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WorldMediterraneanItalyTyrrhenian CoastGaeta

Base Nautica Flavio Gioia (Gaeta), Italy

41°13′N, 13°34.57′E Chart icon.png
Base Nautica Flavio Gioia in Gaeta

The small marina of Base Nautica Flavio Gioia lies in a protected basin in the harbour of Gaeta. It is 27 miles E of Capo Circeo on the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy. Gaeta’s sheltered position on the NE side of the peninsula of the same name has made it an important strategic port since ancient times. The ease of access from Rome by the Via Appia made Gaeta an attractive spot for wealthy Romans to build their country villas, remains of several of which survive today. With the decline of the Byzantine empire in the Middle Ages, Gaeta became the focus of disagreement between the kingdoms of Anjou and Aragon, both of which have left their mark on the town with two splendid castles. Today the town is an important naval base as well as a useful port of call for yachts sailing down from Rome to the Bay of Naples.


Winds along the Tyrrhenian Coast of Italy are generally light in the summer months. The most notable feature is a SW seabreeze that kicks in late morning and blows at little more than Force 2 - 4 until the evening. Thundery conditions are not infrequent during early Spring and Autumn, and associated winds can sometimes reach gale force and kick up a substantial sea. In winter, gales can blow from both NW and S and entry to and exit from many of the harbours along the coast can become hazardous.

Sources for weather information:

  • There is a continuous (computerised voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at La Garde (Toulon), Roma and Cagliari (Sardinia)


British Admiralty


Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


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The rocky promontory of Gaeta, topped with a powerful, squat castle, is conspicuous from some distance. Once the promontory is rounded, the long breakwater of Gaeta harbour, oriented N/S, will be clearly seen. Base Nautica Flavio Gioia lies in its own basin to the W of the harbour, behind the breakwater. The prominent red tower of the town hall just behind the marina is a useful landmark. Much of the harbour is a military area, so avoid milling around.


Call Base Nautica Flavio Gioia on VHF channel 09. For reservations, telephone: +39 0771 311013 or [Email]. The marina offers a total of 215 berths for yachts up to 60 metres. Depths at the piers range from 2.0 - 5.0 metres. Yachts berth where directed on concrete piers with laid moorings. Water and electricity at every berth. Toilets and showers.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs



In settled weather only, a yacht may anchor off the beach to the S of the Gaeta Peninsula, in the bay of Serapo, in 4.0 - 5.0 metres on sand. The anchorage is uncomfortable with winds from NW round to SE.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


Hard standing. Indoor storage. Slipway (up to 400 T). Hydraulic lift (100 T). Mobile crane (9 T). All engine, electrical and electronic repairs. Wood, fiberglass and steel hull repairs. Sail repairs. Divers.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel station on the quay (0730 - 1930). Water and electricity at all berths.

Things to do Ashore


The old town of Gaeta is well worth exploring. The two splendid castles constructed by the forces of Anjou and Aragon in the 13th and 15th centuries respectively, are worth a visit. The Sanctuary of SS. Trinità, dating from the 11th century, was once visited by St. Francis of Assisi. Its Chapel of the Crucifixion was built in 1434 on top of a rock which had tumbled from the nearby cliffs. From the sanctuary you can visit the so-called Grotta del Turco, a cleft in the cliffs which leads directly down to the sea. The Church of the Annunziata houses the amazing Golden Grotto, an ornate room decorated with panels by the 16th century artist Giovan Filippo Criscuolo.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Provisions shops in the village, a few minutes walk away.


Numerous restaurants and pizzerias in the town.




Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal

Bins close to the harbour.



Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


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References & Publications

See Italy.


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Date of member's last visit to Gaeta and this page's details validated:

  • Data compiled from web research (please update if possible) --Athene of Lymington 15:29, 10 December 2010 (UTC)

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