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Map of Skyros
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Skyros (Σκύρος) or Skiros is the most isolated island of the Sporades group, and as a result not too many yachts visit it. Skyros has about 4,000 inhabitants and an area of 210 km2. The tallest peak is Mt. Kokhilas (792 m).

Skyros has a rather long history. In Greek Mythology its king, Lycomedes, offered hospitality to Theseus when he was an old man, but he became very jealous of his fame and murdered him. The same Lycomedes hid Achilles as a favor to Thetis, Achilles' mother, so that he could avoid going to the Trojan War. In more historical times, the island was conquered by the Athenians in 470 BC. In 404 BC it was taken over by the Spartans, and in 322 BC by the Macedonians who were followed by the Romans.

Skyros then became part of the Byzantine Empire until the 15th century when it was taken over by the Venetians. They held it until 1538 when the Ottoman Turks took it and held it until the end of the Greek War of Independence] in 1821 when it became part of Greece.

Today Skyros is renowned for its folk art and its Carnival. The largest town is Chora, or Skyros, which is built around the Venetian castle. It is about 10 km from the Linaria harbor.

Native to Skyros is a rare species of small pony called Pikermic.


BA 1062 Nisoi Voríoi Sporades
BA 2048 Skyros island

Imray-Tetra G26 Nisos Evvoia
Imray-Tetra G25 Northern Sporades and North Nisos Evvoia

NIMA 54350 Nisoi Vorioi Sporadhes 54352 Plans in theAegean Sea: Nisos Skyros

Greek 33 Cape Sounion to Lesvos I.

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

  • Coast Guard - VHF channel 12 & Tel. +30 2220 91 475
  • Olympia Radio - VHF channel 63

Approach and Navigation

Approaches to Skyros are easy but Skyros is a very windy island its N side of is exposed to very rough seas. All of the anchorages are on the S side with the exception of the "marina." The only harbor in the island is Linaria.

Ports and Popular Stops

Linaria Harbor

File:Skyros Linaria h.jpg
Chart of Linaria harbor
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Linaria (Λινάρια) is a small harbor [38°52' N 24°32.5' E] and it offers good protection from the meltemi as well as from the S winds. Anchoring is very difficult because of the many laid moorings and bad holding. Most yachts moor alongside the W quay but avoid the ferryboat area. There is only room for about 3 yachts. Rafting is quite common. If there is no room you van anchor off-shore at the near by Linaria Cove.

The harbor is very pleasant with a few restaurants and stores. There is a water outlet at the quay, with water available, sometimes, and a near by fuel station. The town of Chora is about 10 km away. There is a bus twice a day. For a taxi call +30 2220 91 666.

File:Skyros Linaria1.jpg
The harbor of Linaria
Click for larger view

Marinas & Yacht Clubs


Linaria Cove

File:Skyros LinariaCove m.jpg
Chart of Linaria Cove
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Linaria Cove [38°50.6' N 24°28.6' E] is just N of Linaria Harbor. It is open to the S winds. It well protected from the meltemi despite the strong gusts. The bottom is mostly mud and provides good holding.

Caution: On the NE over the hill there is an electric power plant. It is refueled by some underwater pipes located between 2 small buoys. Stay away form the E side of the cove.

The cove is a very pleasant and much more quieter than the harbor despite the proximity of the power plant. You can easily go ashore and leave the dingy at the small pier at the E side. Linaria is a 10 minute walk. Alternatively you can take the dingy to the harbor. On the NE corner of the cove there is a restaurant that has a good reputation with the locals.

Linaria Harbor as seen from Linaria Cove
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Ayios Phokas

File:Skyros AyFokas m.jpg
Chart of Ayios Phokas
Click for larger view

Ayios Phokas or Ayios Fokas (Άγιος Φωκάς) [38° 52.4' N 24° 28.6' E] is a gorgeous anchorage with very bright green pines all around, almost up to the water line. Anchor at 4m, very good holding on sand .

There is a restaurant ashore which serves good food.

Ayios Phokas
Click for larger view

Stin Angali

Stin Angali (Στήν Αγκάλη - in the embrace) is a lovely setting and a safe anchorage but liable to have some swell. There is a restaurant ashore.

Port Achladi

This is supposed to be a very good anchorage. I have only seen it from a distance and it looks very attractive (--Istioploos 08:42, 4 May 2008 (MDT)).

Tris Bookes

Tris Bookes (Τρείς Μπούκες) or Trebuki is a very large natural harbor and has been used by the British and Greek navies as an anchorage. The name means three mouths and is descriptive of this large bay protected by two islands that give it three openings. However, it less suitable for yachts because of fierce gusts and swell. Also a Greek Naval base is under construction and could restrict access.

Renes Bay

This is cove on the SE corner of the island.

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