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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaŠolta

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Solta Island in Croatia.

43°23.040'N, 016°17.640'E Chart icon.png
lat=43.384 | lon=16.294 | zoom=10 | y
The harbour of Maslinica on Solta

Šolta is an island which lies 10 miles SW of the city of Split on the mainland coast of Croatia, immediately W of the much larger island of Brac, from which it is separated by a channel barely half a mile wide. Although a relatively small island, with an area of under 60 square kilometers, it has a population of around 1,700 and caters well for the visiting yachtsman, with three harbours all providing laid moorings, water and electricity and several sheltered anchorages around its coast.

Historically the island’s prosperity depended on fishing, wine and olive oil exports and shipping but today its economic engine is mainly fuelled by tourism, including yachting tourism.


British Admiralty 2712
Croatian MK16
Imray M26 (Split to Dubrovnik)


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the coast from Rijeka down to Zadar, although its effects can be felt as far south as Split.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.


See Croatia.



Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets


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Split is the nearest all-year round port of entry. During the summer, Hvar and, if arriving from N, Primosten on the mainland are also ports of entry.


There are eight berthing options on the island, the harbours of Rogac, Maslinica and Stomorska and the anchorages of U. Donja Krusica, U. Sesula, U. Stracinska, U. Gornja Krusica and U. Necujam. Click on link at top right of page for Interactive map of harbours and anchorages or for full details see below.


The ports on Solta all have laid moorings, water and electricity on their quays.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



The main anchorages on Solta island are as follows (anti-clockwise from Rogac):

U. Donja Krusica

U. Donja Krusica/wiki/%C5%A0olta#U._Donja_Krusica
Anchorage icon U. Donja Krusica [[Šolta#U. Donja Krusica|U. Donja Krusica]] 43°24.590'N, 016°16.052'E
The shallow inlet of U. Dona Krusija lies on the N coast of the island, two miles WNW of Rogac. There is a short jetty on the E side of the inlet to which a yacht can moor bows or stern-to using the anchor among the local boats. Depths here are 3.0 - 4.0 metres. Shelter is good in sand. There are no facilities ashore.

U. Sesula

U. Sesula/wiki/%C5%A0olta#U._Sesula
Anchorage icon U. Sesula [[Šolta#U. Sesula|U. Sesula]] 43°23.533'N, 016°12.604'E
U. Sesula is a long and narrow inlet immediately S of the harbour of Maslinica. It is a very popular anchorage in the summer and it will be necessary to anchor wherever you can find space and take a line ashore. Depths range from 3.0 metres to 8.0 metres and the holding is good in mud and sand. Shelter in the inlet is good in all winds, although strong SW winds send in a slight swell. Restaurants ashore.

U. Stracinska

U. Stracinska/wiki/%C5%A0olta#U._Stracinska
Anchorage icon U. Stracinska [[Šolta#U. Stracinska|U. Stracinska]] 43°20.224'N, 016°21.898'E
U. Stracinska is the westernmost of three V-shaped inlets at the SE tip of Solta Island. There is a good anchorage in a small cove on the W side of the inlet with a line ashore to one of the bollards supplied. Depths here are 10-12 metres and the shelter is good in all but S winds. There are no facilities ashore.

U. Gornja Krusica

U. Gornja Krusica/wiki/%C5%A0olta#U._Gornja_Krusica
Anchorage icon U. Gornja Krusica [[Šolta#U. Gornja Krusica|U. Gornja Krusica]] 43°21.418'N, 016°21.927'E
U. Gornja Krusica lies on the NE coast of the island, a mile or so SE of the harbour of Stomorska. A yacht can anchor at the head of the inlet in 5.0 - 7.0 metres, with a line ashore if necessary. Holding is good in sand and the inlet is sheltered from all except E winds. There are no facilities ashore.
The anchorage of U. Necujam on Solta

U. Necujam

U. Necujam/wiki/%C5%A0olta#U._Necujam
Anchorage icon U. Necujam [[Šolta#U. Necujam|U. Necujam]] 43°23.299'N, 016°19.194'E
U. Necujam is a large bay on the N side of the island, a mile E of Rogac, with several inlets around its shores which offer good anchorages. Anchor in 6.0 - 8.0 metres wherever you can find a suitable spot. Holding is good in parts, although there are some mud patches which are less good. Shelter here is good from all directions except N. Supermarket, restaurant and café/bar at village of Necujam on E side of bay.


Water in Rogac, Maslinica, Stomorska
Electricity in Rogac, Maslinica, Stomorska
Toilets in Maslinica
Laundry None
Garbage In harbours only
Fuel Rogac, the fuel berth next to ferry quay
Bottled gas None
Chandlers None
Repairs None
Mobile connectivity
Vehicle rentals None


  • Rogac - two supermarkets and other provisions shops in Grohote (2 kms uphill). Small bakery kiosk on the yacht quay.
  • Maslinica - supermarket and other provisions shops in the village.
  • Stomorska - Studenac supermarket and other provisions shops in the village.

Eating out

Several establishments in Rogac, Maslinica, Stomorska



Grohote on Solta

The first mention of the island dates back to the 4th century BC, when it was known as Olyntha. Under the Romans, it was part of the province of Dalmatia and was known as Solenta. Roman remains can still be seen today around Rogac, Necujam and the inland village of Grohote. From the 15th to the 18th centuries the island was controlled by Venice and many of the finest buildings date from this period.

Inland villages worth exploring include Grohote, Gornje Selo and Donje Selo.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)


For other useful websites, see Croatia.

References & Publications

See Croatia.


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