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Cascais, Portugal

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38°42′N, 09°25′W
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Cascais marina
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Once a small fishing village, Cascais is now a smart resort town, packed with elegant boutiques and restaurants. It is situated on the north side of the mouth of the River Tejo which flows through the Portuguese capital, Lisbon. Cascais’ popularity dates from 1870, when King Luís I decided to convert the 17th century Citadela here into his summer residence. Other aristocratic palaces and mansions soon followed and in 1926 the resort’s status was confirmed when the railway line from Lisbon to Cascais was the first in Portugal to be electrified. In view of Portugal’s neutrality during World War II, the heads of state of a number of European countries found refuge in Cascais and the nearby resort of Estoril. Among them were the Duke of Windsor, King Umberto of Italy, King Carol II of Romania, Prince Juan of Spain, Count Henri of France and Regent Horthy of Hungary. The town now boasts a smart 650-berth marina to receive a new influx of celebrities - the world’s cruising yachtsmen and women - who are attracted by its convenience for visiting the attractions of Lisbon or Sintra.


British Admiralty 3635, 3263
Portuguese 23203, 24203, 24204, 26406, 26303

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

Local Weather

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Approach and Navigation

Cascais is situated nine miles SE of Cabo da Roca and four miles W of the entrance to Lisbon. If approaching from the north, stay one mile off Cabo da Roca and Cabo Rasa. Leave the three S cardinal buoys and a further red can buoy to port as you pass along the southern breakwater. If approaching from the south, pass Cabo Espichel then steer a course of 331º, leaving a red pillar buoy one mile to port. The marina is entered from the NE. Keep clear of the end of the breakwater, leaving an unlit small red buoy to port. The reception quay is immediately to starboard on entering.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

Call Cascais Marina on VHF channel 09. Office hours are: (summer) 09.00 - 19.00; (winter) 09.00 - 18.00. Telephone: +351 214 824 800. E-mail: [email protected]. Alternatively berth on the reception quay and walk to the marina office.

Offshore Islands and Groups


Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Cascais Marina is a smart, full service marina offering a total of 650 berths for vessels up to 35 metres. Minimum depths in the marina are 6.0 metres. Larger vessels can be berthed on a pontoon outside the northern breakwater, which can accept vessels up to 50 metres long. Water and electricity on all pontoons. Toilets and showers. Laundrette. Fuel station. Travel hoist (70T). Crane. Good security in the marina (card entry system). An unexpected attraction is the dolphins which occasionally visit the marina. However, the charges here are reportedly very high (which is probably why they don’t stay very long).


  • There is an anchorage just NE of the marina, which is sheltered from all directions except SE. Some occasional gusts in the afternoon seabreezes. Anchor wherever you can clear of the many moorings.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


  • Boatyard in the marina. Most electrical, electronic and sail repairs.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel berth in the marina. Water and electricity on all pontoons.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


Although there is little left of the fishing village which gave rise to Cascais, the town is not unattractive and repays at least a morning’s exploration. The Museu do Conde de Castro Guimarães is a remarkable structure in itself and has an excellent collection of 18th and 19th century artifacts, including some fine Indo-Portuguese furniture and an outstanding library. The church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção is also worth a visit for its 16th century altar, 18th century hand-painted tiles and several paintings by Josefa d’Óbidos, a celebrated female 17th century artist who achieved a status rare for women at the time. Finally, the Grutas de Alapraia in the north of the town are an unusual attraction, a series of underground caves dating back to the Neolithic period and only discovered in the late 19th Century. If venturing further afield, Cascais is a handy base for exploring the charms of Sintra ten miles to the north, with its overblown ‘Neuschwanstein’-style royal castle, Palacio de Pena, on a dizzy peak overlooking the town and 9th century Moorish castle Castelo dos Mouros, built on an equally inaccessible crag to the north.

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • Excellent Pingo Doce supermarket in the marina.
  • Other shops 10 minutes away in the town.


  • A total of eight cafes, bars and restaurants around the marina. Numerous others in the town.




In the marina.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Several outlets in the town.

Garbage Disposal

Bins in the marina.


  • Regular trains into Lisbon
  • Bus service to Sintra

Routes/Passages To/From Cascais

Popular passages/routes, timing, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

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References & Publications

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