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WorldNorth AtlanticSpainNW SpainGijon
Port of Entry
43°32.77′N, 5°40.39′W Chart icon.png
The harbour of Gijon

Gijon is a major industrial city and harbour on the coast of Asturias in NW Spain, roughly half way along the northern coast. Originally a Roman settlement called Gigia, its strategic position and sheltered harbour enabled it to prosper from the growing trade with the Americas during the period of Spanish empire from the 18th century onwards. Today Gijon has a population of 275,000 and a thriving tourist industry, attracted especially by the city’s nine beaches. Many parts of the old town remain attractive and the marina of Gijon in the former fishing harbour is a good place to leave a yacht for a trip into the Picos de Europa National Park about 50 miles to the SE.


British Admiralty
1291 - Santander to Gijon
1153 - Approaches to Gijon
C43 - Santander to A Coruna


Gijon is sheltered from the prevailing Biscay winds of SW round to NW, although any winds from N round to ENE send a swell down into the bay and may make the marina entrance dangerous.

Sources for Weather forecasts: See Spain.


List popular passages/routes, timing, etc.




The marina of Gijon lies immediately to the west of the headland of Santa Catalina, which has a conspicuous sculpture Elogio del Horizonte at its end. (Details needed of safe approach to marina). The approach channel to the marina has a lowest depth of 2.5 metres, so it is important to check the tide tables before entering. In strong northerly winds, the swell might make entry inadvisable.


Gijon is a port of entry/exit to Spain.

Submit details about facilities for checking in - location of immigration & customs, etc.


Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


Call Puerto Deportivo de Gijon on VHF channel 09 or telephone: +34 985 344 543 or Email

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

The Puerto Deportivo de Gijon is constructed in the 19th century fishing harbour, sheltered by a breakwater extending WSW from the promontory of Santa Catalina. Within the harbour there are four basins with a total of around 800 berths. Plans are in place to increase the number to 1050. Depths within the marina range from 3.0 - 3.5 metres (although some yachts have reported as little as 2.5 metres at low water). Visitors normally berth bow or stern to the pontoons in the outer basin, which is immediately to port on entry to the harbour. Manoeuvering into some of the berths can be tricky for larger yachts, especially on the most easterly pontoon, where there are small craft moorings laid close to the pontoon. Water and electricity on the pontoons. Toilets and showers. Laundry. Slipway. Workshops. Travel lift (20T). The marina office is located at the SE corner of the outer basin. A fuel pontoon is sited on the opposite side of the quay, behind the marina office.


Anchoring off one of the beaches to the west or east of the marina is possible, but only in settled weather.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

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Most basic repairs possible in the marina.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel is available from the fuel berth to port in the inner dock from 0800 - 21.30 in high season and 0900 - 1830 in low season. Water and electricity is available on all the pontoons.

Things to do Ashore


The old town of Gijon is right next to the marina and has a few surviving 16th and 17th century buildings. The Revillagigado Palace is a particularly fine example. There is also a good walk north from the marina out to the Cerro de Santa Catalina park on the headland, with superb views out to sea and a massive contemporary sculpture of Elogio del Horizonte (tribute to the horizon). If you are here at the end of July, the Folclorico Internacional Festival, when the Plaza Mayor is closed for several nights for performances by dance and music groups from all over the world, is an absolute must.

Revillagigado Palace
The morning’s catch, Gijon harbour
Statue of King Pelayo,
founder of the Kingdom of Asturias

Grocery & Supply Stores

Supermarket and provisions shops close to the marina. Hardware/basic chandlery in the old town.


Numerous bars and good fish restaurants around the harbour. There are also some good sidrerias (cider bars) in the Plaza Mayor.


In the marina.


At the marina office.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Rental outlets in the town.

Garbage Disposal

Bins around the marina.


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Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

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References & Publications

See Spain.


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