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Clipperton Island
Palms on Clipperton Island
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Clipperton Island (French: Ile de Clipperton or Ile de la Passion) is a nine-square-kilometre coral atoll in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, southwest of Mexico and west of Costa Rica, at 10°18′N 109°13′W. It has no permanent inhabitants. It has a sui generis status as an overseas possession of France under the direct authority of the French government.

'Clipperton Island lies about 945 km (587 mi, 510 nmi) from Socorro island in the Revillagigedo archipelago, Mexico, the nearest land. The ring-shaped island has completely enclosed its lagoon for approximately a century and is 12 km in circumference. The lagoon has some deep basins (−43 m, −22 m) and one deep spot (Trou-Sans-Fond, meaning "bottomless hole") with acidic water (sulphuric acid) at the bottom and is stagnant. The lagoon is devoid of fish. Clipperton Rock, at 29 m, is the highest point. It is a volcanic outcrop located in the southeast.


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Climate and Weather

The island has a tropical oceanic climate, with average temperatures of 20–32 °C (68–90 °F). The rainy season occurs May–October, and the island is subject to tropical storms. Surrounding ocean waters are warm, pushed by equatorial and counter-equatorial currents.

Permissions and Resrictions

Routes to/from

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There is no harbour on the island, the only option is to anchor offshore (the south west side has been sited as the best location) and go in using a dinghy. This can be dangerous since the surf often is very rough as the waves break against the surrounding coral reefs.

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