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Revision as of 16:29, 5 November 2018 by Istioploos (Talk | contribs)
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WorldSouth China SeaChinaGuangdongShantou
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23°21.004'N, 116°41.729'E Chart icon.png
lat=23.35006 | lon=116.69548 | zoom=12 | y

Shantou, formerly romanized as Swatow and sometimes known as Santow, is a prefecture-level city on the eastern coast of Guangdong, China, with a total population of 5,391,028 as of 2010 and an administrative area of 2,064 square kilometres (797 sq mi). The city is located at the mouths of the Han, Rong (榕江), and Lian Rivers.


See China.


Give local weather conditions or refer to another page (a region or island group) that covers these conditions.

Sources for Weather forecasts:


See China.


Add here VHF channel for the coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see Cruiser's Nets


The channel up-river to the Shantou, although tricky is well marked with buoys.


Describe here the berthing options of this port. Are there moorings or you have to anchor? Do most boats moor side-to, stern-to, or bow-to? Etc.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

If there are any marinas please either give a short description or better yet, provide a dedicated page (Marina Template).


List anchorages. If there is more then 1-3 paragraphs for a given anchorage, create a dedicated page for it (Port/Stop Template). Remove this section if not applicable.


Water ?
Electricity ?
Toilets ?
Showers ?
Laundry ?
Garbage ?
Fuel ?
Bottled gas ?
Chandlers ?
Repairs ?
Internet ?
Mobile connectivity ?
Vehicle rentals ?


Give the names and locations of supermarkets, grocery stores, bakeries, etc.

Store name1/wiki/Shantou#.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3EStore_name1.3C.2Fspan.3EProvisions icon Store name1 [[Shantou#Store name1|Store name1]] DD.dddDD.ddd description, location, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.

Eating out

Give the name of recommended restaurants, tavernas, pastry stores, etc.

  • Location1
Name/wiki/Shantou#.27.27.3Cspan_style.3D.22color:magenta_.22.3EName.3C.2Fspan.3E.27.27Eatingout icon Name [[Shantou#Name|Name]] DD.dddDD.ddd description, tel. +XX XXXX XXXXX.


  • The airport which serves Shantou is called Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport (SWA IATA)

See also Guangdong.



Give a short history of the port.

Places to Visit

List places of interest, tours, etc.


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See China.


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Names: Haiqu, Istioploos

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