Dugi Otok

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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaDugi Otok
Dugi Otok
There are Port(s) of Entry here
44°00.991'N, 015°02.005'E Chart icon.png
lat=44.01652 | lon=15.03342 | zoom=10 | y
The W side of Dugi Otok is mostly steep-to
POI icon.png Interactive map of harbours and anchorages

Dugi Otok (Long Island) lies 10 miles SW of the city of Zadar on the mainland of Croatia. Its SE extremity is just a mile N of the island of Kornat and Dugi Otok is in that sense the northern gateway to the Kornati Islands and their associated national park.

Like most of the islands along this coast, it is formed from a submerged mountain ridge extending for 24 miles on a NW/SE axis; its widest point at the settlement of Sali is little more than two miles across and its narrowest opposite the island of Ugljan under a mile.

Most of the island’s west coast is steep and rocky, and virtually all the settlements and anchorages are along its NE side facing towards the neighbouring islands of Ugljan and Pasman and the mainland beyond.

Both its NW and SE ends are deeply indented, the inlet of Luka Soliscica in the NW offering several sheltered anchorages as well as the marina of Marina Veli Rat, while the inlet of Luka Telascica at the SE end has numerous anchorages on either side of its four mile length as well as others around the islet of Katina at the entrance.

The island’s main settlement of Sali is situated four miles NW of the entrance to Luka Telascica and, continuing NW along this coast, there are smaller harbours suitable for visiting yachts at the settlements of Zaglav, Zmanscica, Luka, Savar, Brbinj, and Bozava.

The island has less of the quaint Venetian architecture of some of the other Croatian islands and is therefore somewhat quieter and more peaceful during the summer months. The island has no natural springs and consequently its water supply is supplemented during the summer by deliveries from the mainland.


British Admiralty
Croatian chart
M25 (Otok Rab to Sibenik)


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the coast from Rijeka down to Zadar, although its effects can be felt as far south as Split.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.


See Croatia.



Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets


Add any navigation notes such approaches, dangers etc here. If this section does not apply remove it.


The nearest year-round port of entry is Zadar. During the summer, a yacht can also clear in at Sali or Bozava on Dugi Otok.


There are numerous berthing options for yachts visiting the island, virtually all of them in the harbours conveniently spaced along the E coast.

Berthing options are listed anti-clockwise starting from Sali.

  • Sali¹Sali¹/wiki/Sali Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |
  • Zaglav (U. Triluke)Zaglav (U. Triluke)/wiki/Zaglav Harbour icon – harbour |
  • Žman (U. Žmanšćica)Žman (U. Žmanšćica)/wiki/%C5%BDman Harbour icon – harbour |
  • Luka Luka /wiki/Luka Harbour icon – harbour |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
  • Savar Savar /wiki/Savar Harbour icon – harbour |
  • Brbinj, U. JazBrbinj, U. Jaz/wiki/Brbinj Harbour icon – harbour |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
  • Brbinj, U. LucinaBrbinj, U. Lucina/wiki/U._Lucina Harbour icon – harbour |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
  • Dragove Dragove /wiki/Dragove Harbour icon – harbour |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
  • Božava¹Božava¹/wiki/Bo%C5%BEava Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
  • Marina Veli Rat Marina Veli Rat/wiki/Marina_Veli_Rat Marina icon – marina |
Key to symbols: |Port of entry icon – port of entry |Harbour icon – harbour |Marina icon – marina |Anchorage icon – anchorage ||
(1) — Seasonal || (U.) (stands for uvala) — a smaller bay or an inlet.


Two main anchorage clusters are located in the large inlets at either end of the island.

Luka Telašćica

Luka Telašćica at the SE end of Dugi Otok is one of the most beautiful and popular cluster of anchorages in the Croatian islands. The whole inlet is a nature park and a daily charge is made. Nearly four miles in length, there are several coves and inlets around its perimeter where a yacht can anchor or pick up a mooring buoy in complete shelter.

Luka TelašćicaLuka Telašćica/wiki/Luka_Tela%C5%A1%C4%87ica Anchorage icon – anchorage |
for further details.

Luka Solišćica

Luka Solišćica at the NW end of Dugi Otok, while less popular and offering poorer shelter than Luka Telašćica in the prevailing NW winds, is nevertheless an attractive cruising ground with a greater variety of anchorages and the marina of Marina Veli Rat.

Luka SolišćicaLuka Solišćica/wiki/Luka_Soli%C5%A1%C4%87ica Marina icon – marina |Anchorage icon – anchorage |
for further details.

SW shore

The coast facing the open sea is relatively steep, so there are virtually no anchorages there. Albeit with two notable exceptions:

U. Sakarun

U. Sakarun/wiki/Dugi_Otok#U._Sakarun
Buoy icon U. Sakarun [[Dugi Otok#U. Sakarun|U. Sakarun]] 44°07.688'N, 014°52.725'E
While it's not in the Luka Soliscica, this small bay is just S of it. It is quite open to the sea from S. Nevertheless is a beautiful stop in settled weather. Buoys are installed there in season.

U. Brbišćica

U. Brbišćica/wiki/Dugi_Otok#U._Brbi.C5.A1.C4.87ica
Anchorage icon U. Brbišćica [[Dugi Otok#U. Brbišćica|U. Brbišćica]] 44°03.187'N, 014°59.317'E
This small picturesque inlet is located just across the mountains from Brbinj. The bay is exposed from NW to SE, but otherwise it is considered relatively safe. It is surrounded by steep cliffs and numerous caves. One cave N of the inlet can be swum through or visited in a kayak. Since 2013 the area around it is a nature reserve.



At the quays in Sali, Zmanscica, Luka, Brbinj, Bozava. In the Marina Veli Rat at all berths.


At the quays in Sali, Zmanscica, Luka, Brbinj, Bozava. In the Marina Veli Rat at all berths.


In Sali at the quay, in the Marina Veli Rat and at u. Mir at the Luka Telašćica.


In Sali at the quay, and in the Marina Veli Rat.




Bins in Marina Veli Rat, Sali, Zaglav - U. Triluke, Zmanscica, Luka, Savar, Brbinj - U. Jaz , Brbinj - U. Lucina , and Bozava.



In Zaglav

Bottled gas





In Sali - Limited emergency repairs only.


The only ATM on the island is in Sali. Nevertheless, money can be exchanged in any post office there.


Sali - at internet cafes in the town & along the quays, free for 2 hours per day

Mobile connectivity

Is there mobile telephone signal such as G4, G3, GPRS in the island? How strong is the signal? Are there any blind spots?

Vehicle Rentals

In Sali - rental outlets in the town.


  • In Sali - supermarket, some grocery shops, fruit and vegetable market


Eating out

Restaurants and cafes at:


Donkey racing is a highlight of the Salskje Uzance festival

Dugi Otok has less of the quaint Venetian architecture of some of the other Croatian islands and, as a result, has less tourism. It is arguably more unspoilt therefore than some of its neighbours where tourism is rampant.

Over the weekend prior to the feast of the Assumption (15 August), the town of Sali hosts the festival of Saljske Uzance, when locals dress in traditional costume and music and dancing is followed by a candlelit procession of boats around the harbour.

A visitor by yacht experiences some of the best of the landscape, particularly in the beautiful inlet of Luka Telascica with its numerous coves and its remarkable salt lake of Mir and in the peaceful anchorages of Luka Soliscica.

Dugi Otok 100920-083903-IMG 5616.jpg
A submarine pen close to Dragove

Along the E coast of the island another kind of curiosity can be found: submarine pens – which were built for the Yugoslav People's Army. They were carved inside a natural hill and are now abandoned and freely accessible from sea or by foot. A couple of them can be found at the inlets N and S of Dragove, yet another one is approx 1.5 NM NW of Božava.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


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See Croatia.


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