Pender Island

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Pender Island (Port of entry)



Historic details, etc.

Pender Island is now two islands. In 1903 a canal was built between Shark Cove and Bedwell Harbour, dividing the island into North and South Pender Islands. A single lane bridge with a clearance of 8.5 meters now connects the islands. North Pender has three marinas: Otter Bay, Port Browning and Thieves Bay (private). The marina on South Pender Island is Poets Cove in Bedwell Harbour.


  • CHS 3462
  • CHS 3441
  • CHS 3447
  • CHS 3313 (chart book)
  • NOAA 18432

Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

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Approach and Navigation


Check-in facilities

The Customs and Immigration Dock is located inside the marina, but not connected to it. The green and beige building itself is built up on stilts. When docking avoid the float plane dock. This is seasonal port of entry:

  • May 1 to first Friday after Victoria Day (1 week before Memorial Day)9:00 - 17:00, 7 days a week
  • May to Labour Day 8:00 - 20:00, 7 days a week
  • Labour Day to Sept 30 9:00 to 17:00, 7 days a week
  • Closed Sept 30 to May 1


Marinas & Yacht Clubs


  • Beaumont Marine Park
    • There a numerous mooring balls in the area. Anchorage is possible just south of the mooring field.
  • Port Browning / Shark Cove
  • Otter Bay
    • Anchorage is possible, although you will be subject to wake from traffic in Swanson Channel

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Tourism & things to do ashore

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Marine stores

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References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

  • Dreamspeaker Cruising Guide Series: The Gulf Islands & Vancouver Island
  • Waggoneer
  • Northwest Boat Travel

Cruiser's Friends

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