Punta Umbria

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WorldNorth AtlanticSpainSW SpainPunta Umbria
Punta Umbria
37°10.72′N, 6°57.21′W Chart icon.png
The Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta

Punta Umbria is a busy resort and fishing harbour situated at the estuary of the river of the same name, 25 miles east of the Spanish/Portuguese border and five miles west of the entrance to the Rio Odiel, the main channel up to the historic Spanish port of Huelva. There are two marinas in the Rio de Punta Umbria, the Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta (owned by the Real Club Maritimo Y Tenis de Punta Umbria) one mile from the entrance and the Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria a further 0.75 miles further upriver. There is a further marina at the port of Mazagon in the Rio Odiel to the east.


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A long mole with a south cardinal mark at the end protects the western side of the estuary. Entry is best near high water. The reported depth at the bar is 6.0 metres (confirmation needed). The channel is buoyed from the entrance up to the marinas.

Berthing For Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta: call on VHF channel 09 or telephone: +34 959 311899. E-mail: [email protected].

For Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria: call on VHF channel 09 or telephone +34 959 524541. E-mail: [email protected].

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta

Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta/wiki/Punta_Umbria#Puerto_Deportivo_La_Canaleta
Marina icon Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta [[Punta Umbria#Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta|Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta]] 37°10.87′N, 6°57.43′W
Is further upriver has 197 berths for yachts up to 12 metres. Water and electricity on the pontoons. Showers and Toilets. Fuel station. Good 24hr security.

Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria

Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria/wiki/Punta_Umbria#Puerto_Deportivo_de_Punta_Umbria
Marina icon Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria [[Punta Umbria#Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria|Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria]] 37°10.58′N, 6°57.09′W
The Puerto Deportivo de Punta Umbria
Is a new marina completed in 2008. The marina has a total of 260 berths, 65 of which are supposedly reserved for vessels in transit. The marina has water and electricity at the pontoons. Showers and toilets at the clubhouse. A fuel berth is located half a mile upstream. Yacht and tennis clubs near the marina. Good 24hr security. WiFi.


Anchorage in the river is possible, although the currents are strong and there are numerous moorings in the best spots.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

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Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel station half a mile upstream of the Puerto Deportivo La Canaleta. Water and electricity at both marinas.

Things to do Ashore


Within the surroundings of the marinas are some beautiful scenic areas such as La Laguna de El Portil (El Portil lake), Los Enebrales (juniper tree groves), and the Marismas del Odiel (Odiel marshes).

Grocery & Supply Stores





Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal



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References & Publications

See Spain.


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Date of member's last visit to Punta Umbria and this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from internet research (please update if possible)--Athene of Lymington 19:00, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

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