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Revision as of 18:38, 25 June 2017 by Istioploos (Talk | contribs)
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Father of four, two biological two on lease! My son Jonathan died of a brain tumour in 2009 just before his 7th birthday and ever since I have been looking to change my approach to life... Getting back out on the ocean has now become a high priority and to that end I am currently working in Algeria and saving up for a new (to us) boat so that we who remain can have a bit of adventure sailing around the world. The current goal is fairly ambitious but we feel it can be accomplished. Even if we don't its going to be a lot of fun and adventure trying. In normal life I am an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer specializing in Rotary Wing machines and in my alternate reality I am the skipper of the SV Gypsy Queen... crewed by a band of gypsy pirates intent on seeing the world and all the watery wonders that are in it.

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