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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaSkradin
43°48.918'N, 015°55.385'E Chart icon.png
lat=43.8153 | lon=15.92309 | zoom=14 | y
Skradin, view from the South

Skradin lies on the Krka river on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, eight miles upriver from the city of Šibenik.

Access to the river is via a five mile long inlet entered through a narrow strait, the Kanal Sv. Ante, situated five miles SE of Vodice and 11 miles NNW of Primosten.

The village is renowned for its remarkable waterfalls, the Skradinski Buk, the most spectacular of three sets of falls on the Krka River.

Skradin is accessible by all but the deepest-draft yachts, with depths in the channel of around 7.0 metres, maximal air draft 30 meters.


British Admiralty
2711 Rogoznica to Zadar
2773 Sibenik, Pasmanski Kanal, Luka Telascica, Sedmovrace, Rijeka Krka
2774 Otok Vis to Sibenik
Croatian charts
Italian chart
Imray Nautical Chart
M25 Otok Rab to Šibenik


Diurnal winds along the coast are mostly moderate during the summer months, predominantly from NW and rarely exceeding force 4/5. At night, katabatic winds off the mountains are a feature of some of the harbours along the NE Adriatic coast. During early spring and (especially) autumn conditions can be more unsettled, occasionally accompanied by violent thunderstorms - luckily of short duration - with winds of 30-35 knots or more and vicious, steep seas. In the winter the sudden, violent N wind off the mountains, the bora, is much to be feared, especially along the Velebitski channel. It tends to blow less strongly S of Zadar.

In Skradin the bora is funneled trough the river valley and sometimes causes violent gusts in the marina and anchorage. During a winter bora in 2012 wind speeds up to 65 knots were measured in the marina.

Equally prevalent in winter - although not uncommon in summer - is the scirocco, a S/SE wind that blows up from North Africa, usually in advance of a depression moving E across the Mediterranean. Unlike the bora, the scirocco only occasionally exceeds gale force, but is still a phenomenon to be wary of, especially if on a lee coast.

For sources of weather forecasting, see Croatia.


See Croatia.




Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


See Šibenik for navigation along the Kanal Sv. Ante into the Šibenski zaljev (Šibenik bay).

Once into the bay of Šibenik, the entrance to the Krka River channel is a further three miles at the NW end of the bay. The channel is marked with port and starboard buoys.

Šibenski most/wiki/Skradin#.C5.A0ibenski_mostWorld icon.png Šibenski most [[Skradin#Šibenski most|Šibenski most]] (D8 motorway bridge) 43°45.764'N, 015°50.947'E -- vertical clearance 27 m.

Follow the channel round into the large inland lake of Proljansko Jezero, being careful to avoid the numerous mussel farms en route.

The channel then continues for a further two miles from the E side of the lake under a motorway bridge and up to Skradin.

Most Krka/wiki/Skradin#Most_KrkaWorld icon.png Most Krka [[Skradin#Most Krka|Most Krka]] (A1 motorway bridge) 43°48.513'N, 015°54.943'E -- vertical clearance 49 m.

Another road bridge just beyond Skradin with less than 10.0 metres air draft prevents any further progress.

Note: You are not allowed to use your own dinghy to go up to the falls as the tripper boats monopolise the jetty at the falls.


Skradin town quay

Skradin town quay/wiki/Skradin#Skradin_town_quay
Berth icon Skradin town quay [[Skradin#Skradin town quay|Skradin town quay]] 43°49.006'N, 015°55.347'E
Mooring at the village quay is somewhat cheaper compared to the marina. Laid moorings, water and electricity posts are along the quay.

Marinas and yacht clubs

  • Marina Skradin -- if you are planning an overnight stay, perhaps it is best to moor at the Marina Skradin on the N bank of the river. The marina has 153 berths on laid moorings with water and electricity. You can stay till 5pm and pay half the price of the daily stay.

Other options

Luka Rasline

Luka Rasline/wiki/Skradin#Luka_Rasline
Berth icon Luka Rasline [[Skradin#Luka Rasline|Luka Rasline]] 43°48.452'N, 015°51.405'E

A village at the W shore of the large inland lake of Proljansko Jezero. Moor at the N or S breakwaters. There is less than 3m in places. There is a water tap in the harbour. A restaurant and a Konzum supermarket in the village.

Note: Watch for E cardinal mark S of the harbour.

Luka Zaton

Luka Zaton/wiki/Skradin#Luka_Zaton
Berth icon Luka Zaton [[Skradin#Luka Zaton|Luka Zaton]] 43°47.035'N, 015°49.574'E
4 NM NW of Šibenik. Moor alongside the quay. Depth 2m. The berth is open from SE. A Konzum supermarket is at the square at the head of the bay.


Inlets S of Skradin

Inlets S of Skradin/wiki/Skradin#Inlets_S_of_Skradin
Anchorage icon Inlets S of Skradin [[Skradin#Inlets S of Skradin|Inlets S of Skradin]] 43°48.860'N, 015°55.503'E

There are a few inlets on the opposite, S side of the river. Good holding but strong wind gusts are frequent.

Depths are 3.0 - 3.5 metres and the holding is good in mud. You may not be able to use much chain the place is busy, however.

This anchorage lays at the port authority of Skradin.

At the Proljansko Jezero

U. Parna

U. Parna/wiki/Skradin#U._Parna
Anchorage icon U. Parna [[Skradin#U. Parna|U. Parna]] 43°48.264'N, 015°53.656'E
At the river Krka at the E end of the lake. Depth 9 m.

U. Beretuša

U. Beretuša/wiki/Skradin#U._Beretu.C5.A1a
Anchorage icon U. Beretuša [[Skradin#U. Beretuša|U. Beretuša]] 43°49.069'N, 015°53.268'E
A doglegged inlet at the E end of the lake. Depth 6 m. Note: Watch for S and E cardinal marks S of inlet entrance.

U. Vrulje

U. Vrulje/wiki/Skradin#U._Vrulje
Anchorage icon U. Vrulje [[Skradin#U. Vrulje|U. Vrulje]] 43°47.524'N, 015°53.732'E
A long creek at the SE end of the lake. Depths from 10 to 2 m.

U. sv. Kata

U. sv. Kata/wiki/Skradin#U._sv._Kata
Anchorage icon U. sv. Kata [[Skradin#U. sv. Kata|U. sv. Kata]] 43°48.591'N, 015°51.377'E
A creek just N of the Luka Rasline. Depths 3-8 m. Note: Watch for E cardinal mark S of the Luka Rasline.

Rijeka Guduća

Rijeka Guduća/wiki/Skradin#Rijeka_Gudu.C4.87a
Anchorage icon Rijeka Guduća [[Skradin#Rijeka Guduća|Rijeka Guduća]] 43°49.581'N, 015°50.617'E
At the mouth of the river Guduća at NW tip of the lake. Depth 3-11 m.



In the marina


In the marina


In the marina


In the marina


Can be arranged by the marina, 24h service


Bins in the marina



See Šibenik Fuel.

Bottled gas






Free WiFi in the marina

Mobile connectivity

Vehicle Rentals

Bicycle rental in town


Three small supermarkets in the town.

  • Studenac/wiki/Skradin#StudenacProvisions icon Studenac [[Skradin#Studenac|Studenac]] 43°49.045'N, 015°55.303'E A tiny supermarket at the quay (Obala bana Pavla Šubića; Mo-Sa 07:00-22:00; Su 07:00-20:00)
  • Konzum/wiki/Skradin#KonzumProvisions icon Konzum [[Skradin#Konzum|Konzum]] 44°07.013'N, 015°13.942'E A bit bigger one, between the main square and the one at the quay (Grgura Ninskog 4; Mo-Su 07:00-22:00)

Eating out

  • Small restaurant in the marina. Others in the town
  • Restaurant Skala was good in 2004.--Athene of Lymington 17:08, 3 August 2011 It still has the best steaks in town --Salacia 2013.


Buses to Šibenik


The renowned Skradin Falls
Millhouse at Skradinski Buk

Upriver from Skradin is the Krka National Park, the main jewel of which is Skradinski Buk, a beautiful set of waterfalls cascading some 70 metres down the Krka River. As always in Croatia, the whole set-up is beautifully managed, with a rustic crafts centre, replica water-driven felt hammers (the falls were once an important milling and textile centre) and water-powered corn mills.

The falls are best visited by one of the regular ferries from the marina, which take visitors the two miles up to the attraction. The first ferry leaves Skradin at 8am and is recommended to avoid the crowds in summer. They run every hour thereafter.

You can take a separate trip further upstream to the less impressive falls of Roski Slap and the island monastery of Visovac, dating back to the 15th century. These ferries do not start until midday and there a choice of three different trips lasting 2.5 to 3 hours.

There is a good restaurant at the top of the falls (where the mills are) and one can then descend via a long series of wooden walkways winding over clear pools brimming with trout.

A must to cap off the visit is a quick swim at the bottom of the falls, where the cool, crystal-clear water cascades into a perfect pool.

For more details see Krka National Park at the Wikivoyage.


Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.


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References & Publications

See entry for Croatia.


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