Pago Pago

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Pago Pago

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14°16.35′S, 170°41.81′W
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Pago Pago is the capital of American Samoa. Its 2000 population was 11,500. The village is located in Pago Pago Harbor, on the island of Tutuila. Tourism, entertainment, food, and tuna canning are the primary industries here. From 1878 to 1951, this was a coaling and repair station for the U.S. Navy.

Pago Pago is one of the several villages in the Urban agglomeration of Pago Pago along the shore of Pago Pago Harbor located at the very eastern part (inside) of the embayment. The area includes a number of villages, among them Fagatogo, the legislative and judicial area, and Utulei, the executive area.

However, because the name Pago Pago is associated with the harbor itself (the only significant port of call in American Samoa) Pago Pago is now generally applied not only to the village itself, but to the whole harbor area and to the villages in it. It is in this sense that Pago Pago becomes the de facto capital town of American Samoa.

Pago Pago is a mixture of colorful semi-urban communities, a small town, tuna canneries (which provide employment for a third of the population of Tutuila) and a harbor surrounded by dramatic cliffs, which plunge almost straight into the sea. A climb to the summit of Mt. Alava (National Park of American Samoa) provides a magnificent bird's-eye view of the harbor and town.

2009 TSUNAMI: On September 29, 2009, an earthquake struck in the South Pacific, near Samoa and American Samoa, sending a tsunami into Pago Pago and the surrounding areas. The tsunami caused damage ranging from moderate to severe to villages, buildings and vehicles and caused an unknown number of deaths. See a first-hand report from a cruising yacht that rode out this tsunami - HERE.

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