Eskifoca Region

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Eskifoça Region

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38°40′N, 26°45′E
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Local chartlet
Turkey Eskifoca r.jpgChart of Eskifoça Region - Click for larger view
Fewer cruisers visit this region, NE of Chios and SE of Lesvos, than the more popular cruising grounds in the south. Yet the small harbor of Eskifoça and the several coves of Bademli are delightful.


1665 Nisos Lesvos and Çandarli Korfezi to Baba Burnu
G2 Aegean Sea (North)
G23 Eastern Sporades
54382 Nisos Lesvos and Western Coast of Turkey
2147 Çandarlı Körfezi
332 Lesvos Island

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Local Weather

The summer meltemi here blows from the NE but it is less strong than in the Central Aegean. In the winter months winds can come from either northerly or southerly directions.

See also Turkey.

Approach and Navigation

Approaches are straightforward without dangers.

Berthing Options


Chart of Eskifoça - Chartlet
Click for larger view

World icon.png 38°40′N, 26°45′E
Eskifoça is the ancient Φώκαια - Phocaea. It is believed to have been founded by colonists from Erythrea and Teos in the 8th century BC. Phocaea soon became an important trading center and its fifty-oared galleys roamed from the Black Sea to the Western Mediterranean. The Phocaeans were great navigators and founded many colonies in the Black Sea, the Bosphorus, Italy, and further west. They were the founders, among others, of Massalia (modern Marseilles in France), Tartessus (near Cadiz in Spain), Alalia in Corsica and Velia in Italy.

Phocaea was taken by the Persians from whom they were liberated by Alexander the Great. In the Hellenistic times they sided with the Seleucids against the Romans who captured and looted their city in 190 BC. During the Byzantine era the city declined although it was the see of a bishop. In the Middle Ages Phocaea was occupied by the Genoese who mined alum, used as a dye in the tanning business. Finally the city was captured by the Ottomans in 1455.

Today the town is a very attractive resort full of restaurants and a good market.

The small bay of Eskifoça (Büyükdeniz) is operated like a marina. Most of the moorings to the east of the fishing boats are, however, occupied by local and tripper boats and it is usually difficult to get a berth on the quay. Four new piers have been constructed on the west side of the bay under the headland (next to the lighthouse). Local boats and fishing boats have moved in alongside the piers and on laid moorings with no signs of management evident. Go alongside or anchor moor on one of the piers or anchor just east of the innermost pier, where the depths are 5-7 meters and the holding good. Depths in the rest of the harbour are 12-15 meters and the holding less certain.

The smaller harbor to the north of the town, Küçükdeniz, is full of fishing boats and is not an option.

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Marinas & Yacht Clubs



Bademli Liman

Chart of Bademli Liman
Click for larger view

World icon.png 39°40′N, 26°48′E
Bedemli Liman is one of the most beautiful anchorages in the Aegean Turkey. It is relative isolated and the water is crystal clear blue-green and it is very well sheltered from the meltemi. All of these plus the hamam (hot spring house) on the E shore. What more can a sailor ask?

There are three anchoring possibilities:

  1. On the South between the mainland and the large island. Anchor in 3-6 m on a patch of sand. Good all around shelter.
  2. On the South between the two islands. Anchor in 2-4 m on sand.
  3. On the North inside the cove. Anchor W of the small breakwater in 4-10 m over mud.

NOTE: When the prevailing northerly winds exceed force 4/5, a strong land breeze sets in from the east during the late evening, often persisting until dawn. Gusts of 20-25 knots are not unusual. Ensure your anchor is well in and set for this wind if staying overnight in these conditions.

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Turkey Eskifoca Candarli m.jpgChart of Çandarli - Chartlet

World icon.png 38°56′N, 26°55.8′E
Çandarli is a fairly attractive anchorage in a small village. It provides reasonably good shelter from the meltemi.

The small harbour W of the castle is not really usable. Anchor in the bay E of the castle in 4.0-6.0 metres. The bottom is mud and provides very good holding. However, some yachts report indifferent holding in places, e.g.: a visit in September 2007 actually proved the holding very poor. After six attempts with a 30kg Delta anchor in force 5 winds, we abandoned the anchorage in favour of Akce Limani. The mud at Candarli is soft and plough anchors seem to pull straight through it. (Athene of Lymington).

Important note: Candarli has been selected by the Turkish Transportation Ministry for the construction of what is described as 'the biggest port in Turkey and the gateway to the west'. Tenders have been invited by March 2011 and construction of the proposed harbour will presumably begin some time in 2012. It is not known whether the plan includes any facilities for yachts. --Athene of Lymington 09:33, 20 May 2011 (BST)

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Offshore Islands and Groups


Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores




Fuel, Water, & Electricity

There is pump on the quay in Eskifoça but it is not always operating. Ask the "marina" attendant to arrange for fuel delivery by a truck
On the quay in Eskifoça
On the quay in Eskifoça

Things to do Ashore


List places of interest, tours, etc.

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • Good shopping in the open market in Eskifoça


  • There are many restaurants on the waterfront and on the main street in Eskifoça
  • There is at least one restaurant on the beech of Çandarli that serves adequate food




Motorbike & Car Rentals


Garbage Disposal

There are bins around the harbor and in some anchorages.


Long taxi drive to Ayvalik.

Routes/Passages To/From

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Turkey.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

See individual ports and anchorages in this page.


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Istioploos, Athene of Lymington, Lighthouse

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