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Capital: Moscow
Language: Russian
Currency: Legal tender in russia is the Rubel which is divided into 100 Kopeks.
More notes about the country


General Description of Russia


Other useful information

Date andTime Time zone GMT +2 hrs; summer time, GMT + 3 hrs.

Shopping hours

Electrical supply The Russian grid supplies electricity at 220v/50Hz. Plugs are of the standard western European type, i.e. those in use in Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands etc.

Telephones The International Dialing Code for Russia is +07

Amber, a word of warning: Kaliningrad is known for its amber. Amber is much sought after and is used in the making of jewellery. It is simply the fossilized resin from trees. Baltic amber comes from trees which grew in the tropical or sub-tropical conditions which existed in southern Scandinavia about 1 million years ago. Unlike the resin which remained on land, that which was carried by rivers into the Baltic did not decompose but hardened or fossilized. Sometimes, but rarely, the fossilized resin is found to contain an insect.

Generally thought to be amber-coloured, amber can, in fact, also be blue, black, green, red, violet or opaque. The variations appear to be endless, although most are in fact, amber! Colour variations depend upon the weathering of the amber or the content of iron sulphide or plant residue.

Cruisers considering purchasing amber should beware of buying it from a “babushka” wearing Wellington boots and a long woollen coat and sitting on an upturned bucket. Go to a reputable store instead and pay a little more for the real thing.

False “amber” is usually made from plastic, glass or sugar. Lick it! If it is sweet, don’t buy it unless your sweet tooth gets the better of you. If it smells like a nylon rope which you have heated in order to avoid putting on a sailmaker's whipping, don’t buy it!

Real amber smells like, well, resin. Anyone familiar with a sauna will know the smell and probably will also have seen resin oozing from the sauna’s pinewood walls as it is heated.

Now for the word of warning! Amber can be collected along the sea shore as it is washed up by the action of the waves. There is not a lot of it but you could be lucky and find some. Beware though for mustard gas! “Is this serious?” you may ask. It is DEADLY SERIOUS. Germany produced and stockpiled mustard gas which was it used as a weapon. Mustard gas, when heated, is a toxic gas which claimed the lives of many soldiers during the First World War. When at temperatures of under 14 degrees Celsius it becomes a yellowish, jelly-like semi-solid and a hard crust forms around it. Tons of mustard gas was dumped in the Baltic where, as long as it remains there, it presents no danger. However, lumps of mustard gas occasionally wash up on the beaches of the Baltic States where they remain on all but warm days and can be mistaken for amber. If this is then picked up and put, for example, into a warm pocket it becomes lethal. Beware! Serious burns and even deaths have resulted from inappropriate handling of mustard gas, If you believe you have come in contact with mustard gas, help and advice can be obtained by contacting the duty officer at the Swedish Coast Guard on +46 455 35 35 00.

Climate & Weather

Kaliningrad's climate reflects its geographical position and can be deemed to be between maritime and continental i.e.wettish, with moderate winters and summers.

Ice in the Baltic can be a hinder to shipping although the southern Baltic has been ice free this past 15 or so winters.

Weather information for the Baltic is readily available from Danish, German, Finnish and Swedish metrological offices.

The Swedish Shipping Forecast is available here

The Danish Meterological Institute has a good forecasting site but, unfortunately, only in Danish

Yachts navigating in the Baltic area will find fitting a receiver for weather forecasts via radioteletype (RTTY) from the German National Weather Agency (DWD) a great advantage.


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Arrival/Departure procedures

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