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Italy Cruising Guide

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Italy.

Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Currency: Euro €
Time Zone CET (UTC + 1)

CEST (UTC + 2 summer)

More notes about the country

Italy occupies a long, boot-shaped peninsula, surrounded on the west by the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas; on the east by the Adriatic Sea; and in the South by the Ionian Sea. It is bounded by France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia to the north. The Apennine Mountains form the peninsula's backbone, while the Alps form its northern boundary. Several islands form part of Italy; the largest are Sicily (9,926 sq mi; 25,708 km2) and Sardinia (9,301 sq mi; 24,090 km2). Few parts of Italy are more than half a day’s drive from the sea, making a cruising yacht the perfect way to explore at leisure the country and its numerous historic and cultural attractions. It is also the best way to visit some of the smaller Italian islands along the peninsula’s west coast and the remote islands of Lampedusa and Pantelleria between Italy and North Africa.

Vulcano in the beautiful Aeolian Islands

Cruising in Italy can be divided into five areas. The Ligurian coast extends from the border with France at San Remo round as far as Livorno, and includes the major ports of Genoa and La Spezia as well as marinas at the harbours of (west to east) San Remo, Aregai, Andora, Alassio, Finale, Savona, Varazze, Arenzano, Rapallo, Chiavari and Lavagna. The Tuscan coast runs from La Spezia to Civitavecchia just north of Rome. Harbours are slightly sparser along this coast, which includes the major port of Livorno as well as marinas at (north to south) Marina di Carrara, Viareggio, Salivoli, Talamone, Santo Stefano, Punta Ala Marina, Porto Ercole and Marina di Cala Galera. Continuing south a yacht approaches the Tyrrhenian coast, the most populated part of the Italian shoreline, with the major cities of Rome and Naples and associated marinas and harbours as well as further marinas and harbours at (north to south) Riva de Triano, Nettuno, San Felice Circeo, Base Nautica Flavio Gioia, Formia, Amalfi, Salerno, Agropoli, Acciaroli, Camerota, Marina de Scario, Maratea, Cetraro, Vibo Valentia and Tropea. From the Straits of Messina passing eastwards along the Ionian coast, a yacht will encounter the harbours of Reggio di Calabria, Rocella Ionica, Le Castella, Crotone, Ciro, Marina Laghi di Sibari, Taranto and Gallipoli before arriving at the bottom of the ‘heel’ of Italy at Santa Maria de Leuca, where the Adriatic begins.

A cruise along the west coast of Italy is considerably enriched by diverting to some or all of the islands off the Tuscan and Tyrrhenian coasts, including (north to south), the islands of Capraia, Elba, Giglio, Ponza, Ventotene, Ischia and Capri. Further south, a yacht cruising along the ‘instep’ of Italy or the north coast of Sicily is only a day’s sail away from the beautiful Aeolian Islands, a very worthwhile diversion, especially out of season. The small island of Ustica is also only a day’s sail from the north coast of Sicily.

The two largest Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily are, of course, major cruising grounds in their own right, with a decidedly distinct character of their own.

From the ‘heel’ of Italy northwards along the Adriatic coast, distances between harbours increase as one gets further north and marinas become scarcer. Leaving the marina of Santa Maria de Leuca, a yacht cruising north passes the harbours of Otranto, Brindisi, Mola di Bari, Bari, Trani, and Vieste, before arriving at the ‘spur’ of Italy. (Please update with details of harbours from Vieste to Slovenian border).

Cruising around Italy, especially out of season, is an excellent way of avoiding some of the worst excesses that tourism has brought to the country. It is rarely necessary to undertake long passages as the coast (except for some parts of the Ionian and Adriatic coasts) is mostly well supplied with harbours and marinas. Note: the word 'marina' in Italian (unlike in English) is used to refer to any settlement close to the sea. In this section, to avoid potential confusion, it is used only to refer to properly organised marinas.

Security can be a problem in some areas, especially around big cities, and it is sensible to be security-conscious wherever you are in the country. Many of the smaller harbours are ‘franchised’ to ‘yacht clubs’ or even private companies and corruption and overcharging are by no means uncommon. Italy is a country where you need your wits about you constantly. Having said that, the country has as compensation an unparalleled range of cultural attractions as well as some of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful harbours and anchorages.

Climate & Weather

Weather in Italy can be divided into several distinct geographical regions: the Ligurian Sea where Italy borders France; The Tyrrhenian Sea (including the island of Sardinia); The Ionian Sea between Sicily and the coast of Greece and the Adriatic. Each of these regions has its own distinct climate and prevailing winds. In the north, the Tramontana is a strong NNE wind that descends from the Alps and can blow at gale force in early and late season. In summer, the Scirocco can blow up from the Sahara, bringing humid weather and red dust across the south of the country. The Libeccio is a SW wind that mainly affects Sardinia and the Tuscan coast, while the northern Adriatic is renowned for the much-feared Bora, which can reach force 12 in winter around Trieste. Finally, the Maestrale (French ‘mistral’) will often be encountered in summer blowing from NW onto the west coast of Sardinia and even reaching the Ligurian and Tuscan coasts on occasion.

Summer temperatures can sometimes reach 40 degrees or more, especially in the south, though 30-35 degrees is more common. Sea temperatures around the coast are usually adequate for swimming from the end of May until October.

Sources of weather forecasting info:

  • There is a continuous (computerised voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation.
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16.
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at Roma, Cagliari (Sardinia) and Augusta (Sicily).


  • Italian Charts Online - You must be able to read Italian to use the site well but most people can figure out the basics with a good translator.

Special Navigation Notes

The principal danger that may be encountered in some parts of Italy is tunny nets, which are sometimes set off headlands and in narrow channels during the migration months of the fish (June/July) and can present a hazard at night, as they are frequently poorly lit.

Local Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

  • All the Italian Mediterranean Area is covered 24/7 by SSB and VHF from Italian Coastal Maritime Stations. Full details
    The main stations are:
    • Ligurian sea: Genova Radio
    • North Tyrrhenian Sea: Livorno Radio
    • Central Tyrrhenian Sea: Civitavecchia and Rome Radio
    • South Tyrrhenian Sea: Napoli Radio
    • South Sardinia: Cagliari Radio
    • North Sardinia: Porto Cervo Radio
    • North Sicily: Messina e Palermo Radio
    • South Sicily: Lampedusa e Mazzara Radio
    • North Adriatic Sea: Trieste e Venezia radio
    • Central Adriatic Sea: Ancona Radio
    • South Adriatic Sea: Bari Radio
    • Ionian Sea: Crotone Radio

Arrival/Departure procedures

Both EU and non-EU boats arriving from a country outside the EU must contact customs at the first Italian port. It is advisable to make first landfall in Italy at an official Port of Entry and the skipper must immediately proceed to report to the offices of the Port Captain, Immigration and Customs. Take along the following documentation:

  • Original ship's registration papers.
  • Original ship's radio station licence and proof of at least one of the crew's radio operator's licence.
  • Valid insurance (& 3rd party liability) documents (with a certified Italian translation). The insurance policy provider must either have reciprocal arrangements with an Italian insurance company or the insurance be bought in Italy through an Italian broker.
  • Proof of VAT status (for non-EU vessels)
  • Skipper's certificate of competence
  • A full crew list showing surname, forename, date and place of birth, function on board, passport number and nationality.

Italy is a member of the European Union and therefore vessels arriving from another EU country, with only EU nationals on board, are not required to complete the formalities. The formalities described above apply mainly to non-EU boats, though EU boats will have to comply to some such as the requirement to have a valid third party insurance certificate on board.

It is illegal for foreign yachts to charter in Italy. However, if you arrive with a charter party from abroad you can obtain the transit log in the usual way but, neither the charter party nor the crew may be changed while in Italian waters.

Note: "Paying crew" is classified as a charter, with the relevant charter implications.

Immigration, Visas & Customs

No visa is required for a stay of up to 3 months for nationals of EU countries, some other West European countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Argentina, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Paraguay, Singapore, Slovenia, Uruguay, Serbia and Montenegro, & Venezuela for stays of up to 2 months (Israel for a stay of up to 1 month). Extensions are obtainable by applying to the police.

The section of police you need to apply to is the Questura section of the Caribinieri. This is the office that deals with foreigners within Italy. For EU citizens you should register with the local anagrafe if you plan on staying in the area greater than 8 days. Non EU must register if they are going to be in Italy greater than 8 days though sometimes they will ask if you are staying in one area and if not just have you contact the polizia (police) and show them the stamp of your first port of entry into the country.

Stop and search operations by Italian Police/Customs are not uncommon - you MUST monitor VHF16 at all times and respond to calls from Police/Customs.

Firearms and ammunition MUST be declared on arrival - non-compliance can result in imprisonment.

PETS: The Pets Travel Scheme (PETS) operates in Italy whereby dogs and cats need to have been microchipped and possess a Health Certificate (which must be in both Italian and the language of the country of origin). This can be obtained from the local veterinary inspector of the Ministry of Agriculture and should state that the animal is free from disease and has been vaccinated against rabies not less than 20 days and not more than 11 months prior to the date of issue of the health certificate. Animals under 12 weeks of age must be so declared and examined on arrival.

Non-EU boats may only remain in any EU country for a total of 18 months, so boats arriving in Italy from another EU country will have the time spent there taken into account. At the completion of the 18-month period, the boat must leave the EU, or it will have to pay VAT on its estimated value. To avoid this, the boat may be put in bond by informing customs who will seal the boat. The boat can then be left in a boatyard or assigned marina, but cannot be used for a specified period.

Fees and Dues

Ports & Popular Stops - Ligurian Coast (North West)

The Ligurian Coast is less frequented by cruising yachts than other parts of Italy, since most yachts tend to head down from the Riviera coast of France to Corsica and then Sardinia. It is nevertheless a fine cruising ground with some attractive harbours and anchorages, including (from west to east):

Ports & Popular Stops - Tuscan Coast (West)

Yachts cruising along the Tuscan coast generally have a dilemma: whether to stick to the coast or island-hop down through the islands. If there is time, an ideal itinerary would take in at least the major islands of Elba and Giglio in between cruising the coast barely 10 miles away. Harbours along the coast include (from north to south):

Ports & Popular Stops - Tyrrhenian Coast (West)

Cruisers passing along the Tyrrhenian Coast generally tend to head over to the Pontine Islands (Ponza, Ventotene, Ischia) after leaving the area of Rome and return to the coast at the Bay of Naples and Capri, unless making a long passage down to Sicily. Working south from Civitavecchia, the main coastal harbours and marinas are at:

Ports & Popular Stops - Ionian Coast (South)

This area extends from the Straits of Messina, where some of the strongest tidal streams in the Mediterranean are encountered, to the ‘heel’ of Italy at Santa Maria de Leuca. Harbours here are more widely spaced and passages of 60 miles or more will often be necessary. Some of the harbours along the bottom of the ‘foot’, especially Rocella Ionica, Le Castella and Marina Laghi di Sibari, are also subject to silting and up-to-date information on depths at the entrance is essential. From west to east the main harbours and marinas are:

Ports & Popular Stops - Adriatic Coast (East)

The Adriatic coast of Italy is less cruised than other parts of the country, few yachts tackling the 500 miles plus from Santa Maria de Leuca round to Trieste. Many yachts choose to cross the Aegean from Bari or Trieste to Croatia, thus missing out on an attractive cruising ground that has seen considerable yachting development in recent years. And, of course, nothing rivals the experience of sailing into the lagoon of Venice in ones’ own yacht. Principal ports from south to north are:

Offshore Islands

Italy is blessed with a number of islands which offer idyllic cruising, especially out of season. However, some of the more popular ones such as Elba, Giglio, Capri and Ischia can get full to bursting (and very expensive) during the peak July-August period. The main offshore islands are:


The US Center for Disease Control recommends two vaccines for people traveling to western Europe: Hepatitis A (even though Americans are not at an increased risk) and Hepatitis B.


Petty crime can be a problem for unwary travellers. Travellers should note that pickpockets often work in pairs or teams, occasionally in conjunction with street vendors. Gangs of up to eight operate on the Metro (subway) in Rome, especially at busy interchange stations such as Termini, and if you feel unusually hemmed in on the platform or in the train, it is likely you are being pickpocketed. Wear a moneybelt when using the Metro if you want to hang on to your credit cards and cash. Travellers should also be sure to ask for prices before making transactions with most vendors. Taking pictures with jovial, high-spirited costumed mascots will be followed up with a demand for payment. Some other examples are when gelato is purchased or a shoe shine is desired, prices should be asked for beforehand, since reports of extreme price gouging has occurred.

Beware of being tricked on prices even in restaurants, bars, and hotels. If they see you are a tourist, it's somewhat common to give you a higher bill than you're supposed to pay, and you MUST complain to get the right price or even getting your change back!

For emergencies, call 113 (Polizia), 112 (Carabinieri), 115 (Fire Department), 118 (Medical Rescue), 1530 (Coast Guard).

Cruiser's Friends

Submit details/contacts of cruiser's "friends" that can be contacted in advance or on arrival - who can offer information and assistance to our cruising "family".

References & Publications

Links to Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

  • Italy is a country where you need to have your wits about you. Many of the smaller harbours are run by mafiosi, whose aim will be to extract from the unwary yachtsman as much in mooring dues (and gratuities) as they can. Even in those harbours where there are, in accordance with Italian maritime law, special arrangements for yachts in transit, you will sometimes be asked for additional 'gratituities'. Italy is the only Mediterranean country where we have had the question 'How much to moor here?' answered with the question 'How much are you prepared to pay?' - s/y Athene of Lymington.


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