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WorldMediterraneanGreeceKorinthiakos KolposGalaxidhi
38°22.65′N, 22°23.34′E Chart icon.png
Greece Galaxidi h.jpg
Chart of Galaxidhi

Galaxidhi (Γαλαξίδι) is a small harbour and resort on the N (mainland) coast of Korinthiakos Kolpos (the Gulf of Corinth), 36 miles from the W entrance to the Corinth Canal and 30 miles E of the Rio-Antirio suspension bridge at the entrance to the Gulf. The town has a long history of shipping and shipbuilding and hosts a good nautical museum, but today it is the upscale picturesque haunt of well-heeled Athenians and visiting yachtsmen. The quays here have recently been refurbished, making Galaxidhi one of the most yacht-friendly harbours in the gulf. It is also a handy place to leave your boat for a visit to the ancient site of Delphi. Shelter is good under most conditions, although strong NE winds send in a moderate swell.


The prevailing wind in Korinthiakos Kolpos in the summer is from the west and it rarely exceeds force 6. Like the meltemi, it reaches its peak in the middle of the day and subsides in the evening. In the autumn and spring the wind can be either from the east or from the west. The winter is a bit chilly (around zero in the night) due to the high snowy mountains around but it is well sheltered from the prevailing winds, although strong north winds bring an inconfortable swell.


1600 Korinthiakós Kólpos
G13 Gulfs of Patras and Corinth
54289 Korinthiakos Kolpos
232 Korinthiakos Kolpos


  • Coast Guard - VHF channel 12, tel. +30 27410 28 888
  • Olympia Radio - VHF channels 02, 64, & 85

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.



  • Ayios Yeoryios


The approach to Galaxidhi is straightforward as long as you steer for the centre of the passage between the low islet of Nisos Apsifia (which has a few straggly trees on it) and the islet of Ay Yeoryios just N of it. There are least depths of 8.0 – 10.0 metres in the passage. Once through, continue on a course of around 310 degrees until well past the square concrete marker to port, which marks a dangerous reef. Once past, the harbour and the conspicuous cathedral of Galaxidhi open up on a course of 210-220 degrees. The moorings are on the W side of the long inlet that extends for nearly half a mile inland.

Danger: In the entrance to the harbor do not attempt to pass inside Nisos Apsifia, even if you see local vessels doing it. The approach from this direction is not safe for a yacht. Also, stay clear of the small island of Ayios Yioryios and its surrounding reefs. Use a good large scale chart.

Berthing Visiting yachts either berth alongside on three sides of the concrete jetty at the entrance to the harbour or stern/bows-to using their anchors between here and the row of small boat moorings further up the inlet. Often there will be someone ashore to tell you where to berth. There is space for around 5-6 yachts alongside and 15 on anchor moor. The quay is well supplied with good quality stainless steel mooring rings set into the wall as well as small bollards on top of the quay. The quay has been filled out from that shown on the charts and depths along the quay are greater than 3m. The holding is good in soft mud (it held us for 6 weeks in the winter) and you should lay out plenty of chain if anchor mooring. There are water and electricity points all along the quay (free in the winter).

Apparently the harbour can be quite busy in July and August. The two bays immediately North of the harbour are good anchorages for any number of boats protected from the prevailing westerlies.

Note: Galixidhi experiences unusual tidal effects in view of its position in the Gulf and proximity to the Corinth Canal. Depths at the quay can vary by up to half a metre as a result and you should allow for this when mooring.

Marinas & Yacht Club



See Korinthiakos Kolpos.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

A small but helpful store (called Marina Shop) is on the other side of the street between the tavernas. Costas, the friendly owner, can get you about anything from nearby Athens.



Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Can be delivered by mini-tanker
Water and Electricity
Outlets along the quay (€15 for up to 3 days - free in the winter)

Things to do Ashore


The town is in a very attractive setting, protected from E by a wooded peninsula with shady walkways through the pines. The waterfront is also very pretty and lined with enough cafes and tavernas to keep a hungry crew happy for a week. The town’s small but interesting Nautical Museum, which records Galaxidhi’s past as an important centre for caique building, is also worth a visit. It houses a good collection of 19th century model ships (built in Galaxidhi), paintings, figureheads, and nautical instruments. Also worth visiting is the Archaeological Collection which is housed within the Nautical Museum.

But the town’s most spectacular treasure is in the cathedral church of Agios Nikolaos on the hill above the town. Inside is a carved wooden iconostasis that is a masterpiece of the woodcarver’s art, with intricate panels depicting biblical scenes and ornate foliage climbing its pillars from top to bottom.

Most visitors here will also want to organize transport to visit the ancient site of Delphi, which lies 25 kms to the NE.

Galaxidi Boat.jpg
Boat Painting
Galxidi Nautical Museum
Click for larger view
Click for larger view'
The Charioteer of Delphi
The Temple of Athena, Delphi
The theatre, Delphi
Temple of Apollo,, Delphi
The Stadium, Delphi

Grocery & Supply Stores

A couple of minimarkets along the waterfront.


  • Dozens of cafes and tavernas along the waterfront
  • Very good grilled chicken at a restaurant at the S end of the harbor
  • The Porto Restaurant at the top of the inlet is family-run and good value --Athene of Lymington 18:19, 15 September 2011 (BST)
  • O Mpempelis in the centre of town is excellent --Monterey 2015


From internet cafes on the waterfront. Melydron and Café O.K? have free WiFi with good signal.


There is a laundry in town, close to the tree shaded square.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Car hire can be arranged by telephone from the harbour. Enquire at the Marina Shop.

Garbage Disposal

Bins near the quay.


Transportation (local and/or international)

  • Regular buses to Itea and Delphi.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)


References & Publications

See Greece.


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  • Galaxidhi is a delightful spot and thoroughly deserves its popularity with cruising yachts --Athene of Lymington 18:19, 15 September 2011 (BST)
  • We had passed by Galaxidhi and headed to Itea in 2012 thinking it was too tight for our 17m but it is very accomodating. A real gem not to be missed.--Monterey June 2015

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Names: Istioploos, Athene of Lymington, Maelms, Stephane and Veronique

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