Bocas del Toro

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Bocas del Toro

Bocas del Toro
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Bocas del Toro is the capital of the Panamanian province of Bocas del Toro. It is city and a world-renowned tourist resort located on the island of Isla Colon in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in the Caribbean Sea off the northwest coast of Panama. Relatively few Panamanians live on the island, opting for cheaper housing on the mainland of Panama. Its white, sandy beaches, ecological parks, diving keys, restaurants and food, nightclubs, attractions, thematic parks, music and dances, shops and markets both in the zone and the downtown make it a popular tourist destination year-round for tourists from the North, South, Central America, Europe, Oceania and Asia alike.

The official language in Panama is Spanish but English is widely spoken in Bocas del Toro.

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Submit the chart details that are required for safe navigation.

Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

  • Local English language net on vhf 68 at 8:a.m. Monday through Friday.


Navigation Details? Permissions for entry?

Check-in facilities

Submit details about facilities for checking in - where to berth - anchor.


Yearly average temperature: 27 Centigrades or 82 grades Farenheit. Rainy seasons from May to August and from November to January. Dry seasons from February to April and September/October.

Sources for weather forecasts.





Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • Bocas Yacht Club and Marina is the main marina in Bocas, located on Isla Colon. Excellent concrete warfs; electicity, wi-fi, water, Diesel Fuel, showers, laundry, restaurant/bar, etc. Very well run, and out of hurricane zone. Rates reasonable.

Routes to/from

Popular routes, timing, etc.


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Tourism & things to do ashore

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Groceries and Supplies

Fuel and Water

Where available?

Marine stores and Repairs

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Islands in the Group

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References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

  • Lin Ronald (lived here since 2005), Tel: 6481 6252. Isla Carenero (small yellow house next to the large new hotel called Los Balcone). I am originally from New Zealand and have many years cruising experience. Email

Forum Discussions

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External Links

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Personal Notes

Personal experiences?


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