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Sozopol, Bulgaria

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42°25.2′N, 27°41.0′E
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Local chartlet
Sozopol (Bulgarian: Созопол, Greek: Sozopolis / Σωζόπολις) is an ancient seaside town located 35 km south of Burgas on the southern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast.

Sozopol is said to be the oldest town on the Bulgaria Black Sea coast dating back to the Bronze Age, with a very well preserved old town. A favourite place for artists, its bohemian atmosphere, cobbled streets and sandy beaches make it very crowded in the summer with tourists.

Local Weather

See Bulgaria.


See Bulgaria.

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Approach and Navigation

Satellite view of Sozopol - Click for larger view

The approach to Sozopol from the N is straight forward as long as you keep the island of Sveti Ivan a minum 0.5 nM to port and avoid the shallows. To approach from the S, proceed N arround the island, avoiding the shallows between the island and the harbor, and then approach from the N.

Warning: Be aware of long fishing nets on the west side of Sveti Ivan, they also extend to the south of it.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

Sozopol is NOT a port of entry.

Berthing Options

The harbor is operated as a marina.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Marina Port Sozopol

The marina is at the starbord side of the harbor. It provides good shelter. It has 330 berths for boats up to 25 m long, also it has a Fuel dock, a pump-out facility, laundry services, and WiFi. It is open 24 hr, 7 days/week.

Sozopol Harbour , Sozopol 8130 , Bulgaria
Telephone:+359 550 24033

The marina is not completely finished. Harbor master's office, cafe, chandlery, and engineering services were planned for completion in 2012.


Yachts wishing to anchor will find a sheltered spot outside the harbor.

Offshore Islands and Groups

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


The marina provides lift out, shore storage, and repairs.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel dock at the marina
At the marina berths
At the marina berths

Things to do Ashore


Traditional wooden house - Click for larger view
Ancient gate of Sozopol - Click for larger view
  • Visit the reconstructed gate part of Sozopol's ancient fortifications
  • Small archaeological museum
  • Traditional houses in the old town

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • In the new town


  • Many restaurants and cafés


At the marina.


At the marina.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal



Routes/Passages To/From

List popular passages/routes, timing, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Bulgaria.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • Compiled from research (pilot books, internet, etc.) --Istioploos 03:17, 10 April 2013 (BST) Greece Icon.png


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Lighthouse, Istioploos

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