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WorldMediterraneanItalyTuscan CoastCapraia
43°02.086'N, 009°49.471'E Chart icon.png
lat=43.034768 | lon=9.824524 | zoom=12 | y
The small harbour of Porto Capraia

The mountainous island of Capraia lies 19 miles east of Cap Corse on Corsica and 22 miles NW of Elba. It is a convenient stopping-off point en route between the two islands. Until 1986 the island was a penal colony and has only developed a modest tourism industry in recent years. The harbour of Porto Capraia on the NE side of the island is small and invariably overcrowded in summer and it may be necessary to anchor off in high season. It is therefore not a place to go with an unsettled weather forecast, especially if the winds are strong NE.


British Admiralty
1999 - Livorno to Civitavecchia


Prevailing winds are from W or NW, in which conditions shelter is good in the island’s harbour. Strong NE winds can send in an uncomfortable swell.

Sources for weather forecasts

  • There is a continuous (computerized voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at Roma, Cagliari (Sardinia) and Augusta (Sicily)


See Mediterranean.


Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


In the approach from the north, give the headland of Punta della Teglia at least half a mile clearance to avoid the dangerous reefs of Le Chiapparelle. From either direction, the harbour of Porto Capraia will not be seen until into the bay, when the breakwaters and the light tower on the northern one will be conspicuous.


Port police and customs in the harbour.



Porto Capraia

Porto Capraia/wiki/Capraia#Porto_Capraia
Harbour icon Porto Capraia [[Capraia#Porto Capraia|Porto Capraia]] 43°03.007'N, 009°50.236'E

The only harbour on the island, Porto Capraia, has seen considerable investment in recent years to reflect the growing touristic ambitions of the islanders. Pontoons have been installed and yachts moor either on these or back to the quays. The harbour can accommodate up to 60 yachts (maximum length 30 meters) but it is advisable to call ahead before entering to check availability of berths. Depths in the harbour range from 1.0 inshore up to 4.0 metres at the end of the breakwater. There are also 20 visitors' buoys just outside the harbour.

[email protected]; Tel: +39 (0586) 905 307; Fax: +XX (XXX) XXXXXX; VHF channel XX

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



It is possible, if the harbour is full, to anchor outside in the bight to the east, staying well clear of the turning circle of the ferries using the jetty NE of the harbour. Depths here are between 4.0 and 10.0 metres. The bottom is sand and weed and reasonable holding. The anchorage is uncomfortable in unsettled weather and probably untenable in a strong NE.


Water Water on the quay, but only available 0800 - 1100 and 1700 - 2000 in summer (all drinking water is transported to the island by ship)
Electricity Limited electricity points
Toilets Public toilets close to the fuel dock. €1 to use
Showers At the same location as the toilets. €4 to use
Laundry N/A (Not Available).
Garbage Bins around the harbour, but best to take it with you
Fuel Fuel available on the quay (summer only) from 0800 - 1300 and 1500 - 1900
Bottled gas N/A
Chandlers There is a small shop next to the quay with basic marine supplies. Not a full chandlers but most of the essentials
Repairs N/A
Internet WiFi
Mobile connectivity ?
Vehicle rentals N/A


Rather limited. Best to stock up before arriving.

Eating out

A few restaurants around the harbour.


Ferry service to Livorno and Elba.


Capraia is a great place for walking and has organized trails covering most of the island. A lake, Il Laghetto, fills the crater of the former volcano that gave rise to the island. The buildings of the former penal colony can also be visited.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)



See Italy.


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Date of member's last visit to Capraia and this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from web research (please update if possible) --Athene of Lymington 14:46, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

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