Sigacik Region

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Siğacik Region

Small info.png Coords: 38°11.8′N, 26°47′E
Chartlet: Chartlet
Gallery: Photos

Chart of Siğacik Region
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This region is north of Samos & Kusadasi and south of Çesme. It consists of Siğacik harbor and several pleasant anchorages.


1645 Nisos Chios and Izmir Körfezi
G32 Eastern Sporades, Dodecanese & the Coast of Turkey
54389 Fener Adasi to Samos Strait
2231 A) Mersin Körfezi, B) Sığacık Limanı
2235 A) Alaçatı, B) Alaçatı Barınağı, D) Sarpdere, E) Kırkdilim, F) Gökliman, H) Teos Malkaya
334 Chios Island & Opposite Coast of Asia Minor

Radio Nets

Also see Cruiser's Nets

Submit details of local radio Nets.


See Turkey.

Approach and Navigation

In general, the approach into the gulf and its anchorages is easy and presents no dangers, except in the area of Siğacik and Teos.

Check-in facilities

The closest ports of entry are Kusadasi and Çesme.

Ports and Popular Stops


GPS: 38°11.8′N, 26°47′E

Siğacik is a former fishing harbor which is in the process of being converted into a full service, 400-berth marina. Currently (September 2009), the entire inner harbour is closed while the marina infrastructure is completed and only the small, outer fishing boat harbour is open. The marina is due for opening in 2010, but in the meantime it is necessary if visiting Sigacik to anchor in the bay outside, where there is a good sheltered anchorage west of the small boat moorings and just east of a fish farm.

Once completed, the marina will provide a safe place to leave the boat and visit nearby ancient Teos.

Old fishing harbour, Siğacik

Danger: Do not pass between Esek Adasi and the mainland. It is too shallow. Also on the N side of Esek Adasi there is a reef. Give it a wide berth.

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Chart of Siğacik Harbor - Chartlet
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Siğacik Bay

It is possible to anchor off in the bay.

Körmen Adasi

GPS: 38°01.6′N, 26°52.2′E

There is a snug anchorage just east of Körmen Adasi where you can anchor in 5 meters in sand and weed. Shelter is good from the meltemi, although the anchorage is open to the south. It is a convenient stop when planning to cross the gulf of Sigacik and avoids the usual slog to windward up to Sigacik or Teos when cruising along this coast.

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Teos Liman

GPS: 38°08.9′N, 26°47.9′E

You can anchor on the S side of the anchorage in 5-6 m over sand. It provides reasonable shelter from the meltem but it is totally exposed to S winds.

Danger: Give a wide berth to the reefs near the point to the W.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • August 2007 --Istioploos 14:56, 13 June 2008 (MDT)
Chart of Teos Liman - Chartlet
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Gökkovar Liman

GPS: 38°08.2′N, 26°36.8′E

Gökkovar Liman is a deep fjord about 2 nM NE of Teke Burnu. It is an incredible beautiful anchorage but has been spoiled by at least 5 fish farms that have sprouted in the past few years. They use high intensity lights, and there are large ships loading, I presume the fish. In other words the place has been raped and ruined.

Gökkovar Liman
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Chart of Gökkovar Liman - Chartlet
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There are two anchorages:

North Creek
This is the most protected anchorage but it is now less attractive because of the fish farms. It is best to drop the anchor in about 15 m depth (good holding) and to take a line from the bow to the E shore.
East Creek

This anchorage is deep and only one or two boats can be accommodated. Try to anchor in 10 m and possibly take a line ashore. The holding here is less reliable than in the North Creek.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • August 2004 --Istioploos 14:56, 13 June 2008 (MDT)
Chart of North Creek
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Kirdilim Liman

GPS: 38°08′N, 26°34.3′E

This is a large and very pleasant, deserted cove, with very clear waters. It provides very good shelter from the meltemi. In the middle of the cove there is large buoy where a Turkish patrol boat ties up sometimes. Go to the NW end of the cove and anchor in 7 m, good holding.

Warning: Do not tie to the large buoy, it is used by the Turkish patrol boats.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • August 2007 --Istioploos 14:56, 13 June 2008 (MDT)

Sarpede Liman

GPS: 38°10.5′N, 26°30.7′E

Sarpede Liman is a bay about 1 nM NW of Kirdilim Liman. There are three anchorages: Sarpede West Creek (GPS: 38°11.16′N, 26°31.04′E), East Creek (GPS: 38°10.92′N, 26°31.24′E), and Nerkis (GPS: 38°10.14′N, 26°31.13′E) E of the bay entrance. Sarpede has to coves, the W creek is used by a religious camp who have built ugly concrete blocks and is less then attractive while the E cove is more attractive but it is dominated by large high tension power lines which spoil its natural beauty. Nerkis is much more attractive and isolated, but with a strong meltemi it can develop a very uncomfortable swell.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • August 2004 --Istioploos 14:56, 13 June 2008 (MDT)
Chart of Sarpede Liman - Chartlet
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Mersin Körfesi

GPS: 38°12.1′N, 26°26.3′E

This is a large enclosed bay SE of Agriler Liman.                                                         

Satellite View of Mersin Körfesi - Chartlet
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Agriler Liman

Chart of Agriler Liman - Chartlet
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GPS: 38°14.5′N, 26°23.2′E
A large bay 7.5 M from Ak Burun. It is reputed to be the windsurfing capital of Turkey. On the NW side there is a new small shipyard and marina.

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:

  • August 2004 --Istioploos 14:56, 13 June 2008 (MDT)

Routes/Passages To/From

Popular passages/routes, timing, etc.

Tourism & things to do ashore


The ancient city of Teos with a Temple of Dionysus, Acropolis walls, theater, and ancient harbor.

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

  • Fuel - In Siğacik
  • Water - On the pier in Siğacik
  • Electricity - Possible on the pier in Siğacik but connections not very reliable or well grounded.


Grocery & Supply Stores


  • Several restaurants, some upscale, in Siğacik



Motorbike & Car Rentals


Marine Stores & Facilities




Taxi from Siğacik to Izmir.

References & Publications

See Turkey.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

List links to discussion threads on the Cruiser Log Forum

External Links

Links to relevant websites.

Personal Notes

Personal experiences?

Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

See individual ports in this page.


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