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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaItalyAdriatic_Coast_of_ItalyAncona
43°37.38′N, 13°29.98′E Chart icon.png
Ancona harbour from NW

Ancona is a city and major commercial seaport situated on the Adriatic coast of Italy around 10 miles NW of the port of Numana and 30 miles SSE of the harbour of Fano. Originally a Greek colony founded by the city state of Syracuse in Sicily around 387 BC, it became an important harbour during the Roman imperial age as the closest harbour to the province of Dalmatia. The harbour was expanded during the reign of the emperor Trajan, in whose honour a triumphal arch was erected at the northern end of the harbour, which still stands today. By the start of the 11th century Ancona was an important maritime republic, often clashing with the powerful republic of Venice to the north. The city became part of the Papal States in 1532, when the massive citadel was started. Further fortifications were added on the hills above the port in the 19th century. Nevertheless, the city was easily captured in July 1944 following encirclement by the Polish II Corps as part of the Allied push to drive the Nazi forces out of Italy. Today the port is one of the main ferry ports on the Adriatic coast of Italy, with services to Croatia, Greece and even Turkey. Visiting yachts normally berth in the large Marina Dorica a mile SW of the entrance to the Porto Commerciale, at the moorings of the SEF Stamura yacht club in the Mandracchio basin at the head of the old harbour or, if over 20 metres in length or over 4.5 metres draft, in the Porto Commerciale itself.


British Admiralty

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Local Weather

During the summer months the prevailing winds in the Adriatic are light to moderate coastal seabreezes. In spring and autumn, northerly winds are more frequent and can quickly rise to near gale force, especially in the northern Adriatic, where the much-feared “bora” is caused by high pressure over the mountains to the NE coupled with low pressure over southern Italy. Fortunately, the fiercest “bora” is normally to be expected in the winter months. Thunderstorms are occasionally experienced in spring and especially autumn and can be accompanied by violent winds of gale force and above. Luckily they are rarely long-lasting. In the southern Adriatic, the “scirocco”, a S/SE wind blowing up from North Africa which can last for several days, is more common. Unlike the “bora”, which can arrive without warning, a “scirocco” tends to build in strength over 24-48 hours, sometimes reaching gale force (especially in winter).

Sources for weather information:

  • There is a continuous (computerised voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts covering the Adriatic are broadcast from stations at Roma, Trieste, Kerkyra (Greece) and Split (Croatia)

Approach and Navigation

Yacht moorings in the Mandracchio basin
SEF Stamura yacht club
The SEF Stamura catwalk
Marina Dorica, Ancona

Ancona lies on the NW of a large promontory. In the approach from S the first sign on rounding the headland is the huge white buildings of the shipyard at the N extremity of the harbour. The headland and the mole with the shipyard on its should be given a berth of at least 200 metres to avoid shallow patches. From N the buildings of the city (and especially the cathedral) are visible from several miles off. A long jetty extends over half a mile from its associated oil terminal about three miles WNW of the harbour. The entrance to Ancona is affected by strong currents at certain states of tide which set across the harbour entrance from SW and then continue around the headland, turning SE as they go. Shelter is good in the inner part of the Porto Commerciale and in the Mandracchio basin at the far S end in all conditions. Shelter is good in the Marina Dorica in most conditions, although strong westerlies make a stay here uncomfortable.

If approaching the basin of Marina Dorica Template:Coord legacy, from SE, a yacht should continue a further mile past the entrance to the Porto Commerciale to the W end of the long curved breakwater that protects the marina. Entrance is from WSW, giving the end of the breakwater a clearance of at least 200 metres to avoid the shoal patch around it. If approaching from NW, the marina is clearly identifiable from the forest of masts at the SW end of the port. The marina entrance is shallow, with only 2.5 - 3.5 metres, and entrance is inadvisable with any swell.

If entering the Porto Commerciale Template:Coord legacy, pass inside the detached breakwater 400 metres off the harbour entrance and enter between the two moles with stone light towers at their ends. Large yachts (over 20 metres) are allowed to berth alongside the commercial quays wherever convenient as long as they are not impeding large vessels using the port and provided crew remain aboard to move the yacht if requested. Smaller yachts may find a berth at the SEF Stamura yacht club, which is situated around the base of the old Mole Vanvitelliana fortress (opposite the Mandracchio fishing boat basin) at the far S end of the harbour.

Note: currently (May 2015) there are major works going on to extend the N breakwater of the commercial harbour to improve shelter. There is a square area marked by four yellow buoys which should be avoided, particularly in the approach from N.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

Ancona is a port of entry to Italy.

Submit details about facilities for checking in - location of immigration & customs, etc.

Berthing Options

Porto Commerciale

A large yacht should berth alongside wherever it will not be in the way of naval, commercial and fishing vessels - most likely at the SW corner of the harbour in the area of the Mandracchio harbour. Call the Capitaneria di Porto on VHF channel 12 for berthing directions. Depths at the SW corner are around 5.0 - 6.0 metres. There are no facilities along the quays. Maximum length accommodated on the quays: 150 metres.

SEF Stamura

SEF Stamura can accommodate around 50 smaller yachts of up to 13 metres and under 2.0 metres draft. Most berths are occupied by local yachts but there are usually a few spaces available. All berths are bows-to on a catwalk extending right round the base of the Mole Vanvitelliana fortress and are supplied with two stern lines tailed to a buoy. Water and electricity on the catwalks; toilets, showers, bar and restaurant in the club. Wifi at weekends. Club members are very friendly but little English is spoken. SEF Stamura can be contacted on Email or via telephone:+39 329 592 2778.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • Marina Dorica - Note: that entry is only allowed from 0800 to 2000.


No anchoring is permitted in the harbour.

Offshore Islands and Groups


Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


In the Porto Commerciale facilities include: slipway; fixed crane; travel lift; engine, electrical and electronic repairs; divers. See Marina Dorica for details of services there.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel station on the quay at entrance to the Mandracchio basin and at entrance to Marina Dorica. Water and electricity on the pontoons at Marina Dorica and the catwalks of SEF Stamura.

Things to do Ashore


Ancona was badly damaged in World War II, but a few traces of its mediaeval past remain in the old town to the E of the Porto Commerciale. The Piazza del Plebiscito was once the town’s main square and contains a 15th century palazzo with a beautiful courtyard and the Baroque Chiesa di San Domenico with a famous painting of the Crucifixion by Titian. The remains of a 13th century city gate, the Porta San Pietro, are nearby. For history buffs, the Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche contains an impressive collection of relics from the Iron Age up to the Byzantine period. The Romanesque cathedral of San Ciriaco past the archaeological museum at the northern end of town was erected on the site of a former Roman temple. A short stroll to the west is the Arco di Traiano (Trajan’s arch), erected to commemorate the Roman emperor’s expansion of the harbour in 115 AD.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Numerous provisions shops in the city, but some distance from the port.


  • Numerous restaurants in the city and several near the port.
  • Restaurant at the SEF Stamura yacht club.


From internet cafés and SEF Stamura (weekends).


Laundrette in the old town.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Several rental outlets in the town.

Garbage Disposal

Bins around the marina. Bins on N side of Mole Vanvitelliana.


  • Buses to all local destinations from the town.
  • Railway station with connections to most destinations.
  • Airport at Falconara, 11 kms away.
  • Ferries to Greece (Patras, Igoumenitsa and Kerkyra), Croatia (Split, Zadar) and Turkey (Cesme)

Routes/Passages To/From

See Adriatic.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

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External Links

References & Publications

See Italy.


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