St Lucia

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Saint Lucia
Saint Luciamap.png
Saint Lucia
Saint Luciaflag.png
Capital: Castries
Language: English (official), French patois
Currency: East Caribbean dollar (ECD)
Time Zone UTC-4
More notes about the country
The Pitons in St. Lucia
Click for larger view


Saint Lucia is part of the Lesser Antilles and is an independent country and a member of the British Commonwealth. The island population is 160,145 and an area of 620 km2. The island was originally populated by Carib Indians.

The Europeans first arrived in 1550s led by the notorious buccaneer Francois le Clerc, a.k.a. Jambe de Bois, or Wooden Leg. Peg-Leg le Clerc set up a fine little base on Pigeon Island, from whence he issued forth to prey upon unwitting and treasure-laden Spanish galleons. The island is named for the Roman Catholic Saint Lucy of Syracuse. Around 1600, the Dutch arrived, establishing a fortified base at Vieux Fort. Then the English colonists arrived in the 1600s. The French also settled in Soufrière in 1746. The British and the French contested the island throughout the 17th and early 18th centuries (changing possession 14 times); it was finally ceded to the UK in 1814. Self-government was granted in 1967 and independence in 1979. Despite this long English rule, the island's French cultural legacy is still evident in its Creole dialect.

The island is steep with very lush tropical vegetation. The scenery, especially near Soufrière is dominated by the dramatic presence of the twin peaks: Gros Piton and Petit Piton, 615 m (2019 ft.) and 750 m (2461 ft.) tall.

Despite the dramatic beauty of the island and its many attractive anchorages, I found our stay rather unpleasant. We were continuously harassed by an endless procession of money hungry young men.

Climate & Weather

The climate is tropical, moderated by northeast trade winds; dry season January to April, rainy season May to August.

Sources of weather forecasting:

  • Weather on Line Detail 7 day forecast charts for the Atlantic.
  • Wind GURU A surfer's site with worldwide wind forecasts.
  • Navtex Broadcasts List of all the Navtex broadcast times and frequencies (not kept up to date).


  • BA 956 Guadeloupe to Trinidad
  • NIMA 2521 St. Lucia
  • Imray-Iolaire A4 Guadeloupe to St. Lucia

Special Navigation Notes

Any navigation notes here.

Local Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

Submit details of Cruiser's Nets and VHF operating/calling channels here.

Arrival/Departure procedures

Vessels MUST clear out at an official Port of Entry so as to obtain a clearance certificate.

Warning: Be aware that the authorities will request and hold a document showing that the yacht has been cleared for the previously visited country. Since many countries do not automatically issue such documents be sure to request one.

Immigration, Visas & Customs

The up-to-date visa requirement information is available on the St Lucia Website and Online Application Forms (download)

Visas are not required for the citizens of Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Venezuela and the US. "Arrival Visas" (at US$50) will be granted to citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, Panama, Poland, Portugal and Sweden. Arrivals from the Russian Federation require a visa obtained in advance.

A six week stay is granted when clearing in, with a possible further 30 day extension that can be obtained in Castries.

Firearms and ammunition MUST be declared to Customs on arrival.

PETS: Pets must have a Veterinary Import Permit before entering St Lucia. Cats and dogs must be microchipped, have been vaccinated against Rabies and have been treated against ticks and fleas within 48 hours of arrival. Animals (and their documentation) MUST be inspected by the Veterinary Officer before being allowed ashore. For full requirements and information: St Lucia Veterinary Office Email. Forms can be downloaded in advance from Pet Travel

It is possible for visiting yachts to stay for up to 6 months (crews are subject to immigration rules).

Ports & Popular Stops

Health & Security

Submit any health warnings/information and any security details here.


There are flights to England and to the US via Barbados. Also there are ferries from Rodney Bay to Martinique.

References & Publications

  • Jimmy Cornell World Cruising Handbook International Marine, Camden, Maine
  • Ashley Scott and Nancy Scott Caribbean Marinas & Services, The Cruising Guide, Duredin, FL
  • Chris Doyle Sailors Guide to the Windward Islands, The Cruising Guide, Duredin, FL
  • W. T. Stone and A. M. Hays A Cruising Guide to the Caribbean, Sheridan, New York

Cruiser's Friends

Submit details/contacts of cruiser's "friends" that can be contacted in advance or on arrival - who can offer information and assistance to our cruising "family".

Links to CruiserLog Forum discussions

Links to discussions on the CruiserLog Forum

External Links

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • February 2005 --Istioploos 14:44, 10 June 2008 (MDT)


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