Marina Lepanto

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WorldMediterraneanItalyVenice to TriesteMonfalconeMarina Lepanto

Marina Lepanto, Monfalcone, Italy

Marina Lepanto, Monfalcone
Marina Lepanto, Monfalcone from W
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45°47.7′N, 13°33.6′E
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Photo gallery
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Radio: Call on VHF channel 09
Berths: 250
Max length: 20 metres
Max draft: 6.5 metres
Fuel: No fuel station
Water: Yes, at all berths
Elect: Yes, 240v, at all berths
Toilets: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Internet: No
Wi-Fi: No
Cable TV: No
Phone: +39 0481 45555
Email: Email
Web: Website
More notes about the Marina

Marina Lepanto is at the town of Monfalcone, which is situated at the head of a small gulf 12 miles NE of Grado and 13 miles NW of the city of Trieste on the Adriatic coast of Italy. The marina lies a mile SE of the town, on the N bank of a mile-long canal adjoining the course of the River Timavo. It offers 250 berths for yachts up to 23 metres in depths of 3.0 - 6.5 metres.

Marina radio contact

Call Marina Lepanto on VHF channel 09. Alternatively, telephone or email in advance for berthing information and reservations.


For access to Marina di Lepanto, head for the following waypoint: World icon.png 45°46.38′N, 13°35.58′E, which lies at the entrance to the River Timavo. Follow the marked channel into the river, leaving the fishing settlement of Villaggio del Pescatore San Marco to starboard. Continue upstream for a further mile, when the river curves round to the W. The marina of Marina Lepanto is straight ahead, half a mile further on, past a number of private pontoons. The marina itself begins at the eighth pontoon from the start. Depths in the channel are around 3.0 metres, but can be less at the lowest tides.


Berthing assistance available on request. Berths are on six pontoons with fingers.

Marina facilities

  • Clubhouse
  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Swimming pool
  • Shopping area
  • Conference hall


Boatyard. Slipway. Travel lift (70 T). Mobile crane (120 T). Hard standing. Engine, electrical and electronic repairs. Wood, steel and fiberglass hull repairs. Paintworks. Divers.



Marina Location

The marina is around a kilometre from the SE fringes of the town.


List transportation (local and/or international. Bus service to town?)


Current daily berthing price (January 2011) for typical 13 metre yacht: Euros 55.

Provide price information. (If possible add a link to the marina's pricing page.)


Marine Lepanto

Phone: +39 0481 45555
Fax: +39 0481 44082
Email: [email protected]
Address: Via Consiglio d’Europa 38, 34074 Monfalcone (GO), Italy


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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this marina & this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from web research (please update if possible)--Athene of Lymington 18:14, 1 February 2011 (UTC)

This page has an outline in place but needs completing. Please contribute if you can to help it grow further. Click on Comments to suggest further content or alternatively, if you feel confident to edit this page, click on the edit tab at the top and enter your changes directly.

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Names: Athene of Lymington

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