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Sardinia Cruising Guide, Italy

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40°03.49′N, 08°59.40′E
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The background and history of Sardinia is best observed on Wikipedia.

After Sicily the largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia offers some of the most varied sailing in the Med along its nearly 1900 kilometres of coastline, with a number of small, picturesque harbours as well as the main ports of Alghero, Cagliari and Olbia. Other attractions for the yachtsman include enchanting offshore islands such as the Maddalena archipelago on the NE side and Carloforte and Sant'Antioco at the southern tip; smart and exclusive marina developments like Porto Rotondo and Porto Cervo; idyllic anchorages with dazzling white sand and crystal-clear water - especially on the eastern side - and overall a more laid-back and friendly ambiance than will be encountered on mainland Italy.

Inland, the island boasts some spectacular scenery, especially in the mountain wilderness of the Gennargentu national park, the romantic, lake-dotted plateau of the Giara de Gesturi and the peaceful solitude of the Monte Arcosu nature reserve west of Cagliari. The landscape is a palimpsest of several successive cultures, of which the most fascinating in terms of remains is the Bronze Age Nuraghic culture, which left massive, stone-built circular structures (whose function is still shrouded in mystery) and unusual 'giant's tombs' all over the island. Most of these attractions can be accessed from one or other of the harbours around the island, where motor scooter or car hire is usually easy.

Most yachts arrive in Sardinia from the Balearics or across the windy Straits of Bonifacio from Corsica; alternatively from the west coast of Sicily or the Italian mainland around Rome.


The prevailing winds are from the NW - especially when the mistral is blowing - many yachts intending to circumnavigate decide to go anti-clockwise, when the significant exposure to the risk of strong headwinds is limited to the area between the Maddalena archipelago and the island of Asinara at the NW tip of Sardinia.

Sources of weather forecasting info: see Italy - weather


1985 - Ajaccio to Oristano including Bonifacio strait
1990 - Oristano to Arbatax including Golfo di Cagliari
M8 - North Sardegna
M9 - South Sardegna
53110 - West Coast of Corse and Sardegna
53130 - East Coast of Sardegna

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

Approach and Navigation


Check-in facilities (Customs and Immigration)

See Italy

Berthing Options

Ports and Popular Stops

The principal harbours & anchorages are:

North Coast (Stintino - Santa Teresa Gallura)
Stintino Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Porto Torres Marina icon.png
Castelsardo Marina icon.png
Isola Rossa Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Santa Teresa Gallura Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
East Coast (Maddalenas - Villasimius)
Maddelena Archipelago Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Cannigione Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Porto Cervo Poe.jpg Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Porto Rotondo Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Olbia Poe.jpg Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
La Caletta Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Santa Maria Navarrese Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Arbatax Poe.jpg Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Porto Corallo Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
Villasimius Marina icon.png Anchor Icon.png
South & West Coast (Cagliari - Alghero)
Cagliari Poe.jpg Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png
Carloforte Poe.jpg Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png
Portoscuso Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png
Torre Grande (Oristano) Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png
Alghero Sailboat smallest icon.png Marina icon.png

Key to icons: | Port of entry: Poe.jpg | Harbour: Sailboat smallest icon.png | Marina: Marina icon.png | Anchorage: Anchor Icon.png

Other anchorages and harbours may be found within the section for each main entry

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

The following are the principal marinas in Sardinia:

Also see Maddalena Archipelago.

Offshore Islands

  • San Pietro
  • Sant'Antioco
  • La Maddalena
  • Santa Maria (Maddalena group)
  • Caprera (Maddalena group)

Marine Services

See entries for each port

Marine Stores

See each Port.


See each Port.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

See each Port.

Things to do ashore


The most unique place in Sardinia is Su Nuraxi, near the small town of Barumini. This is the largest Nuraghic site on the island. It has a very impressive stone fortress (circa 1200 BC), reconstructed and surrounded by the ruins of a sizable Nuraghic village.

Another notable site is Nora to the SW of Cagliari. Here in a lovely setting is a Nuraghic ruin (the Nuraghies were the oldest known inhabitants of Sardinia) and a Roman town with a darling little theater and two hot bath-houses. The site is quite large and right next to an old lighthouse.

The town of of Alghero which was built by the Arabs and was occupied for a long time by the Catalans. Its inhabitants are still speaking a Catalan dialect, is very picturesque.

In addition, there many lovely beaches and mountain passes.

Grocery & Supply Stores

See entries for each port


An outstanding restaurant (1996) serving Sardinian food (Sardi Tipico) is Su Cologone Restaurante. It is located about 60 km from Cagliari near the town of Nuoro. Their "menu tipico" is an amazing procession of dishes. To begin with there are the antipasti: Sardinian salami, prosciutto, a kind of kokoretsi (a shish-kebab made of entrails), hot cheese dumplings, funchi, sweet breads, and a very sharp soft sheep milk cheese spread accompanied with Sardinian bread (thin crusty pita). These are followed by the "primo piato" consisting of a colorful arrangement of ravioli with grated Sardinian cheese, macaroni, and a dish of some kind of an omelet. Then the "secundo piato" of a combination of roasted baby lamb and roasted baby pig accompanied with a potato dish. These were being roasted on spits at an enormous fireplace. Following the meat was a green salad with fennel.


Routes/Passages To/From

See Mediterranean.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

References & Publications

See Italy.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Lighthouse, Istioploos, Ebraglia, Atheneoflymington, Wayward, RobbieW

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