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Cadiz, Spain (Port of entry)

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36°32.44′N, 06°16.31′W
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Cadiz harbour in 1674 (National Maritime Museum, London)
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Cadiz is one of the oldest cities in Spain and has been the centre of Spanish naval pride since the 18th century. Originally a Phoenician trading harbour, Cadiz fell into the hands of the Carthaginians in around 500 BC and was the centre for Hannibal’s conquest of the Roman province of Iberia. The city was taken by the Romans in 206 during the last of the so-called Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. Cadiz was then under Moorish rule from 711 until liberated by Alfonso X of Castile in 1262. The harbour was the main port of call for the Spanish treasure fleets returning from the New World during the 16th and 17th centuries, which earned it the attention of Barbary pirates and - famously - the English privateer Sir Francis Drake, who mounted a successful attack here in 1587 designed to slow the preparations for the Spanish Armada. Most of the city’s buildings today, however, date from Cadiz’s heyday as the capital of Spanish trade with the Americas during the 18th and early 19th centuries. The city’s other main claim to fame is the landmark Spanish Constitution of 1812, declared in Cadiz at the height of the Peninsular War against the forces of Napoleon. Today's visiting yachtsman has a choice of three marinas in the city, all situated on the eastern side of the peninsula on which the old town is built and which is connected to the land at its southern end via a long sandy spit. All the marinas are noisy, either from commercial ship traffic or road traffic, and most yachts generally prefer to berth at Rota, Puerto Sherry or Puerto de Santa Maria and travel into Cadiz for sightseeing. Brief details of the three marinas are, however, given below. Note: there is a fourth small, 100-berth marina at Puerto Sancti Petri off the town of Chiclana de la Frontera 10 miles SSE of Cadiz harbour (World icon.png 36°23.41′N, 06°12.25′W), but the entrance to the river inlet here is extremely tricky, shallowing to barely 1.5 metres at low water, and should not be attempted without good local knowledge and never with strong winds from any direction.


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Radio Nets

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Local Weather

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Approach and Navigation

From the north, the approach to Cadiz harbour is free of dangers. From the south, the penisular on which the castle of San Sebastian stands should be given at least 0.5 mile clearance all around to avoid the reefs extending from it to the west and north.

Check-in facilities (Customs and Immigration)

See marina details.

Offshore Islands and Groups


Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • Puerto America Marina (World icon.png 36°32.3′N, 06°17.0′W)is situated immediately to starboard at the entrance to the main harbour. It offers 142 pontoon berths for yachts up to 32 metres and has minimum depths of 8.0 metres. Yachts berth on finger pontoons with all the usual facilities, including a fuel station. Call on VHF channel 09 for a berth or telephone: +34 956 223 666 or e-mail: [email protected]. You are right next to the commercial harbour here and it is very noisy.
  • Real Club Nautico de Cadiz (World icon.png 36°31.14′N, 06°16.24′W)is situated halfway down the eastern side of the Cadiz peninsula next to a busy residential district. It has 182 berths for small vessels up to 14 metres. Maximum draught 3.0 metres. The marina is currently filled to bursting point with local power boats and it is unlikely space will be found for visiting yachts. Call on VHF channel 09 to enquire about a berth or telephone: +34 956 213 262 or e-mail: [email protected]. Vessels berth here on pontoons with all the usual facilities, including a fuel station.
  • Centro Nautico Elcano (World icon.png 36°30′N, 06°15.22′W)is situated at the southern end of the peninsula next to the bridge carrying noisy traffic on the N-443 across the harbour to the mainland. It has 234 berths with all the usual facilities, but depths of little more than 2.0 metres, so is unsuitable for all but shallow draught vessels as well as skippers who are extremely hard of hearing. Call on VHF channel 09 to enquire about a berth or telephone: +34 956 290 012 or e-mail: [email protected].


The best anchorage near Cadiz is to the NE of Puerto Sherry marina five miles across the bay, between the marina and the training wall of the channel leading up the Guadalete River to Puerto de Santa Maria.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


Limited repairs can de undertaken at all the marinas.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Water and electricity at all marinas. Fuel at Puerto America Marina and Real Club Nautico de Cadiz only.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


The city of Cadiz is mainly 18th century, with straight, narrow streets overshadowed by houses with wrought iron balconies. The tourist authorities here have painted a red line on the roads to guide tourists round the main sites. These include the cathedral, an impressive edifice with dimensions similar to St Paul’s in London, which has a superb carved stone roof and highly decorative early 18th century choir stalls. The Museo de Cadiz is also worth a visit; its main attraction is two superb Phoenician stone sarcophagi, male and female. The Torre de Tavira, one of Cadiz’s traditional merchants’ houses equipped with watch towers, now houses a camera obscura which reflects a view of the whole city. Finally, the Plaza de San Francisco is a good place for a relaxing lunch stop, surrounded by orange trees.

Grocery & Supply Stores





Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal



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References & Publications

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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • Marina details based on internet research and reports by visiting cruisers (please update if possible)--Athene of Lymington 18:49, 13 April 2010 (UTC)

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

  • We preferred the river pontoons at Puerto de Santa Maria, from which there are regular ferries into Cadiz, for our visit to Cadiz. It really isn't worth putting up with the noise in the city marinas - even assuming they have space for you --Athene of Lymington 18:49, 13 April 2010 (UTC)


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