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GPS: 38°57.6′N, 20°45.4′E

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Preveza (Πρέβεζα) is a commercial port at the entrance of the Ambrakikos Gulf. In the vicinity there are at least 4 shipyards/marinas where many visiting cruisers winter their boats. There can be confusion because Preveza is often used to describe the facilities on both sides of the entrance to the gulf, when I believe that technically the town of PREVEZA is on the NW side and ACTIUM is on the opposite SE side, near to Preveza airport. The 2 sides are connected by a tunnel under the channel. The Preveza side is where you will find the commercial centre, port authorities, town quay, town marina and a small yard in an inlet about 0.8nM north. The Actium side is where you will find the 3 large yards. From N to S these are Aktio Marina, Preveza Marina and Cleopatra Marina. Therefore Preveza Marina is actually in Aktium not Preveza!


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Radio Nets

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Local weather conditions?

Approach and Navigation

The approach is well buoyed from several miles offshore. Take care as there are shallows on both sides.

Check-in facilities

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Ports and Popular Stops

Marinas & Yacht Clubs


Many cruisers can be found at anchor in the area N of the Preveza town marina. Take care of underwater obstructions in the vicinity of new pontoons and breakwater that are being extended to the north and east of the town marina.

Offshore Islands

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Routes/Passages To/From

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Tourism & things to do ashore

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Fuel, Water, & Electricity

All are available in Cleopatra's new marina.


Grocery & Supply Stores



In Preveza there are many internet cafes and bars near the town quay. In Aktium, WiFi is available from Cleopatra (and perhaps the other yards).

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Marine Stores & Facilities

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References & Publications

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Cruiser's Friends

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Forum Discussions

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External Links

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Personal Notes

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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

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