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40°54.91′N, 08°42.22′E Chart icon.png
Castelsardo from the marina

Castelsardo (Sardinia, Italy) is located on the NW coast of the island. It was founded by the Genoese in the 12th century and the castle and medieval street layout date from this period.

Its conspicuous Cathedral of Sant'Antonio Abate dates from the 17th century. The town is known as a centre of basket-weaving as well as hosting a small fishing fleet.

The marina of Castelsardo is about a mile SW of the town.


See Sardinia.

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Local Weather

See Italy.



Approach and Navigation

The town of Castelsardo with its castle is conspicuous on a headland to the NE of the marina. Entry to the marina is difficult in strong N/NW winds, when there is a considerable swell in the entrance.

Danger: There are some rocky outcrops near the shore just at the marina entrance (across the outer mole).
Danger: A low rocky islet, Isolotto Molino, [1] a couple of cables NW below the castle.

Berthing Options

Call on channel 16 or telephone harbour office: +39 (0)79 471 339.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Porto di Castelsardo, the marina of Castelsardo, is situated about 2km SW of the town. Maximum length 30.0 metres; maximum draft 4.5 metres. The marina has a total of 400 berths on pontoons. Water and electricity at all berths. Fuel station. 50 t launch and tow lift, 10 t mobile crane. Laundry. Supermarket. Bus to town.



Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.

  • Chandlery in the marina


Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel, water and electricity in the marina.

Things to do Ashore

Castelsardo from NW
Castelsardo from SW


The village of Castelsardo is a 2km walk from the marina and is worth the effort (otherwise take a bus!). The mediaeval, walled village is perched on a steep hill, with narrow, cobbled and pedestrianised streets. The cathedral has some interesting exhibits in the crypt, including several paintings by the 15th century unknown 'Master of Castelsardo'. The Church of Santa Maria in the centre of the village contains an unusual, 14th century Crucifix known as the “Black Christ”.

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • A large supermarket in the marina
  • Other provisions in the town, 2km away.


  • Numerous restaurants and pizzerias in the town.




Motorbike & Car Rentals

  • Europcar in the marina

Garbage Disposal

Bins in the marina.


Routes/Passages To/From

Popular passages/routes, timing, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

Also see Italy.


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Verified by

Date of member's last visit to Castelsardo and this page's details validated:

  • May 2003 --Atheneoflymington 17:16, 10 February 2010 (UTC)
  • September 2012 -- Vadp 17:01, 6 November 2014 (GMT)

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