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Ushuaia in winter
Photo:Frank Holden - Westerly Serenade


Bahia Ushuaia
Photo:Steve Hurst - Westerly Serenade

Ushuaia was established as a penal settlement in 1883 as part of the Argentinian effort to assert sovereignity over the lands of southern Patagonia. The Presidio Nacional (prison ) closed in 1947 and today the main reason for the city's existence is as a tourist destination and departure point for cruise ships in the Antarctic trade. While can lay claim to being the world's most southern city Puerto Williams remains the world's most southern town and Puerto Toro the most southern civilian settlement. Ushuaia is used as a base by many of the charter yachts working in the south.

Climate and Weather

Photo - Frank Holden - Westerly Serenade
Wind heel alongside AFYSyN
Photo - Frank Holden - Westerly Serenade

Ushuaia, being under the lee of the Cordillerra Darwin in eastern Tierra del Fuego, receives only 56 cm (22 inches) of rainfall each year although, on average, the city experiences 160 rainy days a year. Snowfalls are common in winter and are a regular occurrence in spring, summer and autumn.

Bahía Ushuaia is well sheltered from the prevailing westerlies but is wide open to the east, from whence the wind occasionally blows. Very hard northerlies are not uncommon.

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Arrival procedures

In Argentina yachts are the concern of the Prefectura or Coast guard. Their Ushuaia headquarters are a short walk beyond the Muelle Comercial .. the big commercial wharf.

Call the Prefectura - callsign Lima Tres Papa - on VHF 16 about one hour before arrival and give your ETA, flag, last port, POB, and intended berth.

Call again when secure to ascertain whether they are coming to you or you are going to them.

In late 2007 it seemed to be the norm for them to require you to go to the Prefectura with ship's papers and passports. If arriving from overseas - i.e. Puerto Williams - a 90 day tourist visa is issued by the same office. It is then required that you go to the Aduana, or customs office, which is situated a short distance beyond the first gate on Muelle Comercial. Aduana paperwork is simple and straightforward... simply fill in a form listing the ship's equipment such as radars, GPS, binoculars etc, with serial numbers and do the same for crew effects such as cameras and laptops.

Clearing out involves the same procedure..... take your crew with you... they may want to sight them then again they may not. Go early in the day... this may take some time.

Customs & Immigration

See also Argentina

In the last 12 months the Argentinian Aduana/Customs have come down heavily in boats thought to be chartering out of Ushuaia. A range of new rules have been introduced as a result.

These include- No vessel may be left unattended in Argentine waters without the permission of the local Aduana.

Before permission is given power of attorney must be granted to a resident living locally. The penalty for infringement is 1% of the value of the vessel.

No foreign yacht may be used for commercial activities while in Argentina. The fine in this case is 30% of the value of the yacht.

The present crackdown has also seen a range of fines being applied for a variety of other 'offences'.

One which is in place and has been applied is a heavy fine being levied on yachts which arrive from the Falklands without the correct permission and paperwork.

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

The AFASyN jetty in early summer
Photo:Frank Holden - Westerly Serenade
  • AFASyN This club has a well found pier which can accommodate a reasonable number of yachts alongside. Be prepared to raft up and to have yachts rafting up to you.
  • Moorings There are a number of yacht moorings laid in Bahia Ushuaia, some are private while others are controlled by AFASyN. Enquire at the AFASyN office regarding availablity.
  • Club Nautico. With the reclamation of land in front of Avenida Maipu and the construction of a new coast road the old Club Nautico jetty has recently been demolished.


In the event of strong easterlies or northerlies making your berth alongside AFASyN untenable safe anchorage can be found outside the mooring field...see 'Racha' pic above. However in late 2008 a 'no anchoring' zone was established in the area between the end of the Aeroclub runway and the Muelle Comercial.

Health & Security


Tourism & things to do ashore

Bust of Vito Dumas
Photo:Frank Holden - Westerly Serenade

Ushuaia is a tourist town and there is no shortage of things to do. There are ski runs close to the town and a trip on the Tren del Fin del Mundo out to the 'Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego' on the shore of Bahia Lapataia is almost obligatory.

The main street is lined with good restaurants.

In the summer it is often possible to book a 'last minute' berth on one of the many ships running down to Antarctica.

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