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Datça (Port of entry)

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36°43.3′N, 27°41.5′E
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Local chartlet
Datça waterfront

Datça used to be the pleasant harbour of a sleepy provincial town. In the last few years it has grown into a booming resort with high-rise buildings, bars and discos. The harbour has experienced similar investment and the area designated for yachts has been extended to the west with an area of decking and new stainless steel mooring rings have been installed all along the quay. Datça can now accommodate in the region of 30 – 40 yachts in total. However, it is a very popular port of call and it is wise to arrive early during high season. If the harbour is full, there are good anchorages both south and north of the harbour, depending on wind direction.

Yachts anchor moor to the quay as directed by harbour staff. Water and electricity are available on the quay at an additional cost of Turkish lire 10 per day for each. Typical mooring charge for a 13 metre yacht is Turkish lire 30 per night (July 2010).

There are several additional anchorages along the south side of the Datça Peninsula between Datça and Cape Krio.

South anchorage at Datça


The Region of Datça & Cape Krio
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1055 Rhodes Channel and Gökova Körfezi
G35 Dodecanese and Coast of Turkey
54400 Samos to Rodhos
311 Marmaris - Fethiye
3112 E) Datça Limanı
451 Leros to Rhodos

Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

Local Weather

See Turkey

Approach and Navigation

Care needs to be exercised in the approach from west to avoid the islet and reef extending 50 metres off it just east of Kuru Burnu, the last headland you round before heading into the harbour. On the approach from north or west, the rocky above-water islets of Uzunca Adasi about a mile offshore should be given a wide berth. Danger: There are fierce gusts of Cape Krio and along the steep slopes to Datça.

Check-in facilities

Chart of Datça Harbor - Chartlet
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Harbour staff are in attendance and will direct you where to moor on arrival. Anchor in 5.0 – 6.0 metres and go back to the quay. The holding is good in mud and sand. It is also possible to anchor off in either the South or North Bay, where the holding is good in sand. The South Bay normally offers better protection in the prevailing winds and is just off the main town beach. The water is clear enough to swim off your boat.

Offshore Islands

Baba Adasi

Chart of Baba Adasi
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GPS: 36°39.7′N, 27°30.4′E - Chartlet

A pleasant enough anchorage. Anchor in 7.0 metres, good holding. It is safe from the meltemi.

Warning: There are many bees here, and they bite.

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Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • None.


Cove East of Kalaboshi

GPS: 36°40.7′N, 27°36.7′E - Chartlet

A pleasant enough cove about 2 nM E of Kalaboshi. Anchor in 7.0 metres. Good holding. It is safe from the meltemi but a strong and possibly uncomfortable swell enters the cove.

Warning: There are many bees here, and they bite.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


Chart of the Knidos Anchorage - Chartlet
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GPS: 36°41′N, 27°23′E
Knidos or Büyük Liman is a nice anchorage just east of Cape Krio. It is usually crowded but the extensive archaeological site is a "must see" place. This was a place sacred to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Here was the statue of Aphrodite by Praxiteles that was famous throughout the ancient world. It was not been found.

Anchor on either side of the bay wherever there is space. The holding is uncertain in some areas because of rocks and weed on the bottom, so be prepared to make several attempts. Make sure the anchor is well set before opening the Efes since the gusts can be strong even in moderate winds. Alternatively, go alongside on either side of the refurbished restaurant pontoon, where there is space for around eight yachts (more when rafted up). You will be expected to eat in the restaurant ashore if you moor here.

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The Mersinçik Anchorage
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GPS: 36°45.2′N, 27°28.8′E - Chartlet
Mersinçik has two possible anchorages: a narrow cove NW and a larger bay to the S. Both are very attractive and secure but the NW cove is very popular with gulets. Anchor in 8 m, good holding. It is best to take a stern line to a tree.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores




Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel: a mini-tanker can deliver to the quay in Datça. Water and electricity are available on the quay at an additional cost of Turkish lire 10 per day.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


The walk west from the harbour along the town beach and past an inland freshwater lagoon out to Kuru Burnu is pleasant. A visit to the old village of Eski Datça (dolmus departures every hour from the main square) is a must. The village has been sympathetically restored and is a delightful spot to stroll around, with several cafes offering lunch. If not visiting by yacht, it is also possible to take a trip to the site of ancient Knidos 15 miles to the west.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Good minimarket right opposite the yacht berths in Datça. Other stores in the town. Larger Migros and Tansas supermarkets on the eastern outskirts.


  • In the town of Datça there are many restaurants. Some very reasonably priced specializing in pide (a Turkish pizza) to the right of the main road leading inland
  • The Papatya Restaurant, 50 metres up the hill from the western end of the yacht moorings, is excellent and has the best view of the south anchorage.
  • There are several overpriced restaurants in Knidos





Motorbike & Car Rentals

Several rental outlets in the town of Datça.

Garbage Disposal

There are bins around the harbour.


Regular dolmuş to Eski Datça. Enquire at the tourist office in the main square for details of other routes.

Routes/Passages To/From

See Aegean.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on the Cruiser Log Forum

External Links

References & Publications

See Turkey.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

See individual ports in this page.

Personal Notes

Datça is not a place to go for peace and quiet (you may well need earplugs to get a good night’s sleep in the harbour), but it is an attractive place to visit and a good stopping-off point along the south side of the Datça Peninsula --Athene of Lymington 13:58, 5 July 2010 (UTC)


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