Bali Marina

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Bali International Marina

Location and Charts

8°44'28"S, 115°12'48"E - Benoa Harbour.


The Benoa harbor leads begin at the Sea Buoy at 8°45'14 S, 115°14'55 E. Follow the leads (just below a lone palm tree on the hill above) - on a course of 255True, past buoys #1 and #2 to the beginning of the dog-leg channel. Maintain a course close to the Red (left) side channel markers (stay clear of all Green markers). Continue 30 meters past the last Buoy #8 before turning North - (staying close to the main ship wharf - portside) - to the Marina, located at 8°44'28"S and 115°12'48"E. We do not recommend night time approaches without prior experience -- Very dim navigation lights against a bright background. We recommend a slack-tide arrival if possible. In fact, the port is officially closed at sundown if you're concerned about your yacht insurance.

Radio Contact

VHF Channel 77

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