Luka Poljud

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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaSplitLuka Poljud
Marina Poljud
Marina Poljud from NW
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43°31.14′N, 16°25.6′E
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Radio: Try VHF channel 17 or 16
Berths: 450
Max length: 25.0 metres
Max draft: 4.0 metres
Fuel: Fuel station in Split main harbour
Water: Yes, on berth
Elect: Yes, 240v
Toilets: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Internet: No
Wi-Fi: No
Cable TV: No
Phone: See yacht club details
Email: [mailto:address Email]
Web: URL Website
More notes about the Marina

Marina Poljud is basically a series of three ‘mini-marinas’, each operated by a separate yacht club. It lies just E of Marina Spinut and next to the suburb of Poljud on the N side of the Marjat peninsula, the wooded peninsula at the W end of Split. It is protected to some extent from N and W winds by two short breakwaters, but is completely open to winds from W and SW. The moorings are controlled by (from W to W) the Sportska Lucica Marjan YC; the Sportska Lucica Mornar YC and the Sportska Lucica Poljud YC. Between the three clubs there are a total of 450 berths for yachts up to 25 metres in depths up to 4.0 metres.

Marina radio contact

Try calling one of the yacht clubs (if you can pronounce it!) on VHF channel 17 or 16. You are more likely to have to nose your way in and mill around looking for a berth until hailed.


The marina of Poljud lies on the SE shore of the Kastelanski Zaliv (Bay of Kastela), which is entered between Cape Ciovo at the E extremity of the island of the same name and the wooded peninsula of Cape Marjan two miles W of Split. Once round the Marjan peninsula, being sure to leave a green light buoy just N of Cape Marjan to starboard, continue E along the peninsula. Marina Spinut is the first harbour to be encountered, about a mile E from Cape Marjan. Marina Poljud lies just half a mile across the bay NE of Marina Spinut. The berths are spread across a series of piers and pontoons owned by the respective yacht clubs.


Berthing assistance may be available. Yachts berth stern/bows-to wherever directed by club staff. Laid moorings at all berths. Depths range from 2.5 - 4.0 metres in the outer part of the harbour to 1.5 - 2.0 metres in the inner part.

Marina facilities

  • Café/bar
  • Restaurant
  • Minimarket
  • Chandlery


Small boatyard. Hard standing for up to 50 yachts. Slipway (20T). Crane (5T). Some engine, electrical and electronic repairs. Paint works.



Marina Location

The marina is situated three kms from the centre of Split, which is a major transport hub, with an international airport and good rail links. The airport itself is only 20 kms W of the marina.


  • Buses and trains to Zagreb
  • Ferries to Rijeka, Dubrovnik and Ancona (Italy)
  • International flights from Split airport (20 kms)


Provide price information. If possible add a link to the marina's pricing page.)


Sportska Lucica Marjan YC

Phone: +30 XXXXX 61 005
Fax: ??
Email: [mailto:?? ??]
Web: [?? ??]
Address: post office address?

Sportska Lucica Mornar YC

Phone: + 385 21 384 744
Fax: ??
Email: [mailto:?? ??]
Web: [?? ??]
Address: Mediteranskih igara 5, HR-21000 Split, Croatia

Sportska Lucica Poljud YC

Phone: +30 XXXXX 61 005
Fax: ??
Email: [mailto:?? ??]
Web: [?? ??]
Address: post office address?

Personal experience

Post your personal experience and rating of this marina.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this marina & this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from web research (please update if possible)--Athene of Lymington 16:08, 6 August 2011 (BST)

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Names: Athene of Lymington

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