S.Bridge Marina

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Revision as of 15:43, 24 March 2016 by Vadim (Talk | contribs)
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WorldUnited StatesFlorida StateFort PierceS.Bridge Marina

S.Bridge Marina

S.Bridge Marina
05°21.40′N, 100°18.9′E Chart icon.png
S.Bridge Marina.jpg
Click to enlarge Pic
Radio VHF channel ?
Phone ?
Berths ?
Max. length ?
Max. draft ?
Fuel ?
Water ?
Electricity ?
Toilets ?
Showers ?
Hours ?
More notes about the marina

Marina Batu Uban is a small marina managed by the Malaysian Marine Police

Marina radio contact

Contact details - (before entry), and harbourmaster/manager's name, etc.


Entry details


Berthing assistance available?

Marina facilites

List all the marina facilities.


Haul-out?, yard?, etc.


Describe marina security.

Marina Location

Is the marina close to shops and other facilities ?


List transportation (local and/or international. Bus service to town?)


Provide price information. If possible add a link to the marina's pricing page.)

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this marina & this page's details validated:

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