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WorldMediterraneanAdriatic SeaCroatiaCentral DalmatiaBracSumartin
43°17.110'N, 016°52.075'E Chart icon.png
lat=43.285172 | lon=16.867919 | zoom=14 | y
Sumartin harbour from S

The town and small harbour of Sumartin are situated at the SE end of the island of Brac in Croatia, six miles W of the mainland port of Makarska, with which it is linked by daily ferries. Sumartin is a relatively quiet spot in comparison with the bustle of its neighbour 10 miles to the W, Bol.

Predominantly a fishing and ferry harbour, it is now slightly more yacht-friendly with the completion of a new quay on the N side of the fishing harbour. Shelter in the harbour is good except in strong S winds, from which there is little protection.


British Admiralty 2712, 1574
Croatian MK18, MK19, MK20
Imray M26 (Split to Dubrovnik)


See Croatia.


See Croatia.


Also see World Cruiser's Nets.


The immediate approach to Sumartin has no dangers, although the headland to the E of the bay, Rt. Sumartin (the one with the conspicuous white light structure on it) should not be approached too close as there is a rocky reef extending some 75 metres off it. On entering the bay, it divides into E and W inlets. The harbour and the town are in the E inlet; the W inlet contains the fuel jetty and an anchorage. Depths in the harbour entrance are 15-18 metres and on the quay 3.0 metres.


Split is the nearest all-year round port of entry. During the summer, Hvar, Vis and, if arriving from N, Primosten on the mainland are also ports of entry.


Sumartin inner harbour looking S over fishing boat harbour
Yacht on new quay in Sumartin fishing boat harbour

The harbour has an outer, fishing boat harbour and an inner harbour which is occupied by small craft moorings. The quayed pier dividing the two has mooring bollards installed (although rather widely spaced).

Note: the quay on the outer breakwater to the S is used by the ferries and fishing boats.

Warning: in bad weather, the harbour is usually full of fishing boats, so Sumartin is not a guaranteed port of refuge unless you fancy riding out a gale alongside a fishing boat. Shelter in the harbour is good in all but strong S winds, which send in a dangerous swell.

NW quay

NW quay/wiki/Sumartin#NW_quay
Berth icon NW quay [[Sumartin#NW quay|NW quay]] 43°17.144'N, 016°52.253'E
Visiting yachts are directed to the quay at the outer harbour. There are 6 berths with mooring lines there. Water and electricity are available from the posts there and charged separately. Water the taps there is to be negotiated with the harbour master.

Inner pier

Inner pier/wiki/Sumartin#Inner_pier
Berth icon Inner pier [[Sumartin#Inner pier|Inner pier]] 43°17.130'N, 016°52.289'E
A yacht can go alongside here in depths of 3.0 metres or, at busy periods, anchor moor bows or stern-to towards the end.


The W inlet in the bay, where the fuel jetty is located, is a potentially useful anchorage, although depths are great until quite far in, suddenly shelving from over 15 metres to around 3.0 - 4.0 towards the fuel jetty. Anchor wherever you can find suitable depths, taking a line ashore if necessary. Holding is good in sand and weed. Better anchorages, except in S or SE winds, can be found at U. Studena 1.5 miles W or U. Rasotica two miles NNE.


Water points on NW quay and the inner pier
Electricity see above
Toilets None
Showers None
Laundry None
Garbage Near the waterfront
Fuel Krivača Petrol/wiki/Sumartin#Kriva.C4.8Da_PetrolFuel icon Krivača Petrol [[Sumartin#Krivača Petrol|Krivača Petrol]] 43°17.219'N, 016°51.737'E Fuel berth on jetty on W side of W inlet (0700 - 1900). Depths of 3.0 metres alongside
Bottled gas None
Chandlers None
Repairs None
Internet From Café Jadran
Mobile connectivity
Vehicle rentals None


  • Small provisions shop in the village
  • Butcher

Eating out

Several restaurants and café/bar ashore.


  • Twice daily ferries to Makarska on mainland.
  • Buses to Supetar and other local destinations


Sumartin village is attractively located

Sumartin village is in an impressive setting, cradled between two mountain ridges and overlooked by the 1762 metre high peak of Sveti Jure on the mainland. The village is close to some of the main quarries where the famous white Brac stone is mined. The nearby Franciscan Monastery, built in 1747, has an interesting museum with some early Venetian maps and charts and paintings.


Also see Croatia.


See Croatia.


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