Port Cygnet

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Port Cygnet, Tasmania

Port Cygnet
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Cygnet is a thriving country town about one hours drive south of Hobart. It lies at the head of Port Cygnet, a deep bay on the northern side of the mouth of the Huon River. Once you head south of Hobart, it is the only place where you can do a full restock of ships stores while in a secure anchorage. Cygnet is an excellent base from which to explore the lower D'Entrecasteaux Channel and Bruny Island. It is also a good base from which to set off to Tasmania's west coast and, in particular, Port Davey. International cruising boats are an increasingly common sight in the anchorage.

It is a 15 minute walk from the vicinity of the yacht club into the town. There is a daily bus service into Hobart.

Cruising the region

Nearby cruising grounds include:

  • Bruny Island (especially the area of Great Taylors Bay)
  • Huon River (see Port Huon)
  • The whole of the D'Entrecasteaux Channel
  • Dover
  • Southport
  • Recherche Bay

This provides a huge cruising area in a relatively small area of sheltered waterways.

Sadly, a large number of fish farms dominate the whole area and some caution is required to avoid them. Note that apparently slow moving fishing boats may be towing a fish pen and this may not be obvious in poor light. Needless to say, any attempt to cross behind such fishing boats is likely to be fraught.

Local Weather

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Radio Nets

Also see World Cruiser's Nets

Approach and Navigation

Port Cygnet is wide and free from dangers apart from moored boats and the large fish farm near the mouth of the bay. Do not continue passed the moored boats at the head of the bay as this area consists of tidal mud flats.

Check-in facilities (for Customs and Immigration)

Not applicable - you must go to Hobart.

Offshore Islands and Groups

List Islands

Marinas & Yacht Clubs

Port Cygnet Sailing Club
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  • No marina
  • Port Cygnet Sailing Club is a very active sailing club. Club members welcome visiting yachts. There are toilets at the yacht club. It may be possible to access club showers - contact the club. There are two slipways, one of which should be able to handle boats up to about 12 tons and 12 metres length.
  • If you are considering a longer stay in the area, the yacht club may be able to find a spare mooring for you.


Most good bays in the vicinty have either moored boats or fish farms in them, but good anchorages can still be found.

  • The head of the bay is full of moored boats, but anchorage can be found south of these boats in the vicinity of the public jetty. The bottom is thick mud. Dinghies can be left at the small jetty by the launching ramp, at the public jetty or at the yacht club. Very strong southerlies can make this anchorage untenable, but otherwise, it is very sheltered. Make sure your insect screens are in good condition as the local mosquitoes are very aggressive in the evening.
  • Copper Alley Bay provides good anchorage outside the moorings. Beware of the shoal area to the north of the moorings.
  • Deep Bay would be a good anchorage in easterly conditions, but is exposed to westerlies.

Yacht Repairs and Services

Marine Stores

Submit addresses and contact details of marine related businesses that are of interest to cruisers.


Fuel, Water, & Electricity

Would need to be hauled from fuel stations in Cygnet township.
water is available at the public jetty
power is available at the public jetty.

Things to do Ashore


List places of interest, tours, etc.

  • [The Cygnet Folk Festival] is an annual event, around the end of the first week of January. This festival attracts performers from all over the world and dominates the town for the whole weekend. It is really worth timing your cruise to southern Tasmania for this festival.

Grocery & Supply Stores

  • There are 2 supermarkets, two butchers, 3 hotels, a bakery, a hardware store, two service stations and a regular local market.





  • There is a laundromat next door to the newsagent.

Motorbike & Car Rentals

Garbage Disposal

There are small bins at the public jetty and at the launching ramp.


Transportation (local and/or international)

Routes/Passages To/From

Popular passages/routes, timing, etc.

Cruiser's Friends

Contact details of "Cruiser's Friends" that can be contacted for local information or assistance.

Forum Discussions

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External Links

Links to relevant websites.

References & Publications

Publications, Guides, etc.

Personal Notes

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Last Visited & Details Checked (and updated here)

Date of member's visit to this Port/Stop & this page's details validated:


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Names: Pedro

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