Laguna di Marano

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WorldMediterraneanItalyVenice to TriesteLaguna di Marano

Laguna di Marano, Italy

Laguna di Marano
45°43.56′N, 13°08.34′E Chart icon.png
The beautiful landscape of the Laguna di Marano
The charming old port of Marano Lagunare at the head of the lagoon

The Laguna di Marano (Marano lagoon) lies at the northern end of the Adriatic sea between the harbours of Venice and Trieste in Italy. At its western end is the entrance channel and port of Lignano and at its eastern end the entrance and commercial harbour of Porto Buso. Unlike that of Venice, the lagoon is a largely unspoilt and peaceful sanctuary for a wide variety of migratory birds and rich in marine life. Traditional fishermen’s shelters, constructed of reeds, line the banks of its channels and large parts of its salt and freshwater marshes are a designated nature reserve. Although most of the lagoon is relatively shallow, yachts can navigate most of its channels with care and find berths in a total of six small to medium-sized marinas around its shores and in the rivers which drain into the lagoon. Working clockwise round the lagoon from Lignano, the marinas are as follows: Marina Punta Gabbiani, Marina Aprilia Marittima, Marina Capo Nord, Portomaran - Marano Lagunare, Marina Sant’Andrea and Marina San Giorgio. The last two are up the channel of the river Como at the NE end of the lagoon.

Click on this link for a map showing the location of the six marinas: Marinas


During the summer months the prevailing winds in the Adriatic are light to moderate coastal seabreezes. In spring and autumn, northerly winds are more frequent and can quickly rise to near gale force, especially in the northern Adriatic, where the much-feared “bora” is caused by high pressure over the mountains to the NE coupled with low pressure over southern Italy. Fortunately, the fiercest “bora” is normally to be expected in the winter months. Thunderstorms are occasionally experienced in spring and especially autumn and can be accompanied by violent winds of gale force and above. Luckily they are rarely long-lasting. Fog is a further hazard often encountered in the lagoon of Venice, especially in the early and late season.

Sources for weather information:

  • There is a continuous (computerised voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts covering the Adriatic are broadcast from stations at Roma, Trieste, Kerkyra (Greece) and Split (Croatia)


British Admiralty


Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


  • Isola de Martignano
  • Isola di Sant’Andrea
  • Isola di Porto Buso


The lagoon may be entered either via the entrance of Porto Lignano, the main, westernmost entrance at World icon.png 45°41.5′N, 13°10.0′E or, in the case of the last two marinas, the entrance of Porto Buso at World icon.png 45°42.3′N, 13°15.15′E.

Porto Lignano The entrance of Porto Lignano lies immediately E of the peninsula of Lignano Sabbiadoro, between it and the low island of Isola di Martignano. Dangerous sandbanks extend offshore for over a mile on either side of the entrance and the safe water between the banks (which shift constantly) is marked by a red and white fairway buoy situated about 1.5 miles SSE of the channel. Yachts entering should pass within 50 metres of the buoy, which is moved to reflect the shifts, before turning on a course of c. 355 degrees to cross the bar and pick up the channel, which is marked with wooden posts (white to starboard and red to port). Depths in the channel are around 6.0 metres, but can be as little as 2.5 metres over the bar. Entry should therefore only be attempted close to high water and on a rising tide and never in strong onshore winds. Porto Lignano is the best entrance for access to Marina Punta Gabbiani, Marina Aprilia Marittima, Marina Capo Nord and Portomaran - Marano Lagunare. A yacht will experience minimum depths of 3.0 metres up the channel as far as Marina Punta Gabbiani, Marina Aprilia Marittima and Marina Capo Nord, but as little as 2.0 metres in the channel to Portomaran - Marano Lagunare.

Porto Buso The entrance of Porto Buso lies four miles E of Porto Lignano, between the islands of Isola di Sant’Andrea and Isola di Porto Buso. The channel is protected by two long breakwaters nearly a mile long and is dredged to a depth of 7.5 metres. Access is therefore possible at all states of tide and in all conditions. As such, the Porto Buso entrance is a safer point of access to the lagoon in heavy weather. A yacht will experience depths of 6.5 - 7.0 metres up the river Como as far as Marina Sant’Andrea and 4.0 - 5.0 metres as far as Marina San Giorgio.

Berthing options

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

There are seven berthing options in the lagoon:

Click on a marina link for details.


Yachts can anchor with care anywhere in the lagoon providing they do not obstruct the channels. Fore and aft anchors are necessary to avoid swinging into the channel with the tides.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


See marina entries for details.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

See marina entries for details.

Things to do Ashore


While the town of Lignano Sabbiadoro has the beaches, the other ports in the Marano lagoon have the beautiful landscape and abundant wildlife of the lagoon surrounding them. The charming old port of Marano Lagunare at the head of the lagoon is well worth a visit. For details of walking trails and other attractions in the lagoon, click on the link below to the website of the two natural reserves in the lagoon. For information about the port of Marano Lagunare click on link to municipal website.

Grocery & Supply Stores

See marinas entries for details.


See marinas entries for details.


See marinas entries for details.


See marinas entries for details.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Rental outlets in Lignano Sabbiadoro.

Garbage Disposal

Bins at the marinas.


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Cruiser's Friends

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References & Publications

See Italy.


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Date of member's last visit to Laguna di Marano and this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from web research (please update if possible)--Athene of Lymington 18:18, 28 January 2011 (UTC)

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