Ria de Muros

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WorldNorth AtlanticSpainNW SpainRia de Muros
Ria de Muros
42°46.71′N, 09°3.35′W Chart icon.png
Anchorage off Muros

The Ria de Muros is situated on the coast of NW Spain around 12 miles SE of Cape Finisterre and 25 miles N of the Ria de Arousa. A very wide and deep ria, there are several small harbours and anchorages around its shores where a yacht can find shelter in most conditions, plus two small marinas at Muros on the W side and Portosin on the E. The town of Muros itself is historic and attractive, one of the few along this coast to have remained largely untouched by the Napoleonic and Spanish Civil wars. Shelter in the ria is good in the prevailing winds, although strong southerlies send in a big swell.


The ria is largely sheltered from the prevailing N/NW winds, but southerlies can raise an unpleasant swell if they are strong. It is necessary in these conditions to tuck well in behind the breakwaters of the two harbours or Muros or Portosin or berth in the marinas to get shelter. Fog can also be a problem, as it is along most of this coast.

Sources for Weather forecasts:

  • See main page for Spain.


British Admiralty
3633 – Islas Sisargas to Rio Mino
1756 – Ria de Muros
C48 A Coruna to Porto

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Approach and Navigation

The entrance is nearly three miles wide and entry is possible in all weather conditions. There are, however, some dangerous rocky islets and reefs extending up to two miles off the coast in the approaches from both N and S, though these should not present any problems as long as a yacht has good charts.

Berthing Options

Visiting yachts have several options in the ria: the marinas of Marina Muros and Portosin Marina, both situated at the ports of the same name, and anchorages off both ports and in several of the coves around the shores of the ria, depending on wind direction and swell.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Marina Muros

Marina Muros/wiki/Ria_de_Muros#Marina_Muros
Marina icon Marina Muros [[Ria de Muros#Marina Muros|Marina Muros]] 42°46.59′N, 09°3.39′W
The marina offers 210 berths for yachts up to 20 metres in depths of up to 6.0 metres. Berthing is on finger pontoons. Water and electricity on the pontoons. Toilets and showers. Laundry. Wifi. Divers. Travel lift (30T). Hard standing. Contact Marina Muros on VHF channel 9. Telephone: +34 981 827660. Website. Email.

Portosin Marina

Portosin Marina/wiki/Ria_de_Muros#Portosin_Marina
Marina icon Portosin Marina [[Ria de Muros#Portosin Marina|Portosin Marina]] 42°45.8′N, 08°56.82′W
The marina is operated by the Club Nautico de Portosin and offers 220 berths (52 for visitors) for yachts up to 16 metres in depths of up to 9.0 metres. Berthing is on finger pontoons. Water and electricity on the pontoons. Fuel berth. Toilets and showers. Laundry. Wifi. Bar/restaurant. Travel lift (30T). Limited hard standing. Basic repairs possible. Contact Portosin Muros on VHF channel 9. Telephone: +34 981 766598. Website. Email.


It is possible to anchor off either of the two harbours of Muros and Portosin. Of the two, Muros offers better shelter in the prevailing winds. Much of the bay of Muros is filled with mussel rafts, but it is possible to anchor in 6.0 – 8.0 metres N of the harbour. The holding is only moderate in mud and shingle, so it is wise to consider entering the marina if the weather turns. Shelter here is good in most conditions, although it becomes very uncomfortable and possible untenable in easterlies, when Portosin is a better bet.

At Portosin, anchor off the small sandy cove N of the harbour in 8.0 – 10.0 metres. Holding is moderate to good in sand and shingle. This position is good in settled weather or southerlies, but strong N or W winds make it untenable and you are better off at Muros.

There are several other quiet coves around the ria – especially on the N side - where it is possible to find good shelter, depending on wind direction.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Basic chandlery only.


Small yard at Portosin. Hard standing and travel lifts at both Muros and Portosin.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel in Portosin. Water and electricity in both marinas.

Things to do Ashore


Old town, Muros
Muros square with calvary
Gruesome altarpiece, Muros

Muros town is one of the few largely unspoilt fishing ports along the coast, with a delightful warren of old streets and historic buildings, including some fine churches and squares dominated by carved stone calvaries (stone crosses). In the church of Santa Maria do Campo is a remarkably realistic and rather gruesome altarpiece showing a lifelike Christ on the cross. Portosin is less attractive, but is a good base for a visit to the historic town of Noia 10 kms to the NE.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Provisions shops in Muros and Portosin.


Good restaurants in Muros; fewer in Portosin.


In both marinas.


In both marinas.

Motorbike & Car Rentals


Garbage Disposal

In both marinas.


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References & Publications

See Spain.


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