Sea of Marmara

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Marmara Sea

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GPS: 40°43′N, 28°13′E
Gallery: Photo gallery
Chartlet: Local chartlet

The Sea of Marmara (Turkish: Marmara Denizi, Greek: Θάλασσα του Μαρμαρά or Προποντίς, Bulgarian: Мраморно море,Hungarian: Márvány-tenger (Marble sea)), also known as the Sea of Marmora or the Marmara Sea, and in the context of classical antiquity as Propontis (Greek: Προποντίς), is the inland sea that connects the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea, thus separating the Asian part of Turkey from its European part. The Bosphorus strait connects it to the Black Sea and the Dardanelles strait to the Aegean. The former also separates Istanbul into its Asian side and European side. The Sea has an area of 11,350 km2 and is about 150 nM (280 km) long and 43 nM (80 km) wide.

The salinity of the sea averages about 22 parts per thousand, which is slightly greater than that of the Black Sea but only about two-thirds that of the oceans. However, sea-bottom waters are much more saline, averaging salinities of around 38 parts per thousand — similar to that of the Mediterranean Sea. This high-density saline water, like that of the Black Sea itself, does not migrate to the surface. Water from the Granicus, Susurluk, Biga and Gonen Rivers also reduces the salinity of the sea, though with less influence than on the Black Sea. Almost all of these rivers flow from Anatolia: very little land in Thrace drains southward.

There are two major island groups known as the Prince's and Marmara islands. The latter group is rich in sources of marble and gives the sea its name (Greek marmaro, marble). A notable island located in this sea is İmralı, where Abdullah Öcalan is imprisoned.


Chart of the Sea of Marmara
224 Maramara Denizi
1005 Marmara Adasi to Istanbul Boğazi
55040 Sea of Marmara
29 Marmara Sea
291 İzmit Körfezi
292 İstanbul - Mudanya
293 Büyükçekmece - Hoşköy
294 Marmara Adaları - İmralı Adası
295 Hoşköy - Gelibolu
296 Marmara Adaları
109 Ionio-Aegeo Steno Messinis mechri Thalassa Marmara

Local Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

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Climate & Weather

See Turkey

Arrival/Departure procedures

See Turkey.

Special Navigation Notes and transit details

The Sea of Marmara is an enclosed sea and one may deceived into complacency that it is an easy sea to transit. The fact is that it can develop very short choppy seas which if you are going against them make a very uncomfortable and wet ride. Also the weather here can change rather abruptly and violent thunderstorms are fairly frequent during the summer resulting in very bad visibility in these waters full of large commercial shipping.

The Sea of Marmara, considering its proximity to Istanbul, is not a popular cruising ground. With the exception of an occasional regatta from Istanbul you will rarely come across another yacht.

Bordering Countries (with Port details)

Offshore Islands

Cruiser's Friends

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References & Publications

See Turkey.

Links to Forum Discussions

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