Drvenik Veli

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Drvenik Veli Island, Croatia

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Drvenik Veli Island in Croatia.

Small info.png Click links for more information
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43°27.12′N, 16°08.82′E
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Photo gallery
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Local chartlet

Drvenik Veli Island lies two miles off the mainland coast of Croatia six miles SW of the harbour of Trogir and 14 miles WSW of the port of Split. A mile to the W is the smaller island of Drvenik Mali, which has only rather exposed day anchorages. With a population of only 168, the island survives on fishing, simple agriculture and, increasingly, tourism. The island has just one harbour on its NW side and two anchorages on its SW and E coasts respectively. The harbour is sheltered in all conditions, although strong NW winds send in a swell. There are plans to construct a small 140-berth marina in the harbour, but progress appears to have stalled.

Yachts on Drvenik jetty
Click for larger view
Drvenik anchorage
Click for larger view


British Admiralty
Croatian charts
M26 (Split to Dubrovnik)

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the coast from Rijeka down to Zadar, although its effects can be felt as far south as Split.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.

Check-in facilities (Customs and Immigration)

Split is the nearest all-year round port of entry. During the summer, Hvar and, if arriving from N, Primosten on the mainland are also ports of entry.

Berthing options

There are three berthing options on the island, the harbour of Luka Drvenik and the anchorages of U. Mala Luka and U. Krknjas (see below for details).


Luka Drvenik

The approach to Luka Muna is free of dangers. Note, however, the islet, O. Malta, in the channel between Drvenik Veli and Drvenik Mali islands, one mile due W of the entrance to the inlet. Depths are considerable in the outer part of the inlet, with over 15 metres at the harbour entrance. Visiting yachts berth wherever they can find space on the inside of the breakwater extending from the N side of the inlet. There is space here for around 20 yachts in depths of 5.0 - 8.0 metres. Moor bows or stern-to using your anchor. Holding is good in sand and mud.

Alternatively, anchor in the bight at the S end of the inlet, opposite the village. Depths here are 6.0 - 8.0 metres and the holding is good in sand and mud. Most of the quay here is filled with small craft moorings, and the part with tyre fenders is used by the ferry twice daily.

Plans are laid to convert the harbour into a 140-berth marina, Marina Zirona, but little progress has been made (2012).


There are two good anchorages on Drvenik Veli island, U. Mala Luka on the NW coast and U. Krknjas on the E coast.

U. Mala Luka World icon.png 43°26.59′N, 16°07.62′E

U. Mala Luka is a wooded inlet at the NW end of the island, offering good shelter from all directions except NW. There is a fish farm in the inlet, but a yacht can anchor in either of two snug coves at the head of the inlet. Depths in the N cove are 8.0 - 10.0 metres and in the S cove 6.0 - 8.0 metres. The holding is good in sand and mud. Apart from the fish farm, the surroundings are wooded and pleasant.

U. Krknjas World icon.png 43°26.32′N, 16°10.61′E

The anchorage of U. Krknas lies on the E side of the island, between the two islets of Krknas Mali and Krknas Veli and the coast of Drvenki Veli. The anchorage is protected from all directions except S and SE, but should only be used in settled weather. Anchor in the triangle formed by the two islands and Drvenik Veli in 3.0 - 4.0 metres. The holding is moderate to good in sand and weed with some rocks. There is a restaurant ashore during the season. If approaching from N, note that depths between Krknas Mali, the smaller of the islets, and Drvenik Veli are barely a metre.

Offshore Islands

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

None (as yet).

Yacht Services and Repairs


Fuel, Water, & Electricity

No fuel, water or electricity.

Things to do Ashore


Very little. It’s a place to chill out.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Small grocery store only.


A couple of restaurants in the village.



Garbage Disposal

Bins close to the harbour.


  • Daily ferries to Split on mainland.

Routes/Passages To/From

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

See Croatia.

References & Publications

See Croatia.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)'

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Lighthouse, Athene of Lymington

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