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Vlikho, Lefkas

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38°41.04′N, 20°41.94′E
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Vlikho jetty is packed with charter yachts at the weekend
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Yachts can go stern-to or alongside at other times
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The town quay has some laid moorings for visiting yachts by arrangement
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The S section of the town quay is very low
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The sign of Vliho Yacht Club
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A number of yachts haul out between Nidri and Vlikho
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The harbour of Vlikho lies on the E coast of the island of Lefkas in the Ionian Sea of Greece, at the SW end of the large gulf known as Vlikho Bay. It is a quieter alternative for a visit than the busy resort of Nidri 1.5 miles to the N, but the village has little to offer beyond a couple of tavernas, a minimarket and the useful services of the Vliho Yacht Club (which include moorings for layup). Visiting yachts have the option of anchor mooring on the town jetty towards the N end of the quay (but not at weekends, when it is used for charter handovers); picking up one of the laid moorings along the quay or the mooring buoys just off it (by prior arrangement with Vliho Yacht Club) or, of course, anchoring off in the bay E of the town. Shelter on the quay and jetty is adequate in the prevailing N/NW winds but can become uncomfortable if they are very strong (but not dangerous as yachts winter here).

Local Weather


203 Nisos Zakinthos to Nisos Paxoi
G12 Nísos Levkas to Nísos Zákinthos
54280 Corfu Channel to Nisis Proti
2 Ionio Pelagos

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Approach and Navigation

See the main Vlikho Bay page for details of the approach. Vlikho is 1.5 miles S of the entrance on the W side of the bay. The only hazard in the closer approach is the sheer number of yachts on mooring buoys or anchored off the quay.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

Lefkas is the nearest port of entry.

Berthing Options

There are three principal mooring options in Lefkas Town, depending on time of arrival and preference. Note that two of them require prior permission from Vliho Yacht Club.

Town Jetty

The town jetty is an L-shaped concrete pier constructed near the N end of the quay. Yachts can anchor moor bows or stern-to on the outer end of the L, alongside on the inner side of it, or bows or stern-to on the W side. Much of the inner side is used by fishing boats. Depths on the outer end are 5.0 metres, on the inner side 4.0 metres and on the W side from 3.0 metres at the root to 5.0 metres at the ‘elbow’. A total of some 15 yachts can moor here using their anchors and 2/3 alongside on the inner side. At quieter times, it may be possible to go alongside, but be prepared to be rafted up on if you do. At weekends, from mid-day Saturday to midnight Sunday, the jetty is used by Sail Ionian for handovers and yachts are not welcome during those times. Mooring is to staples along the quay. There are large rubber fenders in places which will mark your hull if not careful. Holding is moderate in mud and weed, so make sure your anchor is well dug in. Shelter here is moderate to good in the prevailing winds, but there is often a chop with the afternoon seabreeze.

Town Quay

The town quay extends from the jetty some 200 metres S, divided into two by a slipway half way along. The N section is higher than the S section, which often has waves clopping over it with any swell. Most of the 40-50 moorings here are under the control of Vliho Yacht Club and application should be made to them before taking up a mooring here. Most, but not all, of the berths have laid moorings and there are numerous laid up boats and (frankly) wrecks alongside here amongst the smart yachts. Depths are mostly variable between 1.25 and 1.75 metres and there are several places where the depths are reduced further by piles of sunken tyres. Mooring is to staples and/or stainless steel mooring rings. Shelter as for the town jetty.

Mooring buoys

Just off the town quay is a field of around 30 mooring buoys in depths of 4.0 metres. Again, these are under the control of Vliho Yacht Club and application should be made to them before taking up a mooring here. If unable to reach them on VHF or by telephone, go ashore in your dinghy and ask at the club premises (look for the green sign).

Marinas & Yacht Clubs


It is possible to anchor off virtually anywhere in the bay. See Vlikho Bay page.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Most kinds of repairs and maintenance services available in the boatyards nearby.

Marine Stores

Very little. Nidri has a good supply.


Boatyards of Vliho Boatyard (Website) and Nidri Marine (Website).

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel by truck to the town quay
Water points (widely spaced) on the town quay and on the jetty (Charge of Euros 5 levied by Sail Ionian)

Things to do Ashore


Very little. The walk round the head of the bay to the W side is pleasant, but more fun in a dinghy or in your yacht.

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • A small minimarket near the town jetty


  • A couple of tavernas and cafes along the waterfront


At Vliho Yacht Club


At Vliho Yacht Club

Motorbike & Car Rentals

None. Best to go to Nidri.

Garbage Disposal

Bins near the jetty


  • Local buses to Lefkas Town and Vasiliki

Routes/Passages To/From

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Ionian Sea.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Istioploos, Athene of Lymington

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