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Brunsbuttel (Port of entry)

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GPS: 53°53.2′N, 09°7.8′E

Gallery: Panoramio


Brunsbüttel is a town in the district of Dithmarschen, in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany that lies on the mouth of the Elbe river, near the North Sea.

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Approach and Navigation

Closely east of the entrance basins you find the "waiting area" for small pleasure craft intending to enter the canal. Under certain wind and tide conditions the waiting can be quite unpleasant. Beware of tidal currents setting in this area. The waiting area is camera surveilled and the lockmaster will see waiting yachts. Please do not wait in the entrance areas or even the entrance basins of the locks - pilot boats are leaving and entering these easterly basins constantly at great speed.

Yachts are allowed to enter the lock, if a single white occulting light is shown on the signalmast. Most times this will happen on the easterly signal mast, managing the easterly (older and smaller)lock system. Very seldom entrance permission is given for the western (and bigger locks , that are heavily used for the commercial shipping). All other light combinations do not affect pleasure boats. Please be patient, sometimes it can take some time, until permission to enter is given.

Once in the entrance basin you go straight forward into the open lock - the lock signal mast will also tell you by a single white occulting light, which lock to enter.

In the lock you tie up to the rings on the floating pontoons (wooden logs with an anti-skid rubber surface). Do not tie up to the rings in the wall, depending on the tidal situation the water level will rise more or less.

If you choose to stay in Brunsbuttel just turn to port - the pleasure boat harbour is situated close west of the new locks. Leaving the yacht there has to be negotiated with the harbour master.

See Kiel Canal

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