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Fethiye (Port of entry)

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36°37.7′N, 29°06′E
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Local chartlet
Turkey Fethyie r.jpgChart of the Fethyie Region - Click for larger view
The Bay of Fethiye

Fethiye, the ancient Telmessos, is a very pleasant town with a large esplanade. The town is surrounded by Lycian rock tombs carved on the rocks. The tomb of Amyntas, carved in the style of an Ionic temple into the rock face south of the town in the 4th century BC, is worth a visit for the view alone. Further east are some impressive Lycian rock-cut tombs extending several hundred metres up the cliff face. There is also a medieval castle built by the Knights of Rhodes on a high bluff SW of the town. In the middle of town there is a Lycian sarcophagus tomb in the shape of a small house.

There are three marina options in Fethiye, the large 400-berth Fethiye Ece Marina on the south shore of the bay, the 30-berth Yacht Classic Hotel Marina immediately west of Fethiye Ece Marina, and the smaller 20-berth Yes Marina about a mile to the west. There is one other so-called marina in the bay, Letoonia Marina on the north side of the bay, which is basically a boat park for visitors staying in the adjoining resort complex rather than a conventional marina.

Fethiye is located half-way between Dalaman Airport and Antalya Airport with easy access to either.


1886 Approaches to Fethiye Körfezi
G36 South Coast of Turkey
54421 Kardeiga to Ilbiz Burnu
312Marmaris - Fethiye
313 Fethiye - Kaş
3122 Fethiye Körfezi
452 Rhodos to Cattelorizo

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.

Local Weather

See Turkey.

Approach and Navigation

The approaches to Fethiye are straightforward. If approaching from the west, note that the shoal of Battikaya opposite Fethiye island is marked with a north cardinal marker.

Berthing Options

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

There are a total of four marinas in Fethiye Bay, of which two are suitable for visiting yachts:

See also the entry for Göcek Marina.


Fethiye Bay

Chart of the Bay of Fethiye - Chartlet
Click for larger view

The best anchorage is at the western end of the bay, where one can anchor in 10-15 metres off the boatyards or further east between Yes Marina and the large Fethiye Ece Marina. Shelter is good from all directions except east, when the pontoons of Fethiye Ece Marina give some protection.

Cape Batikkaya

There are a few anchorages at Cape Batikkaya (World icon.png 36°38.2′N, 29°06′E, 36°38.5′N, 29°05.8′E, and 36°38.7′N, 29°05.2′E) just about 1 nM north of the town. They offer good shelter from the prevailing W/NW winds but are all open to easterlies.

Skopea Limani

World icon.png 36°40.4′N, 28°52.8′E - Chartlet
The Skopea Liman gulf because of its proximity to the Göcek Marina and Fethiye is very beautiful but also very crowded. There are many coves and anchorages if only one can find some room.

Details are given at a separate entry see Skopea Limani.

Kizilkuyruk Koyu

Chart of Kizilkuyruk Koyu
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World icon.png 36°37.1′N, 28°52.3′E
Kizilkuyruk Koyu is about 1 nM NNW of Ince Burun between Ekincik Liman and Fethiye. It is a lovely cove but very crowded. In 1997 a small restaurant was continuously blasting the cove with disco music. Anchor in 8-12 m and take a line to the shore.

About a 30 minute walk up the hill is Lydae, an archaeological site. The site, with two Roman mausoleums and some Byzantine foundations, is not very interesting but its setting is exquisite. There are several mud-brick domes which may be Moslem tombs but I am not so sure because goats have been using them for shelter.


Kucuk Kuyruk

World icon.png 36°37.75′N, 28°52.9′E
Kücük Kuyruk lies one mile NE of Kizilkuyruk Koyu. While small, it is a delightful anchorage with a sandy beach at its head and good shelter from the prevailing winds. Anchor in 8-10 metres and take a line ashore to a suitable rock.

Ragged Bay

World icon.png 36°38′N, 28°53.5′E
Ragged Bay, immediately north of Kucuk Kuyruk, consists of three inlets sheltered by a small offshore islet. A reef extends 50-60 metres east of the islet and should be avoided. Anchor in one of the inlets in the bay and take a line ashore. Depths are between 15 and 20 metres. The bay is popular with gulets but they seldom stay overnight.

Ölu Deniz

Aerial view of Ölu Deniz
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World icon.png 36°32.9′N, 29°06.8′E - Chartlet

Ölu Deniz is a completely land locked and beautiful lagoon. However, it is overrun by tourists and the beach to the east is backed with row upon row of tacky hotels.

Entry to the lagoon and anchoring within it are prohibited to yachts. However, it is possible to anchor in the cove just west of the lagoon entrance and take a line ashore, although the depths here are considerable and the holding variable. It is not a suitable place to stop unless the weather is settled. Better anchorages are at Gemiler Adasi and Karakaören.

The mountaintop overlooking the bay is a very popular paragliding base and it is common to see scores of gliders circling the harbour. Several concessions in the village offer tandem flights (US$95)which are a spectacular experience.

Anchorage west of Ölu Deniz
Click for larger view

Cold Water Bay

World icon.png 36°33.8′N, 29°05.0′E
Cold Water Bay (Soguksu Limani)is a well sheltered crystal bay fed by refreshing springs in the south west corner. A boatman from the restaurant will direct your anchor placement and run a line to preset attachments on the cliff face. Restaurant is lovely (Dinner~TL35/pp inc wine)

Gemiler Adasi

Anchorage at Gemiler Adasi
Click for larger view

World icon.png 36°34′N, 29°04.3′E
Gemiler Adasi, three miles west of Ölu Deniz, has an attractive anchorage on the north side which can be used in settled weather. Anchor in 15 – 20 metres and take a line ashore. Often rather aggressive "boat boys" will approach and offer to take your lines (for a tip, of course). The shore here is lined with Byzantine ruins, extending some 15-20 metres out under the water, and the situation is most picturesque in the right conditions.

Gemiler Buku

World icon.png 36°33.7′N, 29°03.8′E
Gemiler Buku is a small sandy cove about half a mile west and north of Gemiler Adasi. There is very little room in here to anchor, since the bay is buoyed off for swimming and the best anchorage, on the SW side with a line ashore, is usually occupied by fishing boats and gulets. A lunch stop only, assuming you can get in.


Karakaoren Restaurant moorings
Click for larger view

World icon.png 36°32.6′N, 29°03.4′E
Karakaören is probably the most secure anchorage in the area of Ölu Deniz. Sheltered from the prevailing winds by an archipelago of rocky islets and reefs, the small cove has been developed by the Karakaören Restaurant on the northern shore into a regular yacht ‘stop-off’ en route between Kalkan and Fethiye. The restaurant has laid 24 moorings in a crescent around the north side of the cove. Since the moorings are close together, it is necessary to take a line ashore (which the restaurant staff will do for you on arrival). In addition, there are three mooring buoys further out where yachts may swing. Anchoring is also possible in 14-16 metres further out in the cove, although the shelter is less good here and you will get some swell with any wind. Some yachts also anchor on the south side and take a line ashore to the rocks – although the bottom is sand and weed with many rocks and not the best holding. Obviously, if you use the restaurant moorings, you are expected to eat in the restaurant (set meal of meze, main course, salad and fruit from 30-45 Turkish lire).

Offshore Islands and Groups

Tersane Adasi

Anchoring is permitted in Tersane Creek at the NW tip of the island, where there is also a restaurant jetty with laid moorings for customers (see entry for Skopea Limani).

Baba Adasi

World icon.png 36°41.5′N, 28°41.7′E - Chartlet
A small anchorage 10 nM W of Fethyie and few miles E of Ekincik Liman. Anchor at the S side of the island at 5-8 m with a shore line. Pleasant and isolated but only in good weather.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores



Enquire at the Fethiye Ece Marina.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

At the Fethiye Ece Marina
At the Fethiye Ece Marina
At the Yes Marina
At the Fethiye Ece Marina
At the Yes Marina

Things to do Ashore


The Museum is well worth a visit, they have a very exciting stele from the Letoön with an inscription shown in three languages: Greek, Aramaic, and Lycian. They also have a nice ethnographic section. It closes at 17:00.

From Fethiye one can take a number of inland excursions to places such as Ölu Deniz, Xanthos, and Patara, and to Lydae, a 30 minute walk up the hill from Kizilkuyruk Koyu. All of these places can also be visited from Kalkan or Kaş.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Many stores in town. Minimarket in the Fethiye Ece Marina.


There are numerous restaurants along the waterfront, mostly touristy and offering standard Turkish tourist fare. For a more interesting experience, go to the old fish market off Hamam Sokak in the heart of the old town. You choose your fish at the central counter (excellent fresh sea bream, sea bass or delicious local "ice fish" at around 20-25 Turkish lire per kilo), then repair to one of the restaurants around the shady square, where they cook and serve it with garlic bread and salad for just 5 Turkish lire per person (prices as at May 2010) --Athene of Lymington 14:55, 24 May 2010 (UTC)


At the marinas and in internet cafés.


Right across from the Fethiye Ece Marina.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

There are several agencies in town.

Garbage Disposal

There are bins at the marinas and in several anchorages.


Dalaman airport is about one hour away by taxi.

Routes/Passages To/From

See Aegean.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Turkey.

Personal Notes

  • We abandoned plans to visit Letoonia Marina on our visit to Fethiye on discovering that the charge is Turkish Lira 100 per person per night (inclusive, however, of hotel room and all meals). The 'marina' here is simply a boat park on a concrete quay (without laid moorings) and not a very salubrious one at that. We pushed on to Yes Marina, which was in the process of being converted into a very smart restaurant and mini-marina, with new T pontoon, water, electricity, toilets and showers (very swish) and free WiFi. Oh, and it was half the price of Fethiye Ece Marina - May 2010 --Athene of Lymington 08:44, 23 May 2010 (UTC).
  • We found Fethiye a bit down market vs Gocek. Olu Deniz was interesting for a lunch and swim but the lagoon is extremely crowded and the water clouded. Cold Water Bay gets 4 stars. --Monterey 22:22, 20 January 2013 (GMT)

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


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Names: Lighthouse, Istioploos, Athene of Lymington, Monterey

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