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Taormina, Sicily, Italy

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37°50′N, 15°18′E
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Taormina is one of the most spectacularly sited towns in the whole of Italy, lying on a steep bluff at the foot of Monte Tauro and offering magnificent views over the sea and the brooding, often snow-capped bulk of Mount Etna 28 kilometres to the SW. Settled by Greek in the 5th century BC, who built the superbly sited theatre, the town was subsequently occupied by the Romans and became the Sicilian capital under Byzantine rule until its virtual destruction by Saracen invaders at the beginning of the 10th century. Enough of the town’s historic architecture survives, however, along with its spectacular site, to make Taormina a magnet for tourists from all over the world. The town and the beaches lying below it are packed during July and August and it can be a relief to return to peace and quiet on your anchored yacht (there is no harbour at Taormina).


Admiralty chart 1941 - Capo Passero to Capo Colonne; chart 1018 - Approach to Stretto Messina

Italian chart 918

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

Local Weather

Prevailing winds in the Straits during the summer are from N or NW. Southerly winds are more common in the spring and winter. In unsettled weather the Straits can be subject to very strong gusts off the land which, combined with the strong currents, can make passage dangerous for smaller yachts. Currents at Taormina are weaker than in the Straits, although gusts will still be experienced off the high land in NW winds.

Sources for weather forecasts:

  • There is a continuous (computerised voice) weather forecast on VHF 68 - first in Italian and then followed with an English translation.
  • The same forecast is given in Italian and English on VHF coastal stations following a notification on channel 16.
  • Navtex weather forecasts are broadcast from stations at Roma, Cagliari (Sardinia) and Augusta (Sicily).

Approach and Navigation

The town of Taormina is unmistakeable on its high terraces under Monte Tauro. A Saracen castle above the town is also very conspicuous. There is no harbour at Taormina, but in settled weather a yacht may anchor in one of the five anchorages off the town and visit by dinghy. In winds of any strength from S or E the anchorages are uncomfortable and in gales or near-gales untenable.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)


Offshore Islands and Groups


Marinas & Yacht Clubs



All the anchorages below should be used in settled weather only. If strong winds are forecast from east or south it is wise to head for refuge in Messina or Catania. All the anchorages are very busy with water sports and may be partly buoyed off for swimming in summer. The anchorages are listed from north to south.

  • Mazzaro Bay. A small cove north of Capo S. Andrea. Beware rocky shoals on the north side of the bay and off the headland on the northern side. The safest approach is to the landward side of Mazzaro Rock south of the entrance to the cove. Anchor in 4.0 - 6.0 metres on the south side of the bay. The holding is good in sand and rock.
  • San Andrea Cove. The cove between Capo S. Andrea and Isola Bella. Anchor in 5.0 - 8.0 metres on sand and rock. The bottom has some large rocks and a trip line may be advisable.
  • Isola Bella. The bay between Isola Bella and Capo Taormina. Anchor wherever there is space in 6.0 - 8.0 metres. Reasonable holding in sand and rock.
  • Taormina Bay. The wide bay south of Capo Taormina. Anchor towards the centre of the bay in 5.0 - 10.0 metres on sand. Good holding. There are also around 20 orange buoys in place from June to September which may be picked up. A charge is made.
  • Giardini Naxos. A small harbour at the southern end of Taormina Bay. Moor alongside the central portion of the jetty in 3.0 - 4.0 metres, avoiding the sunken wreck lying just off it. There is space here for up to four yachts. Alternatively, moor on one of the four floating pontoons if there is space (June to September only). Depths range from 1.3 metres on the innermost to 4.5 metres on the outermost pontoon. Water and electricity are usually available on the pontoons.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores




Fuel, Water, & Electricity

None, unless you can get on the pontoons at Giardini Naxos.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


The town of Taormina is a ‘must visit’ site, not least for its wonderfully sited Teatro Greco. In spite of its name a Roman theatre, the natural amphitheatre in which is it built affords superb views down over Taormina and its anchorages and across to Mount Etna. The town itself revolves around one long street, Corso Umberto, which runs between two gates at either end of the old town walls and is lined with upmarket shops and souvenir patisseries. Don’t miss the magnificent view from the terrace at the end. Some interesting Moorish palaces too. The gardens of the Villa Comunale, with their beautiful collection of plants and flowers, are a delight to explore or use as a picnic venue. Finally, there are several Moorish and later Norman palaces along and near Corso Umberto which are worth at least a look or even a visit if they are open.

Grocery & Supply Stores

In Taormina, but a long haul back to the anchorages.


All one could wish for in Taormina.





Motorbike & Car Rentals

Rental outlets in Taormina.

Garbage Disposal



Transportation (local and/or international)

Routes/Passages To/From

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References & Publications

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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

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Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

  • All the anchorages experience swell in all but the most settled conditions. However, it is worth a sleepless night for the sake of a visit to Taormina town and its numerous attractions --Athene of Lymington 16:11, 12 August 2010 (UTC)


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