Lega Navale, Grado

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Lega Navale, Grado, Venice to Trieste, Italy

Lega Navale, Grado
Lega Navale Pontoons, Grado
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45°40.9′N, 13°22.65′E
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Radio: Try calling on VHF channel 16
Berths: 129 (including 16 transit)
Max length: 15 metres
Max draft: 3.0 metres
Fuel: Fuel station on the quay.
Water: Yes, at most berths
Elect: Yes, 240v, at most berths
Toilets: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Internet: No
Wi-Fi: No
Cable TV: No
Phone: +39 0431 81706
Email: Email
Website: Website
More notes about the Marina

The Italian Lega Navale, Grado in the town of Grado on the lagoon of the same name operates 70 berths on five pontoons immediately E of the neighbouring basin of Porto San Vito and a further 59 in a small basin right in the heart of Grado town, accessed via a 500 metre long canal. Maximum length accommodated is 15 metres.

Marina radio contact

Try calling Lega Navale, Grado on VHF channel 16. You may have better luck if you telephone or email in advance for berthing information and reservations.


The entrance to the Grado lagoon lies at World icon.png 45°39.6′N, 13°20.9′E, where there is a fairway buoy just under two miles offshore. Dangerous sandbanks extend for almost two miles on both sides of the entrance, so approach is only safe from this buoy, near high water and in settled weather. Approach should be made on a course of 030 degrees. The entrance channel, which is dredged to a depth of just 3.0 metres, is marked by piles on either side. Once inside the entrance, the channel forks. Take the starboard channel for around 300 metres, passing the entrance to Porto San Vito, and the pontoons of the Lega Navale are on starboard side. Do not get too close to the starboard channel markers in view of silting. Additional berths are available in the small basin in the heart of the old town, which is accessed by a long canal extending for 500 metres due S from just past the tiny basin at the end of the Lega Navale pontoons.


Berths are available on the pontoons whenever a Lega Navale member is away. Depths here are rather shallow (from 1.0 - 3.0 metres) and a yacht over 10 metres or with a draft of 1.8 metres or over should only berth on the end of the pontoons. Of the 59 berths in the town basin, 16 are reserved for yachts in transit of a maximum length of 15 metres. Depths here are 2.0 - 2.5 metres.

Berths in town basin, Grado
Click for larger view

Marina facilities

  • Yacht club
  • Restaurant




Reasonable on pontoons. Poor in town basin.

Marina Location

The pontoons are around 200 metres from the town centre. The basin is right at the heart of things.



10/2012: Town Basin, 40.- euro per night for 13 metres. -- s/v Seatern 03:59, 14 October 2013 (BST)


Address: Lega Navale Italiana, Via Aquileia 54, 34073 Grado (GO), Italy
Phone: +39 0431 81706
Fax: +39 0431 877767

Personal experience

Post your personal experience and rating of this marina.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this marina & this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from web research (please update if possible)--Athene of Lymington 18:48, 30 January 2011 (UTC)


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Names: Athene of Lymington

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