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WorldSouth PacificNiueAlofi
Port of Entry
19°03.18′S, 169°55.24′W Chart icon.png
Alofi's Landing "Quay"

Alofi is the capital city of the Pacific Ocean nation of Niue. It has a population of 614 (census of 2001). It consists of the two villages Alofi North (pop. 256) and Alofi South, where the government headquarters are located (pop. 358).

It is located at the centre of Alofi Bay on the west coast of the island, close to the only break in the coral reef that surrounds Niue. The bay stretches for 30% of the island's length (about seven kilometres) from Halagigie Point in the south to Makapu Point in the north.

Alofi is the only official Port of Entry.

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See Niue.


See Niue.


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See Niue.


When about 30-40 km's out, contact "Niue Radio" on VHF16. "Niue Radio" will contact Customs, Health and Quarantine services to arrange for clearance on your arrival.

  • Due to Niue’s unforgiving coastline, you are advised to approach during daylight.
  • There are no shore lights even from villages to aid locating the island.
  • The east shore is deep with a vertical coral wall up to the cliffs. Your depth sounder will not give any warning of the coast.
  • If you have radar, use it to check your distance off. Good image can be received 10+ miles out.
  • Arrive at WPs not before 1 hr after sunrise so you can visually check your distance off.
  • Check and re-check your WP entry into your GPS as mistakes have been made and proved costly!
    • Approach northerly WP (18º 54’70 and W 169º 50’90) with south in you heading.
    • Approach southerly WP (S 19º 12’.00 and W 169º 52’.70) with north in your heading.

Info from sv "Lady in White"

Navigation lights on the approach to Niue’s wharf

Although there are navigation lights marked on most charts, these have not been repaired after cyclone damage. There are no navigation lights on any towers as you approach Niue. Two bright white lights illuminate the wharf area and can be seen for a distance seaward.

Other than FAD's (Fish Aggregation Devices) there are no obstructions or dangers around Niue, the sea floor drops away to a depth of hundreds of meters close to shore around the whole island. There are two FADs one to the North of the wharf and one to the south. They are approximately 1 km north or South of the wharf.


Add here VHF channel for coastguard, harbor masters. etc.

Also see World Cruiser's Nets


See Niue.


The Wharf=

The lifting winch
  • An electric winch and tender parking area is on the wharf at the landing.
  • Tender park along side landing area.
  • Tender trolley available. Please unload your tender and leave free for the next visitor.
  • Toilet and shower facilities up from the wharf. Solar panels are installed and visitors are able to have hot showers. A laundry tub/hand basin is also installed in this area as well. A key can be obtained from the Tourism Office in the Town Center. A $NZ20 deposit is required, so retain your key during your visit, and return it to collect your $20 deposit.


  • Moorings. All moorings are controlled by the Niue Yacht Club and are all south of the wharf. The moorings are marked by large orange floats on the lines with an adjacent “pick up”. Their top priority is the safety of all moorings, and all lines are removed at the end of each cruising season, checked and replaced if necessary. In between times, a regular visual check is carried out by their Mooring Master. Contact the Niue Yacht Club on VHF16 for instructions. The daily charge is $NZ10 per boat per day.

Yacht Repairs and Services

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Marine Stores

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Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Diesel or petrol currently around $2.20 a litre is available from Central Services and delivery to the wharf can be arranged for a small additional fee. Yachts must supply their own fuel containers. Bulk refueling is also possible, with the yacht moored along side the wharf for as long as it takes to transfer fuel. Central Services can be contacted for this service.
Water is available on the wharf
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Things to do Ashore


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Grocery & Supply Stores





Laundry tub at the ablution block on the wharf.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal

There are bins on the wharf at the landing site. All of this rubbish is burnt or buried because of quarantine regulations.


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Cruiser's Friends

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Forum Discussions

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References & Publications

Books, Guides, etc. Use the Reference template or not at your discretion. For example:

Rod Heikel, Greek Waters Pilot, Imray Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire, ISBN 9780852889718, expands to
Rod Heikell, Greek Waters Pilot Imray, Laurie and Wilson, Cambridgeshire, ISBN 9780852889718
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  • Author, Title, Publisher, ISBN ISBN number

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