated as 220v/50Hz). Recently installed sockets are of the standard European Schuko type, i.e. those in use in Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands etc. While there are still quite a number of sockets of an older type which accept 4.0 mm (instead of 4.8 mm) diameter pin plug, rated to  6 A (instead of 16 A) and do not contain an earthing contact.
* The International Dialing Code for Russia is +7
====Amber; word of Warning====
Smokers beware! As of the beginning of 2007, smoking became prohibited in Lithuanian restaurants, cafés, bars and other public places.
Kaliningrad is known for its amber. Amber is much sought after and is used in the making of jewellery. It is simply the fossilized resin from trees. Baltic amber comes from trees which grew in the tropical or sub-tropical conditions which existed in southern Scandinavia about 1 million years ago. Unlike the resin which remained on land, that which was carried by rivers into the Baltic did not decompose but hardened or fossilized. Sometimes, but rarely, the fossilized resin is found to contain an insect.
Lithuania can be reached by sea, air, road and rail.
There are airports at Vilnius, the capital and at Palanga. Palanga airport is the most convenient for those joining or leaving vessels in Klaipèda. There are direct flights to Palanga from Hamburg, Oslo, Billund, Malmö, Stockholm, Göteborg, Kristianstad, Copenhagen, Ronnerby, Berlin and Hanover.
The airport is situated about five kilometres from the centre of Palanga. A transfer buss is available as are taxis.
Ferries abound by which Klaipèda is linked to Kiel and Sassnitz in Germany as well as Karlshamn, Sweden and Aarhus and Aabenraa in Denmark. The ferries are however orientated towards the transport of trucks and so passenger space is limited as is entertainment on board.
''Train and Buss''
It is possible to travel to Klaipèda by rail and there are direct buss routes linking the city with other Lithuanian towns.
'''Amber, a word of warning:'''
Lithuania is known for its amber. Amber is much sought after and is used in the making of jewellery. It is simply the fossilized resin from trees. Baltic amber comes from trees which grew in the tropical or sub-tropical conditions which existed in southern Scandinavia about 1 million years ago. Unlike the resin which remained on land, that which was carried by rivers into the Baltic did not decompose but hardened or fossilized. Sometimes, but rarely, the fossilized resin is found to contain an insect.
Generally thought to be amber-coloured, amber can, in fact, also be blue, black, green, red, violet or opaque. The variations appear to be endless, although most are in fact, amber! Colour variations depend upon the weathering of the amber or the content of iron sulphide or plant residue.  
Generally thought to be amber-coloured, amber can, in fact, also be blue, black, green, red, violet or opaque. The variations appear to be endless, although most are in fact, amber! Colour variations depend upon the weathering of the amber or the content of iron sulphide or plant residue.  
Line 113: Line 146:
Cruisers considering purchasing amber should beware of buying it from a “babushka” wearing Wellington boots and a long woollen coat and sitting on an upturned bucket. Go to a reputable store instead and pay a little more for the real thing.
Cruisers considering purchasing amber should beware of buying it from a “babushka” wearing Wellington boots and a long woollen coat and sitting on an upturned bucket. Go to a reputable store instead and pay a little more for the real thing.
False “amber” is usually made from plastic, glass or sugar. Lick it! If it is sweet, don’t buy it unless your sweet tooth gets the better of you. If it smells like a nylon rope which you have heated in order to avoid putting on a sailmaker's whipping, don’t buy it!  
False “amber” is usually made from plastic, glass or sugar. Lick it! If it is sweet, don’t buy it unless your sweet tooth gets the better of you. If it smells like a nylon rope which you have heated in order to avoid putting on a sail-maker's whipping, don’t buy it!  
Real amber smells like, well, resin. Anyone familiar with a sauna will know the smell and probably will also have seen resin oozing from the sauna’s pinewood walls as it is heated.
Real amber smells like, well, resin. Anyone familiar with a sauna will know the smell and probably will also have seen resin oozing from the sauna’s pinewood walls as it is heated.
Now for the word of warning! Amber can be collected along the sea shore as it is washed up by the action of the waves. There is not a lot of it but you could be lucky and find some. Beware though for mustard gas! “Is this serious?” you may ask. It is '''DEADLY SERIOUS'''. Germany produced and stockpiled mustard gas which was it used as a weapon. Mustard gas, when heated, is a toxic gas which claimed the lives of many soldiers during the First World War. When at temperatures of under 14 degrees Celsius it becomes a yellowish, jelly-like semi-solid and a hard crust forms around it. Tons of mustard gas was dumped in the Baltic where, as long as it remains there, it presents no danger. However, lumps of mustard gas occasionally wash up on the beaches of the Baltic States where they remain on all but warm days and can be mistaken for amber. If this is then picked up and put, for example, into a warm pocket it becomes lethal. Beware! Serious burns and even deaths have resulted from inappropriate handling of mustard gas, If you believe you have come in contact with mustard gas, help and advice can be obtained by contacting the duty officer at the Swedish Coast Guard on +46 455 35 35 00.
Now for the word of warning! Amber can be collected along the sea shore as it is washed up by the action of the waves. There is not a lot of it but you could be lucky and find some. Beware though for mustard gas! “Is this serious?” you may ask. It is '''DEADLY SERIOUS'''. Germany produced and stockpiled mustard gas which it was used as a weapon. Mustard gas, when heated, is a toxic gas which claimed the lives of many soldiers during the First World War. When at temperatures of under 14 degrees Celsius it becomes a yellowish, jelly-like semi-solid and a hard crust forms around it. Tons of mustard gas was dumped in the Baltic where, as long as it remains there, it presents no danger. However, lumps of mustard gas occasionally wash up on the beaches of the Baltic States where they remain on all but warm days and can be mistaken for amber. If this is then picked up and put, for example, into a warm pocket it becomes lethal. Beware! Serious burns and even deaths have resulted from inappropriate handling of mustard gas, If you believe you have come in contact with mustard gas, help and advice can be obtained by contacting the duty officer at the Swedish Coast Guard on +46 455 35 35 00.
===Climate & Weather===
Submit details/contacts of cruiser's "friends" that can be contacted in advance or on arrival - who can offer
information and assistance to our cruising "family".
Lithuania's climate reflects its geographical position and can be deemed to be between maritime and continental i.e.wettish, with moderate winters and summers.
List links to discussion threads on [[Cruising Forums|partnering forums]]. (''see link for requirements'')
* [ Russia Sailing and Cruising Discussions on Cruisers Forum]
Ice in the Baltic can be a hinder to shipping although the southern Baltic has been ice free this past 15 or so winters. The port of Klaipèda is the northernmost Baltic port to remain ice free at all times.
* {{wikipedia}}
* {{Wikivoyage}}
* [ Russia] - Noonsite
* [ Tainui's Travels] - John Vallentine's blog posts on his remarkable crossing of the central Russia from North to South on SY Tainui in 2013
Weather information for the Baltic is readily available from Danish, German, Finnish and Swedish metrological offices.
{{GreenText|Books, Guides, etc. Use the Reference template or not at your discretion. For example:}}
[ The Swedish Shipping Forecast is available here]
: {{GreenText|<code><nowiki>{{Reference|Rod Heikel|Greek Waters Pilot Imray||Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire|9780852889718}}</nowiki></code>, expands to}}
: {{GreenText|Rod Heikell, <cite>Greek Waters Pilot Imray</cite>, Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire, ISBN 9780852889718}}
[ The Danish Meterological Institute has a good forecasting site but, unfortunately, only in Danish]
Yachts navigating in the Baltic area will find fitting a receiver for weather forecasts via radioteletype (RTTY) from the German National Weather Agency (DWD) a great advantage.
Lithuania has no hydrographic office although the Lithuanian Inland Waterways Authority in Klaipèda produce a useful chart of the Curonian Lagoon. Note however that the symbols and abreviations may differ from international hydrographic standards. The chart can be found and even downloaded at [ this link]
For the Baltic passage and landfall on the Lithuanian coast the following British Admiralty should suffice
BA 2276, Klaipèda and approaches
BA 2816, Baltic Sea Southern Part
Equivilent charts are published by other chart agencies
===Special Navigation Notes===
Any navigation notes here.
===Local Radio Nets===
Submit details of Cruiser's Nets and VHF operating/calling channels here.
===Arrival/Departure procedures===
'''Entry into Lithuania by private yacht'''
Lithuania will as of 1st January 2008 enter into the Schengen group of countries. Visas to the Schengen area are not required of EU-citizens nor of citizens of Australia, Canada, Iceland, and New Zealand. Norway, Switzerland, or the United States of America. Citizens of other countries should ensure that they conform to the current visa regime.
Private vessels carrying non Schengen-citizens, wishing to enter Lithuania are required to do present themselves at the border post in Klaipèda. No advance notification is required. The border control point is easily found: after entering the channel into the Curonian Lagoon (port of Klaipèda) the border control point is to be found to starboard immediately after passing through the breakwaters. A pontoon berth is to be placed there early next year for the use of yachts clearing-in. Surveillance at the entry of the Curonian Lagoon is very tight indeed. The Border Guard control station is fitted with state-of-the-art radar, remotely operated cameras and night vision equipment. Rest assured that if you miss the border control station the Border Guard will not miss you.
For regulations concerning entry and departure from Klaipèda please follow [ this link]
===Immigration & Customs===
Submit details about customs and immigration procedures here.
As of 1st January 2008, Lithuania will be a full member of the Schengen group of countries and, as such, will follow the Schengen visa regime.
===Health & Security===
Submit any health warnings/information and any security details here.
===Ports & Popular Stops===
Klaipèda is Lithuania's only industrial port and '''point of entry for all craft'''. There are also a number of small harbours in the Curonian lagoon as well as a proposed harbour to be constructed north of Klaipèda, details of which are shown below:
'''Port of Šventoji'''
Šventoji is a port which does not exist, at least not yet anyway. The Lithuanian government has approved the development of the port which will lie just a short distance from Palanga. The restored port will serve coastguard vessels and SAR-units as well as pleasure boats.
Klaipèda is an extremely large commercial port, although all activity is concentrated to the northern side of the sound joining the Curonian Lagoon with the sea.
There is a yacht club situated on the southern side of the channel opposite berth 65 [ see harbour plan] but note that the plan's orientation is southwards! the yacht club has two basins and can provide internet access and laundry facilities. The yacht club also functions as a hotel. A cafeteria style restaurant is also to be found. Unfortunately, anyone wanting to visit the town of Klaipèda has to take a ferry.
Yacht berths also exist at berths 40 - 42 and in the adjacent channel entered at berth 27. This is known as the Old Castle Marina for it is adjacent to the site of the castle of Klaipèda, then know as Memelburg Castle.
Pervalka on the Curonian Spit offers a good anchorage although exposed to south-easterlies
At the southern end of the Lithuanian part of the Curonian Spit is an idyllic town much favoured by tourists. The harbour is fairly large and secure for winds from all directions, although north-easterlies can cause a disturbance in certain parts of the harbour. There are, in fact, two harbours the northernmost of which is reserved for fishing vessels. Yachts berth in the southern harbour. The village of Nida is well suppplied with restaurants.
The small fishing village of Draverna was already established in the 13th Century. Several old fishermen's cottages still exist.
'''Nemunas River'''
Opposite Nida, on the other side of the Lagon, is the delta of the Nemunas river. This river, with its sorce in Bella Russia, is navigable as far as Kaunas, maybe beyond. For much of its path it forms the border between the Kaliningrad enclave and Lithuania.
===Offshore Islands===
Lithuania's sand coast is devoid of off-shore islands.
The nearest island to Lithuania is the Swedish island of Gotland arround which there is an annual race. Yachts from Lithuania often participate in the Round Gotland Race.
===Cruiser's Friends===
Submit details/contacts of cruiser's "friends" that can be contacted in advance or on arrival - who can offer
information and assistance to our cruising "family".
===References & Publications===
* {{Reference|Author|Title|Publisher|ISBN number}}
* {{Reference|Author|Title|Publisher|ISBN number}}
Lithuania is covered by the British Admiralty's Baltic Pilot Volume II NP19.
''See also [[Black Sea#References|Black Sea]]''.
===Links to CruiserLog Forum discussions===
* Siberia is sometimes regarded as being part of Central Asia. The remainder of Russia is known as North Asia but the term is rarely used. --[[User:Haiqu|Haiqu]] 03:02, 30 May 2011 (BST)
* FIXME: This page only covers the Baltic Coast.
Links to discussions on the CruiserLog Forum
''See also [[Black Sea#Comments|Black Sea]]''.
===External Links===
{{Verified by}}
(Spam will be deleted)
{{Page useable}}
[ Lithuanian Border (Coast) Guard. A very imformative site with a good links gallery]
[ Klaipeda Port]
{{Contributors|[[User:Nausikaa|Nausikaa]], [[User:Lighthouse|Lighthouse]], [[User:TaoJones|TaoJones]], [[User:Haiqu|Haiqu]], [[User:Vadp|Vadp]]}}
[ The Yachting Union of Lithuania] An extremely informative and valuable site with many good links

Latest revision as of 07:59, 21 August 2018

WorldCentral AsiaEastern EuropeNorth SeaBalticBlack SeaRussia
57°19.591'N, 092°27.656'E Chart icon.png
Russia-CIA WFB Map.png
Capital Moscow
Language Russian
Currency Rouble (RUB)
Time zone UTC+2 to UTC+12 (no DST observed)
Calling code +7

Russia has two Baltic coasts; one is the Kaliningrad enclave and the other is to be found at the head of the Gulf of Finland in the St. Petersburg area


The Russian Hydrographic Service produces excellent charts.
British Admiralty charts covering the Russian Baltic coasts are listed below
Kaliningrad area
BA259 - The Baltic Sea
BA2278 - Baltiysk and Kaliningrad
BA2816 - The Baltic Sea, Southern Sheet
The Kalingrad enclave is covered by Admiralty Sailing Directions No. 19
St. Petersburg Area
BA259 - The Baltic Sea
BA2241 - Entrance to the Gulf of Finland
BA2817 - The Baltic Sea, Northern Sheet and Gulf of Finland
BA2248 - Gulf of Finland, Western Part
BA2264 - Gulf of Finland, Eastern Part
BA2395 - St. Petersburg and approaches
The Gulf of Finland is covered by Admiralty Sailing Directions No. 20
Black Sea area
See Black Sea


Baltic area

Kaliningrad's climate reflects its geographical position and can be deemed to be between maritime and continental i.e. wettish, with moderate winters and summers.

Ice in the Baltic can be a hinder to shipping although the southern Baltic has been ice free this past 15 or so winters.

Weather information for the Baltic is readily available from Danish, German, Finnish and Swedish meteorological offices.

Yachts navigating in the Baltic area will find fitting a receiver for weather forecasts via radioteletype (RTTY) from the German National Weather Agency (DWD) a great advantage.


List popular passages/routes, timing, etc.


Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see Cruiser's Nets


Any navigation notes here. If this section does not apply remove it.






Customs and Immigration





Fees and Charges


Health and Security


Submit any health warnings/information. Remove any of these sections do not apply to this particular country.




Key to symbols: |Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |Marina icon – marina |Anchorage icon – anchorage |Needs data icon – needs data ||
Baltic Black Sea
Baltic port1Baltic port1/wiki/P1 Needs data icon – needs data |
Baltic port2Baltic port2/wiki/P2 Needs data icon – needs data |
Rostov-on-Don Rostov-on-Don /wiki/Rostov-on-Don Harbour icon – harbour |Needs data icon – needs data |
Gelincik Gelincik /wiki/Gelincik Harbour icon – harbour |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
Novorossiysk Novorossiysk /wiki/Novorossiysk Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |
Sochi Sochi /wiki/Sochi Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |Marina icon – marina |
Tuapse Tuapse /wiki/Tuapse Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |


List transportation to other countries, etc.

Other Information

Date and Time

  • Timezone: Moscow Time (MSK) is UTC+3 (no DST)

Shopping Hours

Electrical supply

  • The Russian grid supplies electricity at 240v/50Hz (albeit many sockets installed are still rated as 220v/50Hz). Recently installed sockets are of the standard European Schuko type, i.e. those in use in Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands etc. While there are still quite a number of sockets of an older type which accept 4.0 mm (instead of 4.8 mm) diameter pin plug, rated to 6 A (instead of 16 A) and do not contain an earthing contact.


  • The International Dialing Code for Russia is +7

Amber; word of Warning

Kaliningrad is known for its amber. Amber is much sought after and is used in the making of jewellery. It is simply the fossilized resin from trees. Baltic amber comes from trees which grew in the tropical or sub-tropical conditions which existed in southern Scandinavia about 1 million years ago. Unlike the resin which remained on land, that which was carried by rivers into the Baltic did not decompose but hardened or fossilized. Sometimes, but rarely, the fossilized resin is found to contain an insect.

Generally thought to be amber-coloured, amber can, in fact, also be blue, black, green, red, violet or opaque. The variations appear to be endless, although most are in fact, amber! Colour variations depend upon the weathering of the amber or the content of iron sulphide or plant residue.

Cruisers considering purchasing amber should beware of buying it from a “babushka” wearing Wellington boots and a long woollen coat and sitting on an upturned bucket. Go to a reputable store instead and pay a little more for the real thing.

False “amber” is usually made from plastic, glass or sugar. Lick it! If it is sweet, don’t buy it unless your sweet tooth gets the better of you. If it smells like a nylon rope which you have heated in order to avoid putting on a sail-maker's whipping, don’t buy it!

Real amber smells like, well, resin. Anyone familiar with a sauna will know the smell and probably will also have seen resin oozing from the sauna’s pinewood walls as it is heated.

Now for the word of warning! Amber can be collected along the sea shore as it is washed up by the action of the waves. There is not a lot of it but you could be lucky and find some. Beware though for mustard gas! “Is this serious?” you may ask. It is DEADLY SERIOUS. Germany produced and stockpiled mustard gas which it was used as a weapon. Mustard gas, when heated, is a toxic gas which claimed the lives of many soldiers during the First World War. When at temperatures of under 14 degrees Celsius it becomes a yellowish, jelly-like semi-solid and a hard crust forms around it. Tons of mustard gas was dumped in the Baltic where, as long as it remains there, it presents no danger. However, lumps of mustard gas occasionally wash up on the beaches of the Baltic States where they remain on all but warm days and can be mistaken for amber. If this is then picked up and put, for example, into a warm pocket it becomes lethal. Beware! Serious burns and even deaths have resulted from inappropriate handling of mustard gas, If you believe you have come in contact with mustard gas, help and advice can be obtained by contacting the duty officer at the Swedish Coast Guard on +46 455 35 35 00.


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  • Russia at the Wikipedia
  • Russia at the Wikivoyage
  • Russia - Noonsite
  • Tainui's Travels - John Vallentine's blog posts on his remarkable crossing of the central Russia from North to South on SY Tainui in 2013


Books, Guides, etc. Use the Reference template or not at your discretion. For example:

{{Reference|Rod Heikel|Greek Waters Pilot Imray||Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire|9780852889718}}, expands to
Rod Heikell, Greek Waters Pilot Imray, Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire, ISBN 9780852889718
  • Author, Title, Publisher, ISBN ISBN number
  • Author, Title, Publisher, ISBN ISBN number

See also Black Sea.


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  • Siberia is sometimes regarded as being part of Central Asia. The remainder of Russia is known as North Asia but the term is rarely used. --Haiqu 03:02, 30 May 2011 (BST)
  • FIXME: This page only covers the Baltic Coast.

See also Black Sea.

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