Rio Lujen

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Rio Lujen and the San Isidro/San Fernando area NW of Buenos Aires

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34°26.75′S, 58°31.03′W
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Most cruisers planning to spend any time in the Buenos Aires area proceed to the San Isidro/ San Fernando area - just NW of the city of Buenos Aires - where the bulk of water related activity occurs.


Submit the chart details that are required for safe navigation.

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Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

Local Weather

See Buenos Aires

Sources for Weather forecasts:

Approaches to the San Fernando area

The sea level in Rio de la Plata is much affected by the prevailing winds, a few days of easterlies can raise the tides up to a metre above prediction while westerlies can drop the level by a similar amount. Even under normal conditions a direct approach from BA into the mouth of the Rio Lujen is not recommended except with very good local knowledge. As a result the normal approach is up the main Rio Parana shipping channel until Canal Honda is reached. Then it is a simple matter to follow Canal Honda and Canal de Vinculacion to San Fernando. Shortly after passing the east cardinal beacon at the entrance to the latter canal it appears to be shallow but locals say this is very fine silt that can be motored through. Yachts with up to 3 metre drafts use these canals on a regular basis.

Check-in facilities

If, as is the norm, you are arriving from Capital Federal ( central BA) there are no check in requirements. Arrangements for a berth in a local marina should be made before leaving Capital Federal. If you are arriving direct from Uruguay you will need to attend Immigration and Aduana at Tigre. They are at the Muelle International on the far bank of the Rio Tigre. You will also have to visit the Prefectura in either Tigre or San Fernando. Don't forget that along with your papers you will need a letter from the marina you are berthed at. See also my note under 'personal experiences' below.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

There are numerous yacht clubs and marinas in the five mile stretch between San Isidro and Tigre. From seaward the ones of most interest to cruisers are:-

  • San Isidro
  • Barlovento
  • Parque Nautico San Fernando
  • Yacht Club Argentino
  • Club San Fernando


List details of all safe anchorages in the area.

  • It is possible to moor almost anywhere along Canal Honda. However there is constant small ship traffic so it pays to make sure you are well tucked in. Holding is good in mud. The stream is always flowing seawards but on the flood may be diminished to the extent that a yacht will be wind rode rather than tide rode.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

  • Baron S.A. ( Chandlers), Libertador 1898, San Fernando,
  • Costanero Uno ( Chandlers), Libertador, San Fernando
  • Trimer S.A. (Chandlers),Del Arco 55, San Fernando, [email protected]
  • North Sails
  • Injectors Vega
  • Honda
  • 1ar Estacion de Pintura Nautica ( International Paints agents ), Libertador 2434, San Fernado.
  • del Bajo (Hempel Paints agents), Libertador 3039, Punta Chica.
  • IDP SA (Liferaft servicing and associated fire fighting and lifesaving equipment), Colombres 2353, Munro. [email protected]
  Highly recommended. They also provide a service to yachts in Ushuaia several times a year.


  • The marinas at San Isidro, Barlovento and YCA can, amongst others, haul boats. See above.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Diesel and Nafta ( petrol) can be purchased from the fuel dock at the entrance to the YCA marina.
Potable water is available at all the marinas

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


List places of interest, tours, etc.


Not that common, best bet is HSBC,3 de Febrero 899, San Fernando (by the town square).

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • Disco, Libertador, San Fernando.
  • Carrefour, Peron, San Fernando.
  • Many small but excellent fruit and veg shops are scattered through San Fernando.


  • Numerous and of good quality.


Available at most cafes and restaurants.


Motorbike & Car Rentals


  • The 'Tren de la Costa' runs every 30 minutes between Maipu and Tigre. This line skirts the shore and is operated mainly as a tourist railway. As a result the fare, by local standards, is not cheap. If based here it pays to buy a card with 30 days validity which costs 40 pesos for 12 trips.

TBA ( Trens Buenos Aires) run a frequent service through central San Fernando. This runs from Tigre to Retiro ( Capital Federal) and is in the order of 1.5 pesos one way.

  • Remis ( hire cars ) are cheap and good. I have used Remis Madero who I can heartily recommend.
  • Taxis are plentiful, beware of the 'you only gave me a ten' trick......

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on the Cruiser Log Forum

External Links

Links to relevant websites.

References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • December 2009

Personal Notes

Having checked both out and in to San Fernando using the Prefectura, Aduana and Immigration services at Tigre I would not recommend it to any one. The Prefectura at Tigre will leave you standing for an hour before telling you that you should be seeing the Prefectura at San Fernando. The Prefectura office in San Fernando is at Colon 405, in one of the dodgiest parts of town. You may get satisfaction after an hour there then again maybe you will not. The less said about the Tigre Aduana the better. Suffice to say that the managers of both marinas I had dealings with said 'yes, we always have trouble with them'. Far better to clear in and out in Capital Federal. Unfortunately if you are hauling your boat out in San Fernando you need to get an " Acta de Interdiccion" from the Tigre Aduana on the day that you haul... and more paperwork on the day you go back in the water....... good luck.


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