Vieux Port

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WorldMediterraneanFranceMarseilleVieux Port
Vieux Port
MarseilleVieux Port (800x502).jpg
Vieux Port from W
Radio VHF channel 77
Phone ''See [[#Yacht Clubs|yacht clubs]] below''
Berths 3200
Max. length 90 metres
Max. draft 5.5 metres
Fuel Yes
Water Yes
Electricity Yes
Toilets Yes
Showers Yes
Laundry Yes
Internet Yes Yes (a charge is made)
Cable TV No
Hours ?
More notes about the marina

Marseille Vieux Port is the oldest basin in the harbour of Marseille on the Mediterranean coast of France. Dating from the 15th century, it was only superseded by the commercial docks in the 1840s. Today it is operated as a marina and tourist attraction, surrounded as it is by the old quarter carefully reconstructed after World War II. The marina contains a total of 3,200 berths on its 40+ pontoons and can accommodate yachts of up to 90 metres and with a draft of up to 6.0 metres. Public visiting berths are limited to only 20 (although both the yacht clubs accept visitors) and you will be lucky to get one during high season. However, it may be possible to negotiate a berth with one of the yacht clubs, which have pontoon berths at the S end of the basin.

Marina radio contact

Contact the capitainerie on VHF channel 09 or tie up on the arrivals pontoon for instructions. Alternatively, telephone or e-mail one of the yacht clubs below to enquire about advance reservations.

Yacht Clubs

Cercle Nautique et Touristique du Lacydon

Phone: +33 491 598200
Fax: +33 491 598209
Email: [email protected]
Address: Quai Marcel Pagnol, 13007 Marseille, France

Operates 650 pontoon berths on the S side of the Vieux Port (max. 30 metres).

Societe Nautique de Marseille

Phone: +33 491 543203
Fax: +33 491 334103
Email: [email protected]
Address: Pavillion Flottant, Quai de Rive Neuve, 13007 Marseille, France

Operates 547 pontoon berths on the S side of Vieux Port (max. 20 metres).


Fort St Jean at the entrance to Vieux Port, Marseille

The Vieux Port is entered from WSW between a long breakwater to port, the Digue Sainte-Marie, and a prominent lighthouse on the headland of Pointe de la Desirade (and, further in, the square Fort St Jean) to starboard. The arrivals pontoon is situated also to starboard just after the entrance, in front of the capitainerie. Depths in the access channel are 6.0 – 8.0 metres and in the basin itself 5.0 – 6.0 metres. Shelter is excellent.


Plan of the Vieux Port

Berthing assistance may be available on request. Berthing is bows or stern-to on the pontoons and all berths are supplied with mooring lines. There are ostensibly 20 places available for yachts in transit (although they are very quickly taken in the season). The yacht clubs usually have berths available unless there is a major sailing event on.

Marina facilities

  • Numerous restaurants all round the basin
  • Supermarkets and provisions shops in the streets N of the basin
  • Chandlery


The yacht clubs have limited facilities for yacht repairs. Cercle Nautique et Touristique du Lacydon has a crane (8T). Societe Nautique de Marseille also has a crane (5T) and a slipway (max. 15T). Basic engine, mechanical and electronic repairs only.



Marina Location

The basin of the Vieux Port is situated in the heart of the old quarter, surrounded by nujmerous cafes and restaurants. Great if you like bustle; less so if you value peace and tranquillity.


  • Marseille international airport to NW (15 kms)
  • Airport shuttle bus from railway station (25 mins)
  • Trains from Marseille St-Charles station to most destinations


Current daily berthing price for typical 13 metre yacht (2013): unknown.


See yacht clubs above.

Personal experience

Post your personal experience and rating of this marina.

  • Great place if you can get a berth and put up with the noise – earplugs are a definite advantage. --Atheneoflymington

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