La Coruna

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La Coruña, Spain (Port of Entry)

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43°21.82′N, 08°22.07′W
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La Coruña (in Galician A Coruña) is Galicia's second largest port and was the region's capital for over four centuries before Santiaga de Compostella took over the role in 1982. One theory of the origins of its name is from the prominent landmark of Torre de Hercules, a 2nd century AD Roman lighthouse at the end of the peninsula on which the original pre-Roman settlement was built (Latin: columna = column). The town prospered during the Roman era and was even visited by Julius Caesar, but declined after the fall of Rome and was subjected to attacks from invaders such as the Vikings and Normans right up to the late Middle Ages. From the 12th century onwards a process of slow recovery began and La Coruña became the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia in 1563. The strategic importance of the harbour is reflected in subsequent efforts to secure it, by an English fleet under Sir Francis Drake in 1589 (unsuccessful) and a later French army in 1809 (successful), when the British expeditionary force was evacuated from the port following the Battle of Corunna during the Peninsular War. However, the city took up arms and expelled the French only five months later. In the seventy years since the end of the Spanish Civil War, La Coruña has seen an exponential increase in population with the city's increasing industrialisation to today's total of nearly quarter of a million. During the peak tourist season of July and August, this total more than doubles, with the region's excellent beaches and investment in tourist infrastructure being the main attraction. The old town is famous for its characteristic glassed-in balconies, called galerías, which are reminiscent of the stern galleries of 19th century wooden warships and are a very practical solution for the frequent rainy days of winter. For the cruising yachtsman, La Coruña is a good staging post for a passage across the Bay of Biscay and offers marina berths in two separate basins (with a third under construction) as well as a sheltered anchorage inside the long Dique de Abrigo (breakwater) at the entrance.

The Darsena Deportiva Marina in the old town
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The new Marina A Coruña
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Approach and Navigation

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Check-in facilities (Customs and Immigration)

There are three (and possibly four) options for yachts arriving in the harbour:

1. The smart new Marina a Coruña to starboard on passing the end of the breakwater. Call on VHF channel 09 or telephone: +34 881 920482. E-mail: [email protected].

2. The Darsena Deportiva de la Coruña in the former fishing harbour of the old town a mile to the west of the breakwater. Call on VHF channel 09 or telephone: +34 981 914142. E-mail: [email protected].

3. Alternatively, a yacht can anchor inside the breakwater clear of the mooring buoys wherever there is space.

4. A third marina with a total of 350 berths is now almost complete in the Darsena de Oza 43°20.9′N, 08°23′W, run by the Club Maritimo de Oza, and may offer a fourth option (details needed).

Offshore Islands and Groups


Marinas & Yacht Clubs

  • Marina a Coruña ( is a new 700-berth marina situated at the root of the breakwater at the entrance to the harbour, between it to the north and the castle of San Anton to the south. It is now a privately run marina and no longer associated with the Real Club Nautico de La Coruna. Yachts berth where directed on finger pontoons protected from swell by two long wavebreak pontoons. Maximum length 30 metres. The facilities are reportedly excellent here. Water and electricity. Toilets and showers. Fuel berth. Laundry. Chandlery. Supermarket. Cashpoint. WiFi (free). Associated yard of Marina Seca about one mile to the south at Oza ( has travel hoist and all maintenance and repair facilities.
  • Darsena Deportiva de la Coruña ( is a modern marina (completed 2002) situated in the Darsena de la Marina close to the old town. The two basins have a total of 350 berths (40 for visitors). Maximum length 30 metres. Minimum depth in the marina is 5.0 metres. Water and electricity. Toilets and showers. Laundrette. Fuel berth. Chandlery. Travel lift (32T). Supermarket, banks and pharmacy nearby.
  • Puerto Deportivo El Puntal, Oza ( is a new 350-berth marina developed in the Darsena de Oza, about one mile due south of the breakwater. It is run by the Club Maritimo de Oza (Telephone: +34 618 694 755; e-mail: [email protected]). It is not known if the club accepts visiting yachts (information needed). The yard of Marina Seca (associated with the Marina a Coruña) is also located here.
  • Note: a further marina is situated at Sada in the Ria De Betanzos 10 miles to the east.


  • Anchor in the lee of the breakwater in 5.0 - 8.0 metres.
  • Anchorage in bay of Mera two miles to NE of breakwater? (Details needed)

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

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Yard facilities at both marinas. Marina a Coruña appears to offer a wider range of maintenance and repair skills through its associated company Marina Seca .

Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Fuel at both marinas. Water and electricity on pontoons at both marinas.

Tourism and Things to do Ashore


The old town of La Coruña is most attractive, with its glass-fronted galerías lining the harbour and atmospheric narrow streets winding behind it. There are several interesting churches worth visiting, such as the 12th century Iglesia Santiago, the 15th century Iglesia de Santa Maria del Campo and the 18th century Baroque church of San Jorge near the main square of Maria Pita. A walk along the peninsula to the Tower of Hercules, originally constructed by the Romans in the 2nd century AD, is a must to inspect this symbol of the city (it even features on the municipal coat of arms). For a fee, you can climb the interior staircase to see the wonderful views from the gallery at the top.

Grocery & Supply Stores

Several supermarkets and chandlery-type shops in the old town.


  • Calle de Franja near Maria Pita square has some good fish restaurants.
  • Rey de Jamon, a small characterful bar at the top of Calle de Franja, is a great place for lunch, surrounded by air-curing hams.


In the Marina a Coruña.


At both marinas.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Numerous outlets in the old town.

Garbage Disposal

Bins at the marinas.


Transportation (local and/or international)

Routes/Passages To/From

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Cruiser's Friends

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References & Publications

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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

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