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Sipan, Croatia

An online cruising guide for yachts sailing to Sipan Island in Croatia.

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42°43.68′N, 17°52.74′E
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Sipan Island is the largest of a chain of small islands lying barely two miles off the coast of Croatia. Known as the Elafiti Islands (from the Greek word elaphos, meaning deer, which with the islands were presumably formerly populated), the chain is mostly heavily forested and unspoilt. Several of the islands are popular day trip destinations for holidaymakers staying in Dubrovnik, but visiting yachts using the various anchorages around the islands can usually escape the worst of the crowds (especially outside the peak months of July and August) and even the busier anchorages quieten down at night when the tripper boats go home. Sipan Island is around nine miles NW of the port of Dubrovnik, and is a popular summer beach destination for day trippers. Wine and olive oil were formerly the backbone of the local economy, but increasingly tourism is the island’s prime source of income. Although a relatively large island, Sipan only offers suitable berths for yachts in two small harbours, Luka Sipanska and Sudurad, plus a settled weather anchorage at the small islet of Misnjak at its N end.

Anchorage of Luka Sipanski from N
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Luka Sipanska has a few laid moorings suitable for shallow draft yachts
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Inner harbour of Sudurad
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Yachts of modest draft can moor inside the ferry jetty at Sudurad
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British Admiralty
Croatian charts
M26 (Split to Dubrovnik)

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


Diurnal winds among the islands are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5, although gusting is common in narrow channels between islands and on the lee side of headlands. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains affect some of the islands close to the mainland coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.

Check-in facilities (Customs and Immigration)

Dubrovnik is the nearest year-round port of entry.

Berthing options

There are two principal berthing options on the island, the anchorages of Luka Sipanska at the NW end of the island and Sudurad at the SE end.


Luka Sipanska World icon.png 42°43.82′N, 17°51.89′E
Luka Sipanska is the largest of several villages on the island and the main passenger ferry port. The bay is approached from S through the narrow channel of Prolaz Harpoti between Sipan and Jakljan islands or from N along the NE side of a chain of islets fringing the NE side of Jakljan Island. The harbour and anchorage lie at the head of a mile-long NW-facing inlet. Anchor S of the ferry jetty on the N side of the harbour (which carries a red light structure) in 5.0 - 6.0 metres. The holding is good in mud. There are a few laid moorings on the quay SE of the ferry jetty which can be used if free by visiting yachts. Depths here are 2.0 - 3.0 metres only. Shelter is good in all but strong NW winds, which send in a heavy swell. Provisions store, restaurants and café/bars ashore.

Sudurad World icon.png 42°40.79′N, 17°57.51′E
The village of Sudurad is situated at the SE end of the island, opposite the small islet of Ruda. If approaching from S, note that shoals extend for nearly 400 metres SSE of the headland at the S end of the bay. There are also a number of above-water rocks which lie 200-300 metres E of the village and its tiny harbour. Anchor outside the harbour in depths of 4.0 - 5.0 metres, between the ferry jetty on the S side of the harbour (used by a car ferry from Dubrovnik) and the rocks to the E or, in S winds, in the wooded cove 500 metres S of the harbour. Holding is good in sand. Alternatively there may be space on the inner side of the ferry jetty, where there are laid moorings in depths of 4.0 - 5.0 metres. These are often filled with local boats, however. Shelter in the anchorage is good except with anything E in the wind. Provisions shops and restaurants ashore. The village also has an interesting 16th century fortified tower, built to protect the villagers during pirate raids.

O. Misnjak World icon.png 42°45.32′N, 17°50.21′E
Between the small islet of Misnjak at the extreme N tip of Sipan and the island itself is a shallow channel which can be used as an anchorage in settled weather. Anchor in the ‘cleft’ opposite Misnjak islet in 6.0 - 7.0 metres. The holding is good in sand. Shelter is good and the surroundings are idyllic in settled weather or in moderate S winds, but the anchorage should be evacuated immediately with any signs of bad weather. No facilities ashore.

Offshore Islands

Marinas & Yacht Clubs


Yacht Services and Repairs


Fuel, Water, & Electricity


Things to do Ashore


There are a few fortifications around the island which remain from the days of piracy in the 16th century and some villas formerly owned by wealthy Dubrovnik families, but little else. There is a pleasant walk from Sudurad across the island to Luka Sipanska.


Ferries to Dubrovnik from Luka Sipanska and Sudurad.

Routes/Passages To/From

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on partnering forums. (see link for requirements)

External Links

See Croatia.

References & Publications

See Croatia.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


SailorSmiley.gifContributors to this page

Names: Lighthouse, Athene of Lymington

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